Hey anons

I need to move out and go somewhere fairly far away. I live on the east coast of the states in Massachusetts and was wondering if someone knowledgable had a good idea on where to go. Apparently Toledo Ohio is very cheap when it comes to rent and is a good distance away so I was considering going there.

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You could probably find cheaper in the south, just don't come to illinois for the love of god

Haha what's wrong with Illinois?

Come to Florida broe.

Ohio is cheap, but it's full of crack heads and is one of the worse states.

Toledo is kind of a dump. Bigger cities like Columbus Cincinnati Pittsburgh and Indianapolis have much better economies and are still affordable. Having done something similar to you I'd recommend any of those. I'm pretty knowledgeable so feel free to expand on your requirements.

Come to Texas. We're fun. You can own guns here, most people are friendly, it's genuinely a nice place and I'm very happy I left the north east to come here.

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High cost of living, the worst taxes, shit weather, 1/2 of the state is hick central (southern illinois is something else) while the another quarter are ghettos.

We got pizza and museums that's about it


texas is arguably one of the better choices. I live in a spot with a lot of military and port jobs and that means plenty of africans. I'd rather live with hispanics than them imo. At least spics display warning signs before they behead you unlike noggers

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Come down to Atlanta, I love it here.
t. Washingtonian transplant

Any anons here live in LA? I'm thinking about moving there after I graduate but don't know what to expect.

>inb4 people who have never been there start flaming

only respond if you've lived there pls

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fuck toledo, they're just bitchy Michiganites.
if you want to move to Ohio, move to a real Ohio town

ive heard good things about pittsburgh but other than that i have no clue

My best friend lived there for a bit and he absolutely despised it.

The pollution isn't as bad as it used to be but it's in the running. Crime is pretty bad, one wrong turn and you're in the barrio or the hood. Cops are assholes but do their best considering the absolute scum living there. Hot as hell, earthquakes are shocking but nothing after awhile (the big one could happen though). Lots of food choices if you're one of those fags who just has to try Sri Lankan-Uruguayan fusion. Jewish mafia runs the good areas, don't worry if you're not a celebrity.

If you want to live in California, just don't pick the big cities, trust me. LA, SF, Sacramento, Fresno, etc.

hmmm now that I think about it that sounds terrible, thank you anons for waking me up, fuck la I'm never going to move there.

what do you robots think about the midwest? I've played with the idea of moving to minnesota before, but don't know if the less degenerate culture would be worth the horrible weather.

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Come to northern indiana, rent a room from a cheap motel of which we have many, work in a factory that will hire you for $20-$30/hour. Ain't much, but it'sa livin'

that was a fast change of plans user

LA deserves to be ripped right off the face of the earth

I'm thinking of moving to Indiana, Vermont, Oklahoma, or Louisiana, where I have distant family. California is hell and only getting worse. I thought I'd move to the north and escape the Valley but wildfires make me think twice.
How's Valparaiso? My dad's side were part of the initial settlers of Porter County.

maybe from an outside perspective, but in reality I've been debating and thinking about it for a long time, this was just the final straw.

any midwest anons here? would you recommend living there? what's it like?

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I used to live in Needham, MA user. Then I moved out to Amherst for college. Where in MA are you from? May I suggest staying in western MA, or New England, just in case?

PS i could use a new roommate next year lol

how them taxes though.

those are all pretty good choices, as someone who grew up in new england though be prepared for the people to be really liberal/borderline sjw.

Are they open minded enough to accept opposing views? As long as they aren't violently leftist like in California, I'll be okay. I've tried being even slightly honest, like arguing about taxes and government spending in a college class, and I just gave up when everyone shouted me down. If I go to Vermont, it will be the small town of Wells or Poultney. Also, have an elderly uncle and aunt in New Hampshire and my cousin too. He's pretty cool but I haven't seen him since I was little. Do you know anything about Wells/Poultney VT or Keene NH?

idk about those specific towns, but I've been to Vermont and NH multiple times in my life. they're basically totally covered by forest, but have decent skiing if you're into that. nh has good lakes too. the people are very liberal, with some republican parts. they are really hardline, but more likely to be rude or passive aggressive than straight up violent like cali lefties. overall the people are pretty nice, as long as you aren't super overbearing/obvious about your political leanings they will be nice. and even if you are a known non-liberal only certain really crazy feminist old ladies will be outright rude to you, others will just be cold or indifferent. id say overall it's a decent place to live, but the academic/new england pretentiousness/elitism and liberal leanings/arrogance brings it down to below the midwest imo. to each their own though, would still probably be in my top 3 favorite regions in the us to live personally.

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oh should also mention it's very rural, but forested. most parts are pretty poor too, so just be prepared for that. it's still pretty nice though.

7% grocery and shit like that.
It's standard that 25-40% of you're income is taken.
I live on the state line between michigan and indiana, gas is usually cheaper in indiana.

The only thing I hear about Valparaiso is it's college and that's a good thing!
Some tips about the towns next to you though..
Don't go to Gary, you'll get shot.
Don't go to South Bend, you'll get raped and shot.
Good luck friend!

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>talking to people irl
is this some normal fag site now???

Come to Odessa Texas and be my cocksucking roommate. I make 140k at Halliburton and you can suck off my coworkers and contractors for money

I'll do it send me a pic of you

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Tempe, Arizona. lived out of my car for a month, it wasn't too bad, everything is cheap out there.

would unironically move within a month if you could secure me a job in the oilfields. ive only worked in warehouses

Here you go user, but mostly youd be giving mouth service to lots of strange men. Prosties make bank here though. You can make 6 figures if you get good T sucking dick, no joke

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Im not outing my actual name on this board and getting raped but google , , , and

Thanks user. My uncle and aunt were original hippies, straight from Haight.-Ashbury and are very liberal but they have always treated other ideas as valid too, wrong, but valid. I hope most people are like that. As for rural, that's what I'm looking for. I just want to be alone to go fishing and gardening and also play WoW in peace. But I would try making friends too and getting a part-time job since I'll run out of savings eventually.
I've heard about Gary and Valparaiso is pretty close. How is Kokomo? Seems like it has a good history, if you know what I mean. It's between Indiana and New Hampshire, still undecided.

Cincinnati I found tolerable, but Columbus has sucked so far. Too much traffic, too many people, and the fucking parking makes me want to stab my eyes out.

I've heard nothing about Kokomo myself, but taking a cursory glance over it I would say it's pretty good.

I second this. Amherst is comfy if you don't mind the far-left political environment, although I don't know how rent there is.

I just moved to Colorado last year after I turned 18. Got a job at southwest as a ramp agent (they're always hiring). Its pretty easy to find a house that's renting out 500 a month (even less). Jobs pays pretty meh at the beginning but after the 1st year you make quite a bit. Depending on 401k percentage you take home roughly 1800 every month before Bill's and shit

I'll do it but Id only want to be a personal slave baka