One of those

Take the test and post your original results

Attached: global-style.png (635x690, 33K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Post the test, you fag

Yes i agree also post teh test fehgg


Attached: REEeee.png (32x32, 3K)

fucking idiot nigger OP

>serves overlord that needs fagtards to post datamining tests to mine data
>doesn't post the link to datamining test
Fucking retard faggot, i would have taken it

Sorry about that

Thank you, fagtard. Enjoy the data.

This website looks so scuffed and sketchy. Not taking it.

>105 fucking questions
I done enough of that shit to last me a life time


Attached: global-style.png (635x690, 35K)

It just kinda gave me a non-typing.

Attached: wew.png (886x678, 39K)

It's a butterfly!

Attached: Screenshot (203).png (785x806, 95K)

Here's for your collage project, OP

Attached: Datamine.png (735x673, 34K)

i dont know what half of these words mean but okay

Attached: test.png (653x611, 39K)

it says i clicked agree too many times

Attached: global-style.png (635x690, 35K)

I wish it was more clear as to what is gay about me

Attached: oh fuck.png (674x655, 36K)

Here you go

Attached: Mental_health.png (628x630, 35K)

wut does this mean bros? what am i?

Attached: cutmylifeintopieces.png (788x696, 36K)

Wikipedia is your friend

A liar

not as bad as some of you poor fuckers, i wish you all the best

Attached: global-style.png (635x690, 37K)


Attached: global-style.png (635x690, 35K)

0% Sadistic
Who else here /niceboys/

Attached: Hypomaniac.png (696x660, 34K)

I'm sorry? Am I not supposed to mess with your data mining toy?

Excellent work user show this jew who's the boss around here

Attached: 307123qw.jpg (680x591, 34K)

How's this? Along with a INTP personality mind you!

Attached: Screenshot_20190407-201315.png (720x1280, 117K)

INFP but fuck these tests. Psychology is the Economics of the sciences, pseudo self-indulgent bullshit that thinks it's higher class than philosophy

Compared to everyone else (so far anyways) I guess I'm mellow

Attached: Screenshot_20190407-203455.jpg (1440x1380, 254K)

INFJ with diagnosed OCD and a very bad case of it (not so much with handwashing and stuff like that, more with thinking certain thoughts about what I should do or not do or about what will happen)

Attached: idrlabs personality style.png (791x819, 84K)

hm m ok

Attached: global-style.png (635x690, 35K)

Should I retake the test?

Attached: multiple.png (763x881, 126K)

Have fun with my data faggot.

Attached: global-style.png (435x473, 38K)

Heres my data goyim. Hope my shitty fucked up mind helps with your dirty jew research

Attached: global-style.png (635x690, 34K)