Warning to fembots, don't date a "robot." I made the mistake of giving once a chance only to get ghosted...

Warning to fembots, don't date a "robot." I made the mistake of giving once a chance only to get ghosted. All moids are the same, virgins are just monsters who haven't been given a chance.

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Also, don't date anyone with brown hair. I made the mistake of giving one a chance only to get ghosted. All people with brown hair are the same.

Brown hair is a physical characteristic with no bearing on someone's personality. Being a robot isn't, if a guy is single it's for a reason.

You dont achieve brown hair by being a dick to every woman you see

Funny how these posts don't really affect me after I have melt downs. I just spent like 20 minutes punching the wall and crying, and this post doesn't make me one bit mad. Usually I'm at least a little irritated at these kinds of shitposts.

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Sounds like you've emotionally exhausted yourself temporarily. Try reading something similar tomorrow after you've had time to recover.

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have you considered that he wasn't the only one at fault here? you knew what you were getting into, if you cant handle the way robots are don't date them because you just can't handle it.

>th-that post isn't true!! robots aren't violent!!
>*punches holes in the wall like a spoiled idiot*


Online "dating" is not dating.

also, fuck OP and fuck most people in this thread

I punched the hard part of the wall so I don't put holes in it. Also, I was mad at a number of things, primarily the fact that I was denied being a normie because of my looks, a feel you will never know.

That's what I feel guilty about. Some women have taken an interest in me before, but I know they want commitment to the relationship too. And how can I if both parties can't accept one another for their true selves?

So I always found it better to not lead them on, let the interest die down, and they find someone else. At least it's not as bad as stabbing them in the back further down the line. I've been on both sides of that.

No you're right, I am good looking. All normies are hot. I am one of those people.

Him not starting and carrying every conversations whore. It's just you being an entitled roastie. Maybe try putting effort into relationships instead of sitting back and waiting for all the men to dance and woo you like your the judge of some talent show.

Well, can't be mad at you now. At least you admit I'm right lol

I'm kidding dude, I am fucking ugly with no friends and an abusive family.

Currently having my emotions played with by a robot, can confirm they just want the ego boost but have no interest in mutual caring. Maybe it's just the one I picked that's defective though.

Nah. What you want is a cyborg.
That way your robotness is relatable but at the same time, you're not stick with someone completely misanthropic (which makes you incredibly selfish)

I really doubt you are. I'm an actual 3/10 with acne on my face. Most girls who've told me they're ugly don't even remotely compare to how ugly I am

Why is it always the evil robots that get given a chance?

i'm not a girl, also yeah girls have a lot of tricks to look better. maybe try some of them?

Shut up I'm not a monster I'm just really retarded and ugly

Because that's how the world works, nice guys don't get a single shit.

Because women are retarded and attracted to sociopathic assholes.

Because all robots are evil.

If you marry me I wouldn't be able to ghost you.


Deception. Predators (male and female alike) will put on an act to get something out of you, then cut you loose when they either get what they want or lose interest.

What do they pretend to be?

I'll put on whatever act they do to get a fembot, then treat her with love and kindness for the rest of our lives.

>he ghosted me, what a horrible monster!
I hate people who ghost, but come on now. At least make some shit up about how he left you to chase Stacy or tried to date rape you or something.

I've never been a good liar, so I wouldn't know besides being honest. Pic somewhat related

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He said that he would love me and take care of me.

women should only date robots who given them money and worship them, that should root-out all the evel-doer discord-trannies

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Robots don't do that unless it's for twitch streamers

I'm sorry that happened.
That's a really meaningful thing to say, it's a horrible way to deceive somebody.

brooke made like $50,000; how many (((Females))) here even attempt at fleecing money via cash.me/paypal/venmo outright?

They are too sympathetic to robots, they need to be meaner, could you believe it that one day I saw some bitch on twitter throwing around the terms "e-girl" and "twitch-thot" like she is somehow better and "uwu so kinder to the guyz" like fuckoff just be straight with your intentions of fleecing money from men

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Brooke is a 10/10 thot compared to most of the disgusting smelly girls here lmao.

robots should band together and crowd-fund them hygiene supplies

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I bet I know what the relationship looked like. He was most likely very active, he was always the one to start coversations and was writing 90% of the things in your convos. He felt absolutely no interest from you towards him and started losing his interest and finally ghosted your ass.
Your MUH CHANCE I GAVE him was you being passive as fuck, I know thots who are like that and you are all the same. Pretty sure you also have an instagram you attention seeking whore.

Please don't say nasty things about fembots.
Fembots are nice girls and we should be kind to them.

fembots aren't nice girls. Fembots are goddesses

>tfw one part of me wants a fembot gf, but another part of me knows i probably wouldn't make a good partner for one
>tfw no fembot gf to reassure, love, and respect

Jesus you are such a faggot, please, end it or end yourself.

your fault for putting all your emotional baggage into an internet boyfriend or whatever. People owe you nothing including their attention. It doesn't matter if you have abandonment issues you shouldn't be putting that on everyone else. Get a real life you, and only worry about shit you are in control of.

isn't it past your bedtime, user? mommy will get angry if you stay up any later, wouldn't want to be late for high school would you?

I think the love and affection of a fembot is the most valuable thing in the world.

She looks good enough to warrant getting paid. This isn't accessible to average women. Also she doesnt outright tell them to pay up I think, she manipulates them into it first, I just don't understand how exactly

I want a fembot to be the mother of my children.

people who make this kind of posts should be shot dead

>people who make this kind of posts should be shown love


Ever notice how if you do right now a search on twitter for #findom and notice how the loudest swindlers outright begging are usually the ugliest? It's almost like non-ugly women don't need to plaster their paypal in order to obtain resources from their suitors. Almost like men would throw money for a simple smile or female voice acknowledging them.

>inb4 twitch streamers
most of them are average and not ugly, and I can assure you they beg less than DSP or your standart #givewomenyourmoney lesbian on twitter. See amouranth

Fug off larper
I met one, and even if we didn't meet here, he admitted to posting on r9k. If anything, I was the one who almost ghosted him; he was so keen on getting me that at the start I just felt overwhelmed. It felt too good to be true and I just couldn't figure out what about me was so captivating for him.
We met up for the first time 2 weeks ago and I'm even more infatuated now.

You didn't fuck him yet? Lol

I kind of want to save it for marriage desu, but not sure if I'll have the willpower

nice to know that /r9gay/ is working out for you

>tfw never had a chance to date a fembot and other robots keep fucking things up

Kek stfu stupid retard and get off your v card.

First time I met my fembot ex gf, I ended up eating her out and second night we fucked like rabbits, I took her v card.

I ghosted a girl from Jow Forums. She was the most insufferable cunt that I ever met. It was cool that she liked the same anime, and we had a lot of the same sexual fetishes. The problem was that she wanted my attention at all times. She was also very needy, and I was basically a babysitter for an entitled whiny cunt like OP.

maybe if you talk to him about it he'll understand

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>tfw no fembots within a 500+ mile radius

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I'm female(female) (female) though
It's a valuable thing, user.

Valuable thing? Lmao you think we're in 1950 or smth?

Just get a laid and if they dump you deal with it you femoid

>but not sure if I'll have the willpower
It's a demanding thing to do these days, especially as people get married a lot later in their relationship now.
It's common to be together for several years before marriage.

I think it's more realistic to wait until you've both decided you're committed to the relationship, even if you're not actually married.
I think it's a good thing you want to wait, it'll make sure your relationship has the right foundations.

t. Virgin very beta male

>I'm female(female) (female) though
lemme get that discord "fembot"

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It's a more realistic option for sure. I'll see how things will go, but thank you, user. It most likely won't take years either since we have to move pretty quickly for certain reasons.

This gives me hope.

I got ghosted too I guess.

There were signs though of him being more than displeased with me. Scared too. Still ghosting is not cool.

All men are the same. You think you can trust them then they fuck you.

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It was probably because of your jaypegs.

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How did that even get linked instead of

You're right. We should be going after married couples instead.

you'll just get ghosted like here did

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she already has a bf if you read her post though

>He said that he would love me and take care of me, and he was really handsome.

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He actually wasn't that good looking, he was the same height as me, bald, and kind of babyfaced.

>He actually wasn't that good looking,
oh look, the dumb whore comes here to post this same dumb lie.
here's a protip: if he wasn't handsome, then why don't you date plenty of the ugly robots here who would happily say to you "I love you and I'll take care of you"?

Was his name Brandon?

I never ghosted you nigger what are you talking about?

Where are all the kind ugly robots who want to love and take care of me? Most robots are neets like me.

in a word nah, in more words be gone

Acnecel here too, it gets better make sure to keep washing dat face tho.

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Washing your face won't solve that, it's genetics, just cope lmao

t.never had acne

haha this is why i'm dating someone from r*ddit
it's so much better

dumb frogposter you had it coming

Shut up cunt, as if you fembots don't do the same thing 9/10 times.

ur just ugly and probably boring? lol
work on improving yourself

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Warning to robots
All """fembots""" are cumdumpster whores with an entire bag of dicks in their mouth

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