All the best people commit suicide, why shouldn't I?

All the best people commit suicide, why shouldn't I?

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user, just kill yourself ffs nobody cares

Because you're not the best, I'm sorry user

no one gives a shit faggot
end it you stupid attention whore

could be worse, you could be dead.

You arent one of the best people

Complaining about you shouldnt kill yourself is why you wont kill yourself. Dont be an attention whore user get a job and find some pussy. Get a hobby that isnt Jow Forums and is productive to society. Also pro tip, dont post anime shit like this. Its pretty faggy.

Because you aren't the best.

Mussolini was hung you retard

go fo it user. We can certainly do with less humans. Bonus points if you are non-white too. I'll personally make sure you become white in the afterlife.

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>user, just kill yourself ffs nobody cares
I care

This. Honestly whats so bad in your life that makes you think or even consider suicide as a viable option? What are you so scared of? Did you even try? You fucking coward of you didn't. You kbow whats gunna happen when you kill yourself? You'll wake up and continue to live your "shitty" life until you try to do better for yourself. Nobody is going to fucking save you. You have to do it because nobody but you gives a shit.

Based and blackshirtpilled.

suicide seems like the intellectuals choice at first until you read A Confession by Tolstoy

If you're a girl post discord otherwise good luck user

What is the source of this animated moving picture

The average age of this board is actually 12 isnt it? Join OP in h*ck and neck yourself you little faggot.

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Reincarnation is bullshit. You only get one

Haha shut the fuck new fag if you can't tell what larping is on here you should consider finding a bridge and killing yourself

fugg you really got me XD

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You should in my opinion, I'm going to in the future at least. I'd wait until you're stuck in a wage slave groundhog day to make the change though.
Also it's because the people who don't kill themselves are part of the life cult and are the very ones to help it become unbearable.
Think of braindead hedonist vs disgusted realist.

>gets called out as a 12y old
>replies like a mad 12y old
At least try to pretend that you belong.

"only the good die young". Ok Billy, time to kms. If I can even be considered young anymore. Younger than tomorrow, if I live to see it.

you're not the best yet


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Because you're a big roast beef sandwich, over sized clitorous vagina pussy.

they've lived their lives, you haven't, and probably won't though so good riddance

Even the greatest philosophers didn't really answer that one, OP.

No they don't commit suicide, they accidentally choke on their own vomit.
Is that really something you want to do?

If someone is seriously considering suicide, like not attention seeking. Just get as many credit cards, payday loans etc as you can and go fucking wild - Maybe even gamble it on red or black, if you lose oh well but if you win?

Yea i understand its not about money but you could do some crazy things with a lot of money and it might even reinvigorate you for life

>drug overdose is suicide

also only trannies commit sudoku. true male suicide rates are tiny.

>he's proud of being a boomer

Because there's a chance that aging will be cured in your lifetime, and you will get to survive past the Singularity.

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i feel this and I know the answer

The answer is they could have been better if they stayed longer. Lost a really great colleague to suicide and my best friend. He could have done a lot more

Serial Experiments Lain.

It's some old boomer cartoon about internets or something. The most boring shit I've forced myself to watch in my whole life. Not worth the time tbqhfamilia.

Also, Lainfags are amongst the most pretentious hipsters I've ever seen so don't bother trying to argue with them. They'll just call you names and go back to their circlejerk.

You are not one of the best people. But you can fix this, by becoming a better person and appreciate your life more. Stupid faggot.