Go to prison

>Go to prison
>"Wassup white boy. I'm your cellie, Tyrone. Turn around and drop dem trousers. I'm gonna have some fun wit dat booty hole"

What do?

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Sure but be warned I am HIV+

Ask him if he's colorblind because I'm not white

Fight and scream at the top of my lungs until I am dead or unconscious. Then try to get pc

Fight for the glory of my yet to be tainted bungus hole

Tell him things are going to be different from here on out.
Tell him to turn around and pull his pants down.

>Aight, im superhiv+ any ways you know ma saying

Prison rape is only a thing in high security prisons. A robot would not go there.

>Why am I in a men's prison?
*looks at his body*
>Why am I complaining?

>Tyrone you dare interrupt my egg making
>Prepare to taste cast iron
>Nothing personal

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>"Sure Tyrone, let me just get something from my pocket fir-"
>*Quickly pull out a shiv and stab him in the neck, killing him*
>"Heh... foolish nigger. Did you really thing you can best me? Ha! I guess I have a cell all by myself now"

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False. It's more common in prisons but still happens less often in jails

> not making first priority on arrival shiv crafting
You're just asking for it unless you're built like a tank

Fight him to the death, strangle him to death with a bed sheet or stranglehold. Better to die, than to get AIDs.

tell on him.
what the fuck else would you do

only if you get me make up girl clothes and a wig. also you would have to protect me.

do this or we dont have a deal.

>implying our cells arent segregated

Have you seen the state of CDC

I'm bigger and blacker than this nigger and I've fucked more whiteboi's girlfriends for sure.

split his mothafuccin wig

I would let him fuck me.
Can you imagine snuggling into his musclely chest at night. While he strokes your hair

Don't go to prison since I'm not a criminal.

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you're white aren't you, user?

They don't hold you or stroke your hair you stupid incel lmao desperate for love faggot

I bench 3 plates and squat 5. Tyrone's gonna be my bitch.

I have a court case coming up and this is my exact fear if the send me to jail. i have long hair and man tits, ill be the biggest bitch on the yard.

point at him and say wtf this nigga gay

As if you need to be guilty of something to get sent up.