Math hate thread

Math hate thread
Show your hate for math

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what the fuck is your problem? math is innocent

Math is such a shitty normalfag subject

can you solve his problem?

without math you wouldn't be able to post this shitpost on 4chins.

have we invented or discovered maths?

Math is great. Have you ever just suddenly been curious as to what number between 1 and 100 multiplied by itself as a percentage gives 100 as an answer? Yesterday that curiosity seized me and I was able to create a quadratic function that gave me the answer. I now know that 61.8 plus 61.8% of 61.8 will give you 100.

Isn't that neat?

math is just codifying relationships => discovered

I have never fucking understood it, and it pisses me off because that's the only assignature that I ALWAYS failed. Hell, I almost didn't complete high school because of mother fucking math, and the worst thing is that the degenerates that teach it are fucking hypocrites that think everyone can do math just because they can. Fuck maths, I don't give a shit if we need 'em, we have fucking calculators.

It's fucking pointless and only enjoyed by human calculators who are better at working with arbitrary numbers than literature
I'm really just jealous that math is a much more marketable skill than literary skill is though

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Thats like saying we discovered language, it is an invention used as a tool to understand certain information.

Literature is surface level information. Anything you can express in words in transient and worthless, a by-product of the human experience. With math you can express eternal truths.

2 + 2 = 4

deal with it faggots

By that logic what you just said could be complete bullshit and any truths as eternal as they could be are as meaningless as the math that expresses them.

no bro normies hate it

>He can't even do math

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based brainlet teens

You'll never understand, because I cannot explain it in words.

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I've been doing math for fun since I was a high school zoomer and I'm going to have a math degree soon.

Math is really nothing but a surrogate hobby. It is just something that intellectual bourgeois-type people do FOR FUN.

These people dedicate their careers to searching for nuggets of symmetry in a vast graveyard of turds. To see what I mean, go find a copy of this book. It's an autistic, agonizing process and it doesn't have any practical purpose.

I wish I could go build a hut in the woods and never think about math again.

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Math is theory and literature intuition. It took intuition to create theories.

Is anyone else here completely unable to do math? Sometimes I have to count things on my fingers because I just cannot track all the variables, I can only just barley do division and multiplication. Im not retarded when it comes to most other things but for some reason my brain just cannot do math properly.

Calculus caused me some trouble and fucked up my life trajectory.


fuk u math

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I don't understand why people have such a negative view of math. It's critically important for nearly every facet of modern life and the foundation of our scientific pursuits. I would urge you people to at least learn some entry level calculus. Learning college math was a fairly rewarding experience for me. All it takes is a graphing calculator.

I understand that we use mental tools to understand the world around us, just because the world around us has certain laws and patterns of logic that we can apply certain methods of logical language to does not mean that that language itself is the inherent logic of the world itself. I understand what you are saying but to say that mathematics itself is the inherent logic of the world does not make sense, because just like you can write down music so someone can understand it and reproduce it on an instrument, it does not mean that the sheet music is itself the music. As in it is a baseline of logic that we can use as a tool of manipulation and understanding for something more transcendental, but it is just that, a tool.

Really I think I agree with what you are saying it as you might understand it yourself, but if we are putting it in writing for anyone to understand it would be better to call it an anthropomorphic reimagining of something else that is fundamental and beyond our normal grasp without a kind of set of rules to play by, that being mathematics.

I blame school

I don't have a problem with math, but fuck me if the notation isn't a clusterfuck in places. It really needs a top-down overhaul.
That identity from Euler's Equation is all flash. = cos(x) + i sin (x) is much prettier, faggot.



Forcing advanced math down our throats when 99% of us won't use it latter in life is fucking retarded. Fuck the education system.

context? wtf is going on

How what?
The first line I wrote down was x(1 + x/100) = 100 and worked from there, if that explains anything.

The idea is to find places to use it. Yeah, you can go your entire life without having to derive a function, but you can also can choose to use it. I at least use algebra when I'm playing video games to figure out ideal ability rotations, solve for accuracy bonuses, and figure out how to best to buy and sell items for profit. If you really wanted to, you can find plenty of places to use college level math.

Oh don't act like you need all those advanced equations to play your silly little video games.

based and checked nerd annihilator poster

Fuck maths. Always been my worst class and people make fun of me sometimes for not knowing basic maths.

Trips of truth wreak their divine wrath once again

You do if you want to calculate drop rates, ability math, use boss drop formulas, or ensure that your merches are going to pan out. You don't need math to play games, but you do if you want to be good at them or know what you're doing.

What the actual fuck is going on here? Fuck.

I said advanced maths not basic algebra you nigger nerd.

Normalfag "fun" of breaking eggs on someone's head on his/her birthday. There's nothing to it.


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only normalniggers and brainlets hate math.

Is this the perfect woman?

math is not the problem, the problem are the cocksucker turbofurfags who drink semen instead of providing explanation and documentation
if it was up to me, i'd crucify them every day until they are motivated enough to do what are they supposed to do

I hate the maths and physics chads at university always pulling all the girls. Where is the love for us classics boys? Fucking nowhere. Fuck mathchads and their whores


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High school math is a load of poopy but late undergraduate/postgrad math is stunningly beautiful. It's basically a completely different field.
If you don't study it you've lost out.

>It's fucking pointless and only enjoyed by human calculators who are better at working with arbitrary numbers than literature
my sides

did you get past 6th grade? math has basically nothing to do with calculators or "working with arbitrary numbers". It's about creativity, insight and invention.

I used to hate math in high school, but lately, the more of it I understand, the more I appreciate it. Especially since math is an abstract concept.

I was always good at math in high school and college. I enjoyed doing it. Hating math is such a brainlet and normalfag thing

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Lel video games are literally math. All programs are.

you have 2 pies, an apple pie (A) and a blueberry pie (B).
You cut up pie A into 4 pieces. Pie A has 4/4 pieces, which is 1 full pie.
You cut up pie B into 6 pieces. You have 6/6 pies, which is also still 1 full pie.
Lets say you eat a slice of pie from A leaving you with 3 out of 4 slices, and want to add pies from pie B to make A a full pie.
we have 3/4 slices from A, and we want to add a number of slices (S) from B to make 1 full pie.
3/4 + S/6 = 1
how many slices of pie from B would you need?

>Why don't you try to make video games user?
>because fucking MATH

you need one and a half slices of B

Oh no no no no

math is the poetry of the universe.
and I say this as an artist, where most of my peers hate and suck balls at math

= 0.1*9 + 0.01*9 + 0.001*9 + ...
= 9*(0.1 + 0.01 + 0.001 + 0.0001 + ...)
= 9*( (1.0 - 0.9) + (0.1 - 0.09) + (0.01 - 0.009) + ... )
= 9*( (1.0 - 0.9 ) + (0.1 - (1.0 - 0.81)) + (0.01 - (0.1 - 0.081)) + (0.001 - (0.01 - 0.0081)) + ... )
= 9*( (1.0 - 0.9 ) + (0.1 + 0.81 - 1.0) + (0.01 + 0.081 - 0.1) + (0.001 + 0.0081 - 0.01) + ... )
= 9*( (1.0 - 0.9 - 1.0) + (0.1 + 0.81 - 0.1) + (0.01 + 0.081 - 0.01) + (0.001 + 0.0081 - 0.001) + ... )
= 9*( 0.9 + 0.81 + 0.081 + 0.0081 + ... )
= 9*9*( 0.1 ) + 9*9*9*( 0.01 + 0.001 + 0.001 + ... )
= 8.1 + (81/10)*0.99999999999......

t. Brainlet who failed Calc I

I'm shit at math but taking any college math class past Calc I gives you a really great appreciation for its elegance. I'm sure upper tier math courses do that even more

that's gonna be me tonight when I get my Calc test back. I took 2 years off before college to make money and now math is like a foreign language again