So Im into week 3 of stronglifts and the app has me at 185 lbs and only 5 reps for deadlifts. Is anything happening? It feels like the only thing getting a workout is my right hand. Should I increase reps or change grips and increase weight?
So Im into week 3 of stronglifts and the app has me at 185 lbs and only 5 reps for deadlifts. Is anything happening...
The first 3-4 weeks are easy. Just wait until you reach week 10. You wish you were dead.
I would stick with double overhand. Then eventually switch to hookgrip.
Why wait 10 weeks to wish you were dead?
you are supossed to switch hands you idiot
>Mixgripfags and their muscular imbalance.
Just do double overhand like a man.
Because you still make gains working submaximally and its better to become accustomed to your program before you go work maximally
It was a suicide joke, user.
Lol wait till you have kids. You cant kill yourself because everyone around you will suffer. That is the true test of being a man. I have a minimum of 14 people that directly would suffer if I died. Indirectly probably thousands.
if using double overhand is limiting you either use straps or mixed grip immediately. dont waste your time trying to get a stronger grip, it will naturally get stronger on its own. if you stick to doh you'll be limiting all the other muscles in exchange for one small muscle
your deadlift is weak and you'll never be strong
Do DOH on warmup sets and mixed grip on work sets. Add grip isolation after your DL workouts
That’s pretty selfish of them.
you're grip is weak and so will you be forever
>lifting a certain weight because an app tells you to instead of because you've been adding as much progressive overload as possible every workout to maximize your gains
what did you mean by this op
>Indirectly probably thousands
your friends on 4channel dont count user :^)
>185lb dl
my best doh is 200kg. Ive used straps for every working set Ive done in the past 2 years
I have about 5000 active patients, probably more. They could find a new doctor, but it would be annoying for them. Another dentist around here killed himself and 10 years later people are still bitching about some procedure he half finished that they never got completed elsewhere.
I would honestly probably take 50 lbs off and do 30 reps if it wasnt for the app. Im scared of deadlifts and would ignore them completely. 185 lbs is nothing but its 185 lbs more than I have ever done.
at 185lbs you should be using double overhand. non negotiable.
Make slightly larger jumps (10-15lbs) until it starts to be challenging, but you can still do the reps without sacrificing form too much.
I started holding the last rep at lockout for a several seconds to hopefully work the grip a little more. It has helped a little bit but I'm sure there are better ways to go about it.
The app jumps 10 lbs every 4 days. Should I be doing something like this in off days?
Try to avoid using straps as long as possible
Double overhand until 225 is very feasible, but if it's killing your workout use chalk or hook grip
Make 5lb jumps
I wouldn't
>if it's killing your workout use chalk
chalk has ZERO effect on your grip strength, it just reduces friction from sweat. it is not something you even need to think about using. there is literally NO reason to ever NOT use chalk. fucking DYEL faggot idiot
>it just reduces friction from sweat
Sweat will make you drop the bar dumbass, no matter how good your grip strength
Post deadlift
yes and that is why chalk has nothing do with grip strength you dumb faggot. if you're not using chalk from whenever you want, including warm up, because you think it's not going to train your grip then you are a dumb DYEL public gym faggot that has no business giving ANYONE advice
>if you're not using chalk from whenever you want, including warm up, because you think it's not going to train your grip
No one said this
Post deadlift you seething autist
>225 is very feasible
>Jow Forums 2019
>Double overhand until 225 is very feasible
>Double overhand
Lean to read
There are no shortage of retarded normies at the gym doing mixed grip all the time from warmup to workset
4pl8+ ackually, which isn't impressive
>talking shit about other’s deadlift numbers
>only pulls 200 kg
>doubleoverhand feasible until 225
>until 225
the absolute state of Jow Forums in 2019. where are the real lifters instead of e-statters and redditors?
no one uses mixed grip dumbass, deadlift is meant to be done double overhand, or hook grip
Are you illiterate?
It's not penultimate, it can still be feasible after 225 just not for everyone. And it's not worth killing progress by stubbornly refusing to use hook grip or mixed
if you think 2plate is even a milestone worth talking about for double overhand, I hope you are a femoid or a tranny.
>where are the real lifters
Post deadlift, I guarantee it's not you
He’s right you fucking idiot.
>t. mixed grip straps professional
are you serious, if you cant fucking hold on to a bar of 225 lbs you might as well stop trying, can you fucking lift your dick or you use straps when you go to piss as well?
>mixed grip
>with straps
Guess how I know you’re a DYEL
>if you cant fucking hold on to a bar of 225 lbs
I can you dumb motherfucker
This whole thread is in the context of OP who has not deadlifted 225 yet, and we're reassuring him it can be done DOH
no dude, as many faggots as there are on Jow Forums, simply posting here does not make a DYEL like you. have fun struggling to grip 225lbs bitch LMAO
>that idiot teenbopper using straps to deadlift 230lbs
He's not wrong. Warmup sets as well as your row/pull variations will take care of grip development
Do 5x5. There's 0 reason to just do one working set. There's MILFs at my gym who do hour long DL classes that start with working to a 5/3RM, then doing lower weight high reps, then a variation. Just an hour of DLs. They recover fine. This fear of actually doing volume with DL is misguided.
are you guys really young? i started doing deadlift for grip strength and i started at 300 overhand
>They recover fine
They're women, they recover better all the time
Post deadlift before you give advice
Well yeah they probably use pussy weight you moron. It’s hardly even a workout unless you’re putting at least 2pl8 on the bar.
Most of them DL more than OP, and while I used the women as the example there's guys as well. Do you seriously think anything for than a set of 5 is too much?
>Do you seriously think anything for than a set of 5 is too much?
Not him, but yes. Minimum effective dose.
When you're improving every 5 days with doing just 1 5RM why do more?
On a PPLxPPL workout, should i DL heavy only once week? I do them on leg workout after squats
no 200kg is my best double overhand. my best deadlift is 270kg
Yeah, do some variation the other day like sldl
>When you're improving every 5 days with doing just 1 5RM why do more?
Because volume drives progress, why do one set when you can do five, still recover perfectly fine and progress more?
>why do one set when you can do five, still recover perfectly fine and progress more?
This doesn't happen as a novice, which OP is currently