Not really a bully but legitly got this dyel asian to wipe my ass for me.
>in gym lockerroom after legday about to take glorious post workout shit >in walks one other person in lockerroom >yup dyel asian >take fake arm cast out of my locker >put fake cast on arm >go to stall to activate bankai >hear dyel asian still in my gym lockerroom >tell him I broke my arm and need someone to help me wipe >he reluctantly agrees as I can be pretty convincing >he kept gagging the whole time but didn't complain and surprisingly does 10/10 job like he's done it before >after he's done I stand up and thank him as I take the fake cast off and put it back in my locker >"Haha you wipe me long time thanks jackie chan, you better be back here tomorrow at the same time to perform your duties."
Asians are peasant race he probably wont show up for long time because he was embrassed for not doing his slave duty right.
Visit his family and tell them what happen they will punish him.
Hudson Ramirez
you should have put on your cast and got him to write your OP, then it might have had a chance of being decent
Angel Mitchell
Not really a bully but me and this asian dyel at the gym play this little game. There's this dyel asian with a little dick that is so small (like all asians) it just pisses me off. Not really a bully but I have this prank I'll do to him sometimes. I watched him enter his combination into his combo lock a couple of times. Once I got his code, I'm off to the games. What I do is I wait until he grabs his towel and goes to shower. Then I'll take all of his clothes and walk out to my car and put them all in my trunk. I've done this so many times my trunk is full of like a weeks worth of dyel asian clothes. Next I walk back and find a spot to watch with a good view. Lol then he has to walk out of the lockerroom in just a towel and leave the gym through the lobby. Bonus points if he's late for work after an early morning session. I'm always out in the lobby sitting on the couch laughing my ass off when he comes out. I think he knows it's me because every time I'm always there laughing but he hasn't said shit to me. Guess he is a sore loser that he loses our game.
Mason Bell
>lets larp about Asians instead of blacks today. Not like we can have sex or anything
Brody Rodriguez
I had sex this morning.
Justin Cox
Me and my boys showed up to the boneyard to do some squats and there was this dyel asian kid on our rack squatting like 95lbs. We all approached him and he started to pack up all of his stuff but I stopped him and said "Oh nah it's okay bud, you can work in with us." Then I loaded up a couple of plates on each side, smirked and said "Better yet, why don't we work in with you??" He looked confused and nervous. I nodded at one of my boys and he loaded up 3 more plates on one side. I picked up the dyel kid and put him on the bar ass first on the other side (he weighs roughly 135lbs) and me and my bros took turns squatting him for reps. A couple of qt cardio bunnies walked by and were laughing their asses off watching him go up and down. He looked like he was actually getting a workout, he was sweating like crazy. Haven't seen him since.
This whole thread is depressing. I hope you autists some day get relieved of the suffering that is your lives.
Henry Lopez
Hey Big P we got a couple of live ones over here.
Carson Davis
Leo Peterson
Jonathan Phillips
Zachary Ross
You all make me sick this is messed up and racist shame on you. Be a buddy not a bully
Jaxson Nelson
lmao, i remember this pasta
Thomas Watson
this board has gone to shit
Juan Morris
the only people ive seen that are racist towards asians are rednecks that drink beer every night by a camp fire. Most of which live in trailers. But at the same time i have seen a lot of rednecks get along with asians really well.
Josiah Reyes
oh and also middle school children.
Leo Rodriguez
based and redPilled
Luke Walker
I'm an Asian twink. Want my musclebound white best friend who introduced me to the gym to dominate me like that. Any tips?