Greek and Roman training

We all know Ancient Greeks were FUCKING ripped, but what would their workouts be like? Lifting boulders, running, calisthenics? A lot of them needed to train for hoplite duty.

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Calisthenics, wrestling , cardio that’s bout it

Pankration and rigorous militia training

Probably mostly running, rowing, wrestling and sparring with blunt weapons. Doubt they would have wasted time building any kind of muscle that wouldnt give them a direct physical advantage in combat

>that one time the greek navy built a trireme for the olympics and got a shitton of olympic rowers together to try and recreate an event from ancient athens where a trireme maintained something like 7 knots for an hour
>the modern team of olympic rowers couldn't maintain 7 knots for longer than a couple minutes
I'm fascinated by this story, were the greeks lying about their speeds? how were they so fucking athletic that modern athletes couldn't match them? here's a link to the story btw:

Attached: 7thcenturyMercian-Saxon.jpg (768x1024, 59K)

the weapons they practiced with were heavier than the real ones they would be using

A typical Roman soldier wasn't "ripped" you dumbass, they were incredibly strong though. Soldiers carried an extra layer of fat around them to protect them from slashing wounds, same with gladiators. They weren't all shredded up like people think they were.

small spaghetti bois who got rekt by mentally retarded german big boiz

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At 7 the warrior would start learning and training wrestling. By 14 boxing. And for those with the size and aggression would start hardcore training for pankration around 21. After a childhood of intense physical training they would be ready for their first battle. In adulthood they would do as this man said
The spartans were not known for their size/strength but for their endurance, discipline and toughness. Other city states like the beotians had larger and burlier warriors. Thats about my knowledge of the Greek training, Also I guess some city states didn't train very hard because all the warrior philosophers like Socrates and Zeno complained about the lazy warrior class of athens in comparison to sparta who made a lifetime of their training.

Do you think they all looked like the statues? Maybe it's news for you but sculptors used multiple models with certain body parts they deemed perfect, so there weren't 'ripped'. Soldiers obviously had to be somewhat fit if they had to march tens of kilometres a day with their equipment, that's not that different from modern armies.

Also no processed food unless you consider bread with no preservatives processed.

Maybe the boat recreated was not as efficient.

After the industrial revolution, society doesn’t spit out athletes like a society that was literally built around military prowess. Selection pressure today is very weak for athleticness. In the past the pressure was a lot more powerful.

>Were the Greeks exaggerating for storytelling and propaganda?

Sex with young boys, of course.

Possible but also highly possible that a culture where:
> genetic selection for athletic prowess was extreme and intense every generation for 1000s of years
> children and adults were training hours a day from infancy
would sometimes result in some godlike athletes

>not knowing the FUCKING ripped meme
Newfags out

They were doing an ancient method called SS and also GOMAD simultaneously.

Attached: 1499680578528.jpg (844x513, 228K)

>children and adults were training hours a day from infancy
Might be something to it. I remember reading some articles about how people who were very physically active from early age had a really easy time with building muscles and pretty much everything that has to do with physique. Compared to those who did not have that upbrining there was a category of "non responders" or basically people who do everything right needed to build muscles but theres little to no results. Anyone interested just google around keywords for the studies.

also not being allowed to do any labor at all (had to have slaves do it) and boar meat

For the nobles, perhaps.

yeah i should have clarified i was talking about the spartans

Don't you mean Sigma Sigma and Gomaddikos?


>doing ΣΣ in current year
>not doing ΠΠΛ
it's like you don't even want to be αἰσθητιkός