My therapist is liberal/left wing, although more sensible than others. But she seems to follow identity politics, and believes blacks don't get a fair shake to the extent that it is the sole cause of income inequality. How do I redpill her?

I need some good hard stats, and undeniable arguments.

Attached: 1552380472780.jpg (1200x1600, 105K)

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1) Grab your dad's gun
2) Point it to a temple
3) Pull the trigger
4) Embrace jesus

It's too late, white boi...

i have my own guns though. Which would you use?
I have an ar15, and a shotgun. Buckshot or slug? Hollowpoint or soft point 5.56?

inb4 >5.56

I'd use my m1a but it's a long boy

did you just assume my race and gender

Tell her to go walk through a nice part of town at night and then a bad side of town at night and see how fast it takes her to get raped.

Well it's either Hicks, niggers, meth heads, pimps, spics aka Chicanos, pick your poison. Oh you thought niggers ate the only ones who rape? Lmao. You never been to a ghetto in your life faggot.

lol seething nigger

you're paying per session to change your therapists mind instead of having her help you fix your problems?

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