Who needs them? Which ones to get? Are they much better than chucks? Running shoes-wearing retards need not reply.
Redpill me on weightlifting shoes
I love my Sabo Power Lifts. maxbarbell.com
0.75" lifted, non-compressible heel and a double strap for just over $100. Super affordable for the quality, considering you could spend 3x that much money on an inferior shoe (e.g., Nike Romaleos). The raised heel took some getting used to, I'd say a few weeks, but it improved my squat to a degree that surprised me. Prior to these, I squatted in flat wrestling shoes. Lifting shoes are so much better.
If you've been squatting flat footed, you may experience some mild pain in your knees or shins the first few weeks of squatting in raise heels. That will go away as your body adapts to the new angles.
I use my Sabos for any squat-like exercises, and keep the wrestling shoes for things like deadlift.
I wear them. Nice for squats but they make me feel like I'm falling forward on stuff like rows so I take off my shoes for those.
paid 100 euro for my new romaleos 2. why would i opt for your solution. he should just wait for a deal and get the romaleos, the best weightlifting shoe out there. dont make the mistake and buy romaleo 3 aka the normie shit shoe
i even deadlift in my romaleos there is no downside on doing so. the mechanics arent changing that much as it would be decisive for your progress
Why do you think that is better do DL in squat shoes?
its not better or bad for you its just convenient + im standing bombproof without having to care about my flat foot. as far as i know you get a little more quad activation by using squat shoes for DL
Bumping because I'm semi curious.
I used to wear boots to the gym because I went right after getting off workes.
Swapped to some converse shoes so I could stop stalling on deadlift and my lift went up by 10lbs.
Not sure if I was just in my head and "feeling" more contact made me push through harder or if it actually helped in a scientific way.
Also curious if there is anything special about shoes made for lifting (never owned a pair for that specific purpose) or if its just flat so you make contact and any flat shoe works.
i bought adidas powerlift 3.1 for 50 euro 3 months ago with only purpose to squat in them and i can say it was really worth it
despite having good mobility my squat always felt awkward in flat shoes with my really long limbs, strained my lower back few times because of not managing to maintain straight posture and pressuing through heels. with weightlifting boots i suddenly felt like my mobility improved by 200%
I have Reebok crossfit lifter plus 2.0. They are very good!
Thanks for the info m8.
Sometimes I get new equipment to try (new foam roller/lacrosse ball, preworkout for hard days, and even new shoes) and I cant tell if they are helping or if I'm just hyped that i got a new thing and am excited to try it which incidentally hypes me hard enough to slam weights up harder then normal (in that sense I guess they are helping, just in a psychological way instead of practical way).
>who needs them
if you have trouble hitting depth and/or staying upright in squats. Everyone doing olympic weightlifting should have a pair.
>which ones to get
Romaleo 2's, adidas leistung
>are they better than chucks
For squats and olympic lifts they are much better. WL shoes can help bench if you have trouble keeping your heels on the floor. For deadlifts, you're much better off with chucks.
I used WL shoes for six years, i squat better without them now, not everyone needs one, and the weight being shifted towards the knee can be a problem for some people.
You can go barefoot. Takes no extra gear and free, what more do you want. You guys like to overcomplicate everything.
if you squat then you need weightlifting shoes unless you want to make 0 gains or do a stupid fat quarter squat aka low bar """"parallel"""" squat
>or do a stupid fat quarter squat aka low bar """"parallel"""" squat
Post squat dyel
i could squat 135lbs and it would still be infinitely more than anyone doing low bar which isn't a squat at all
>muh muh parallel!!!
>i could squat 135lbs and it would still be infinitely more than anyone doing low bar which isn't a squat at all
It's like pottery, this cope is amazing
>can't prove me wrong
when was the last time the olympic games feature a low bar squat category? uhh.... wait are you saying..... only an ATG high bar squat is a real squat? and that low bar is for fat losers with no athleticism? wow.... whoa..... my life has meaning
I'll wear them when I do heavy squats, OL's, or deadlifts. Chuck Taylors are fine for most people
it puts lesser strain on your knee you dipshit
how so?
For me I think I get quad tendinitis more often with them, is this normal?
>weightlifting shoes
>weightlifting shoes
The Olympic games don't feature a high bar ATG squat category you brainlet
high bar squat is the foundation of all olympic weightlifting. nobody quarter squats their snatch. nobody is an obese 500lb amerilard huffing and puffing after a quarter of the way down into a clean and jerk
>high bar squat is the foundation of all olympic weightlifting.
No the front squat is
>nobody quarter squats their snatch
What is a power snatch?
You can see in the video that the bigger knee forward travel puts more pressure on them.
>What is a power snatch?
Something that's not actually a thing.
Just like power lifting involves very little actual lifting.
I lift at home barefoot and dgaf like that
but then again, I'm not a powerlifter
>Something that's not actually a thing.
You really don't know anything, how embarrassing
Watch the video, he explains this
Power snatches are a made up lift, done by GDEs.
Unless you mean hang snatches.
the angle of the leg and the calves is bigger without shoes = more strain on the knee because the lever is bigger, what are you talking about?
>weight lifting shoes
I lift in 10 dollar sandals I bought at CVS. Get caremogged
chucks don't fit me so i use lifting shoes, plain tennis shoes make me lose balance on heavy lifts too easily
used to have romaleos which were ok but they're expensive and the tongue got shredded pretty easily by the laces and the sole became unglued (had them like 2 years)
got some of the nordic lifting ones recently because i read they were pretty good for wider feet (i wear 9.5 4E) which are much more affordable and pretty good so far
Power snatches are programmed when you want to train the snatch movement without stressing the legs as much
Just watch the video man, can you show me something to prove your point?
targets different muscle groups, if I remember correctly more quad focused because of hte angle. Personally I am not a big fan but yeah it can be done obviously.
It's more difficult, maybe that's better in some people's minds.
Shoes are more secure too, some people like that
Also got the adidas powerlifts mot sure if I have the 3.1 or not but anyway there isnt much difference. can basically tell you the same thing, squatting in flat shoes just always felt awkward for me and even keeping balance at the lowest point used to be a bit of an issue. The powerlifts only have a slightly elevated heel not as much as weightlifting shoes but for me it absolutely improved my Squat form. Also they are very good shoes for basically everything you do in the gym as they provide a solid base to stand on. Only thing I dont use them are DL, I mean i have in the past and it can definitely be done I am just not really a big fan of that.
Socks Chad here, dont use shoes for any barbell exercises.
I do cleans in flats and have no problems, but Ive never tried a weightlifting shoe so Idunno
325 3x5 atg and you?
Dont forget to wear your weightlifting gloves and weightlifting purse
>3pl8 squat
Shoeless/beltless my max is 405, 495 with shoes and belt. Low bar powershit squat though, but a 'deep' powershit squat
ATG I'd match you and it will be a cute bro moment
Based and considerate pilled
The upgrade was real when I tossed my shitty sneakers for actual weightlifting shoes. Squatting feels more comfortable and stable.
If you deadlift in shoes you're a retard btw.
Pic related or the leather ones?
Dude who the fuck are you? Not OP, so fuck off.
>scour the internet looking for this discontinued Nike instead of getting a new, available shoe that's even better
Romaleos are super overrated, my man. You're paying for a swoosh when you could be enjoying superior Russian engineering with the Sabo.
I got these as my first weightlifting shoes for a good $80, I don't really wear them outside of leg day because I don't see any point
>Nordic Lifting Powerlifting Shoes
they look to be the same, although mine are just plain black all over
I think I got the same ones. The insoles kept slipping out though and I had to glue them back in.