Why are women so fucking boring? They're usually not into trading card games, video games, or anime...

Why are women so fucking boring? They're usually not into trading card games, video games, or anime. If they do play games, they're more likely to play single player games (Think Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon or FFVII).

It just doesn't make sense to me. They don't browse the internets unless it's FB/IG, they don't read comics. Granted, all of these activities are "nerd stuff" but it's still fucking fun. Most hobbies are male dominated. Skating, surfing, model fucking plane building. If it wasn't for the male sex drive, women would be sentenced to complete and utter loneliness like most of us are now.

I'm serious. Why aren't girls into cool shit?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I can feel your neckbeard from here

>trading card games, video games, or anime
>cool shit

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From an evolution standpoint, the woman is there to bear children. Knowing this, its reasonable for them to behave the way that they do, because their sole purpose is to attract a mate and to have babies.

Men are high risk high reward. Think of it like rolling a D20. You can get utter shit (1) or complete victory (20). A 20 for a man would be someone highly successful like Ghengis Khan who gets a fuckton of mates. On the other hand most of the trash of society are men too. Women would be like being stuck rolling between 7 and 13. Average. The most successful woman cannot physically mate more than the least successful. They don't need to take risks. This leads to less variation.

What do you do in your spare time, faggot? Fix cars? Build computers? Watch godawful sports? All things that women don't do. If it doesn't involve making yourself pretty, then women aren't interested.

If that was the case, we'd have more "cave-dwelling" females doing things that would involve being in a "cave". Perhaps cooking or weaving baskets or some shit. But that also means they'd have time to fucking play a game. Something to stimulate the mind. But I'm a retard. So what do I know?

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Makes sense, user. Thanks for clearing things up for me.

According to women men are boring. They aren't as talkative, don't do much shopping, don't have a lot of friends and just focus on work.

>animal crossing
>single player

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What's wrong with single player games? I don't have friends? And I like doing things myself.

According to cats, humans are boring. They don't lick themselves, chase rats, or play with colorful fluffy toys. They just pour food into a bowl, stare at flickering lights, and clean their poop.

You don't make friends playing a single player game. They might not be real-life friends, but I have some friends that I've met online 11 years ago and still talk to them. Sometimes all night. There's nothing wrong with single player games. They're just so lonely.

As a male, trading card games, video games, and anime are normie tier hobbies. Just like women who only like watching netflix, shopping, and instagram. Both are boring as fuck people with nothing to talk about.

I did mention other things besides TCG's, gaming, and anime. Like.... Why don't girls have any hobbies besides looking pretty so the can maximize chad penis consumption?

Because they don't have to. There will always be a beta bitch out there ready to suck the fart right out of the womans ass, regardless of how boring or hobyless they are. Can only blame beta bois for this one.

Guilty as charged. uwu

I don't get how normfags are satisfied with their lives. All I ever see them do is hang out with friends, go to parties and shit. The stuff they talk about is always superficial; I'm not saying people need to talk about philosophy, but christ, have some more depth to your personality other than drugs and sex.

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Why are men? Do you honestly think vidya makes you interesting? Who the fuck is this delusional?

Name a few female dominated hobbies besides makeup and yoga.

All humans are boring. You're a boring species.

this, men can theoretically have thousands of children in a single lifetime, women can't even have a hundred. therefore over time there's been selective pressure for males to be more risk taking and women to be more conservative.

say you have 10 males with a risk taking gene and 10 males without it, even if the ones without it each have 2 kids each, all it takes is 1 of the 10 risk taking males to have massive success and have 50 kids for there to be selective pressure for risk taking among males. meanwhile even if a woman is risk taking and largely successful, she'll have 10 kids max while most of the other 10 crap out.

basically there is selective pressure for risk taking in males, and not in females.

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White knight faggots

These are the same person:


>Why are women so boring?
Nobody should have even bothered to come into this thread right there and shame on you OP...for gods sake...they are women

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That's why I'm in the process of taking The Yellow Pill.

Later virgins

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Women never evolved the penchant for many hobbies because they are natural child bearers and caretakers who seek capable men for security of their offspring. Their interests align with social things as they are conducive to their natural role. This is why FB and IG consume them, because they are observation posts to monitor hierarchies, group norms, relationships, etc. and interact directly with them. There are many exceptions to this rule, of course. But the majority are very well aligned to this pattern of behaviour.

You're obviously aiming for Stacys, there are plenty out there with those interests.

>people are boring cause they don't have same interests as me
Realise how stupid you are?

single player games are based, if you play competitive or multiplayer in any form it's more normie than somebody with 3000 hours in animal crossing.

All existence is shit
Fuck Yaldabaoth

1.There are women who are into all these things but there are fewer of the. Also, they do not tend to attend conventions of shit like that. 2. Women in general are more social with one another; they can gossip and chat better than men. 3. Women tend to do better at school/college precisely because they spend time studying instead of wasting time with vidya or any of that shit.

m8 they like girl things like makeup horses and dancing and shit

Videogames doesn't make the player interesting, but videogames are interesting (they have to be) and interesting conversations can develop around them.

What to roasties even do all day?

Their only purpose in life is to give birh, nigger.

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Imagine feeling so high and mighty because you are into the most basic bitch passive consumer hobbies like anime and video games.

You are quite possibly the biggest faggot I've encountered on Jow Forums recently.

desu they dont really have much more of a use than birthing children and raising them

>Most hobbies are male dominated

I mean if you'd make a slight effort to get out of the basement and decide to talk with actual human beings you'd realize how much of a tard you are

>If it wasn't for the male sex drive, women would be sentenced to complete and utter loneliness like most of us are now.

Granted their hobbies, they don't have time to think of loneliness. Unlike you, they have stuff to fulfill in their lives (actually know how to talk with people)

yup. couldnt agree more

I don't think incel venting on Jow Forums should be judgmental of other people's lives.
You can't even get laid ,what do you know about satisfaction in life?

Because women don't have any actual interests other than gaining social attention so their interests are simple imitations that they have chosen to get maximum attention. Women literally cannot comprehend doing something for a reason other than social validation and increasing your friend circle. Look at this roastie who thinks that men play video games to seem interesting. They won't be able to understand that the point of OP's thread is how men seek out things that interest THEM on their own accord because they personally enjoy them; women on the other hand seek out things that make them more interesting to men.