Cute Asian girl at work turned me down and now avoids me at all costs

>cute Asian girl at work turned me down and now avoids me at all costs.

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You probably deserved to be shot down m80

Either you went for the kill way too early, or you never had a shot to begin with for reasons potentially both at your fault and hers. Pretend like she doesn't exist. Zero eye contact - if it happens,look away nonchalantly and if you want to be devilish, smirk or chuckle.

Otherwise fuck off dude. Women have always been the gatekeepers of sex, I hate it too but that's what it is. Make a woman hate thread instead of blogposting.

Why do you say that user?

I know that feel brah. I do am chronically bereft of my essential need for a qtpi Azn gf.

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She was fun too. It just seemed right because we were talking about boba and then she said something I couldnt hear and left.

We will make it one day user.

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Because he is a bitter asshole.

Women hate threads are fun to sit back and lurk in. Post ? Not so much.

Unless shitflinging was going on his post with his picture would have gotten more (You)s than he will get in this thread. Is there even a woman hate thread up right now? I don't think I saw one. What could have been!

Fuck it women hate thread I guess

Niave White women are the niggers of white people i swear

Dont you guys call those types white trash?

>he fell for the just ask her out meme

she is going to report you for sexual harassment now.

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>make friends with qt petite Asian in class
>Study, eat, and sit by each other for 6mon
>Her work is across the country but we communicate thru WhatsApp and Skype
>Some jelly dude in class told her I just wanted to fuck and that she was a hag
>She deleted/blocked me

Man it fucking sucks. We were good friends too.

>at work
OOF. why would you think this is ok?

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she has chad bf

If it makes you feel better, I asked out this one 5/10 Indonesian girl to prom once in high school and she replied "Oh God, no."
Another time, I asked out a Dominican girl I was friends with and she used the "I have a boyfriend" card, which I knew was bs because I never saw her with one and she never mentioned having one at all before. She never talked to me again afterwards and avoided even acknowledging my existence.
That shit still hurts. I haven't asked out a girl since and never will.

>Girl turns me down subtlety or non directly at work
>Gets upset that I completely isolate/ignore them

I'd rather have them avoid me but not report me to HR.

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Dont give up anonn. Rejection will one day become success. Even if it doesnt I can hang myself knowing I tried.

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>never been turned down or experienced the awkwardness that follows in my entire life.
Man, being a volcel sure is great.

Don't shit where you eat.

you re one of hundreds bugging her,