So it’s officially been a week since I last fapped and I’m a lot of easily irritated, violent and angry
Are these a normal side effect of nofap?
So it’s officially been a week since I last fapped and I’m a lot of easily irritated, violent and angry
Obviously. Post nut clarity is what keeps men from going insane and raping and killing folk
Yes, you're experiencing what a normal man is supposed to feel like. This is the power that allowed conquistadors to rape entire empires. Masturbation and porn is a sedative given out freely by the fucking kikes so men will stay passive and wont get angry and start a race war.
Good, now harness that energy into something productive.
Post nose
>implying conquistadores didn’t jack off
They were devout catholics. Stop projecting your own subhuman behaviors and mindset on men that were far better than you.
Oh youre one of those. Cant be my fault x happened, its (((them)))
>implying conquistadores didn't abstain because they understood the new world was crawling with brown cunny
You yet have to understand the whole idea of nofap
I'm half a coomer. I've drank my own cum, I always speak against gays despite being bisexual myself, I know the name of every waifu I jerk off to, I show the duality of man by being half-black and half-white, an atheist who goes to church, a straight faggot, a retard with good grades, I know all I need to about politics which is that jews are bad and I deserve a thousand dollars a month for existing, both my arms are aesthetic as fuark.
>a mulatto is mentally ill
Go figure
Dios Mio
el abominasion
akapost nut clarity is the reason why most men are betas
if devout Catholics don't sin, what's confession there for?
Yes alpha means becoming a sex crazed maniac with an unrelieved erection instead of using your bigger head to think like, oh idk, every civilization ever
You're a dimwitt
>muh dick
>fapping = becoming übermensch civilization
>what is self control
Kill yourself
Youre literally strawman factory tier retarded
Anyone with a normal sex drive knows you get pent up when you dont cum. Get enough pent up men, for example prison or the military, and you got men doing wild shit. If every prisoner had sex everyday, nobody would fight
can i just downgrade to fapping before sleep every night? sorry but my primal urges are too strong
My name is actually Coomer wtf
Indianapolis is the only place with Coomers
Oh ok thanks user.. hmm let's see
Oh this looks like a good video to ingest into my brain!
>Watch while your dad rapes a baby horse and your cousin cums on you
>7mil views
>oy very
Imagine caring that there are people out there not masturbating
Maybe read the part at the bottom where I said "just dont jerk off to incest or furry porn 5x a day"
Omission is a sin asshole
Again, jewsdidit cant fathom the idea his meme is just that; a meme. And I made it bc i hated seeing all you retard nofappers acting like not cumming at all was superior to fucking your gf. Just be normal
>side effect
you're meant to be an aggressive power of nature user
post body i bet you're a fat faggot liberal piece of scum
come on shlomo shouldn't be too hard
watch this subversive kike vanish because his fat ass is taking his hasbara money to the vending machine
Your turn pal
Yes, completely normal. Now channel that rage into something productive
>and he was never seen again
t. Cumbrain
>implying I'm the same guy
Also, you know it's an established fact that they basically run the porn industry right? One doesn't have to be an evil nazi to look that up. Many of the greatest minds in history have been celibate by choice. I'm not saying it's a miracle pill or that it works for everyone, but there absolutely is something you gain from not releasing your sexual energy and transmuting it instead
Jews tend to be business savvy. Porn is a fantastic business to own. Boom, conspiracy solved. Greatest minds? Plenty of great minds were just normal people too. So what? Youre still a loser blaming kikes for your life. Lol at transmuting sexual energy, please be a larp
When did I blame kikes for anything in my life? All I said was oy very because it's fitting lol
I have walls of text too. Im not reading yours but youve seen mine
Quad feed confirms porn industry exists solely to demoralize and weaken men to become subservient good goys.
I am now officially taking control of this thread. Post body faggots. Lets see those nofap gains. I already posted mine
God damn I can smell your stupid through the internet
Cant you faggots just stop watching porn thats the thing the jews really want you to do. I think masturbation without porn can be ok.
21 days of semen retention now, this time its for real
Cool, post body nofapper. Prove its superior
No middle ground. If i wanna watch a black chick get passed around by white dudes or a chick pretend to blow her stepbro idgaf. Only exceptions are weird weird shit like, well you know
>he actually posted body
how new are you lmao
>hes physically superior than me in every way
Haha newbie zomg lol