Did i make it faggots?
Did i make it faggots?
you sure made it being a faggot
got me now i commit not living
>manlet bobble head proportions
I mean you're objectively a manlet, and I'd bet $1000 you end up doing some sort of Wolverine Cosplay (if you haven't already) but kudos brah.
Nice size and definition.
from the neck down yes
you have a basedboy face
Cheers man, wolverines a bad ass
Suk me off
But you need to be at least a foot taller to stop people laughing at you behind your back...
how did you post the thumbnail before the full pic?
I didn't even shop your bellybutton away wtf
Now you see, the idea here is that you should triple the quantity of your nipples.
The effect is twofold.
Primarily, the nipples achieve a more balanced look to your body. Human psychology dictates that the most striking part of your torso would be your muscles or lack thereof, followed by your nipples. Since you fall in the latter category, it is advisable that you direct the movement of the eyes in an aesthetically pleasing manner. Multiplying your available udders by three achieves this. The addition of four nipples also creates a streamlined appearance, with them proceeding in an inward fashion as looks are provided downward on your chest.
Secondly, the addition of 4 nipples allows you to emulate the great guru Xavier, whom which has his teachings widely propagated by the documentary known as “Xavier Renegade Angel”. Allowing for this physical alteration provides philosophical insight on an extremely complex level. Comprehension of concepts like “fate”, “destiny” or “fatestinatey” becomes mere child’s play. Should you value your spiritual growth, this would make an indispensable enhancement to your physical form
I cannot emphasise the paramount importance of this enrichment to your being. I wish you all the best in your exploits,
>oh young one who does not use CBT or QTDDTOT.
bc obviously it's not him, just some gay dude who refused to suck OP's micropenis
By selecting the thumbnail by accident first?
Lol it is me?
Lol wut, defo my new tinder pic
So if i was 6 10? Hahaa yh that be great man
This is an FTM, right?
Fix your posture. Holy posterior rotation fuck.
How so?
you look muscular congrats but lose the choker forever
Post height
5 10
do something with your face now
Terminal gayface
Like what
still a manlet
you have 5' 7" proportions
Dude. Rows and facepulls. Overhead work. Holy shit your scapulae.
He has an attractive face
Nipple user, i summon thee
I do a lot of o h p and rows but dont have access to face pull. Can i sort out my protruding shoulder blades with these two alone?
I'm honestly not sure, there's something about your face that simultaneously looks babyface and haggard.
Maybe try ditching the facial hair and getting a better haircut. Rn your hair makes you look like an overgrown furby. Get the sides buzzed and faded into the top (and trim the top) and see how you look.
Female to male tranny
The round face makes me suspicious
Unironically more facepulls.
Get a haircut wolverine, number 1 on the sides and back. It will make you way more attractive.
Eat more BEANS nigga
Do this, might help to grow your beard out more. You look 15 years old and 30 and the same time.