Tfw dad tells me that I'm doing nothing with my life and suggests going back to college

>tfw dad tells me that I'm doing nothing with my life and suggests going back to college

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tell him he should have pulled out

Join the military instead you cunt

You could be a SEAL.

Or just go to a trade school. College is a fucking scam.

>Or just go to a trade school. College is a fucking scam

Pretty sure "trade school" is going to be a fucking scam in a few years.

Do you mind explaining to me why yould make such an accusation?

Because when people understand that college are scams and trade schools are not, the same guys that made colleges with scams will move to trade schools

I supooze that just makes the direness of getting into tradeschool more urgent. If i werent enlisting in a month or so ide do it.

Personally I'd got with low level jobs, It's comfy and more than enough if you live cheap

I think it's interesting that there are many spoiled kids who have had easy lives for 18+ years. You have to start somewhere I guess.

Lmfao nigga I work for a living and I live on my own, it was just a conversation that made me feel shitty

Almost as if capitalists are pushing looking to lower wages no matter what you do
>go to college and get this nice job
*job disappears*
>I got an idea! Go to trade school
*secretly planning to automate that good-paying job asap*

SEALs are super saiyan chads

To die for (((them))

get a girlfriend you can make a wife out of, or get a better job. clearly your dad wants you to make something of yourself. and obviously since you had to crawl here to cry about it you at least agree with him a little bit, so don't try to pretend youre happy with the way things are right now because you definitely have the power to change things for the better

dont listen to bootlickers like this faggot if you want to just live comfy and no career then go ahead and pursue your day job as it is.

I did join the military my wife left me and now I am back living with dad with no prospects. Now what mr. fortune teller.

enjoy purgatory on earth retard

how old r u boss

>trade schools are all private companies
>many colleges are public
Sounds like trade schools are the scam. Also, trade schooled people earn less than bachelor's holders, which is absolutely pathetic when you consider that there's people with degrees in women's studies and asians studies bringing the average significantly down for bachelors holders.

And it's very suspicious that they cut out classes to have you graduate faster. Does this mean you won't know how to read or write as well? Do basic math? Since you need to learn less, that means you don't have to be as smart. Looks bad on your resume.

you die to keep the petrodollar afloat my dude not for some retarded conspiracy