what happens when we die? anybody above 22 years of age but still under 30, with at least a few redeemable facial features and of white european heritage can answer this one to me?
What happens when we die? anybody above 22 years of age but still under 30...
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for you, nothing happens. you get nothing.
>We are born again as dog sluts
Enjoy the joy of being filled with hot cum as your hole is plugged by the knott
God punishes you for your many sins
ok but what about you?
Concepts like God, Heaven, Hell, and The existence of the Soul are not mutually dependent on each other. I typically believe there is a universal soul that resides in formless area where the human mind can't perceive as it is an organ that gives conception to ideas and experiences. People yearn for heaven and hell because they provide an ideal sense of justice and explain life as a trial by which humans can acquire a wisdom that immortal souls can not provide themselves.
I assume this is really this is all we are bestowed, and that we go into an oblivion. There's always a chance though that God is jealous and angry so he sends people to eternal damnation. This I feel is a wonderful mechanism for degenerates to come into the fold of decency, having their fear serve them into reflection and contrition for doing reprehensible behavior against their fellow man.
Consciousness is a 5d photonic waveform that collapses as soon as microsecond order reactions cease in the brain. Unless a very sophisticated SQUID array that has not been invented yet is active the waveform will be lost forever.
The material expression of our soul ends and we take form in another body until we find union with God and embody our true eternal form
.t hindu
What was the name of your cyber cult again? I though they shut down.
That sounds like torture. I hate reincarnation. I do not want to go through his hell again. Why would any religion teach that? Are your gods sadistic?
its not a cyber cult, that is biology and quantum mechanics and my original opinion.
>has tits
false advertising
Imagine going to sleep and never waking up.
Can you remember anything before you were born??
It is a constant repeat of death and life over and over again.
As something dies, somethinng is born
I don't know, my guess is either you close your eyes and open them again
or maybe you close your eyes and never open them again until your a skeleton, then you go to hell? Idk. thats what always stops me I'm afraid to know whats next
Op you will die and the great abyss will come for your soul. After all, you are a terrible person.
I can't wait to be reincarnated as a mosquito eating a starving African child.
do you remember what it was like living in the 1800s?
Nope, because you were dead then. It's the exact same thing nothing to be scared about.
based alan watts
I think OP is a great person and he will be given unconditional love on top of every thing. If we're guessing people's lives without any knowledge, that is.
>anybody above 22 years of age but still under 30, with at least a few redeemable facial features and of white european heritage
fuck does this have to do with the thread though
im 22 and in africa, all i hope for is that my death is not lonely and painful, whatever comes after must be tranquil and calm compared to this hell on earth
White people get to wake up and see how well they scored in the "Hell Test" as it is known and their place in the real society is revealed to them, with neat clarketech and shit.
Everyone else is NPC sims to make life harder, as already well know.
the most probable thing is that you begin a new life, as you did with your current one at some point in time
everything fades to black as we cease to exist, with nothing coming afterwards
there doesnt need to always be a continuation - for every beginning there is a definite end
found the nigger
so I'll have the same exact fate as hitler?
in the face of death we are all the same
yes you will