Based chinks destroying incels

Based chinks destroying incels.

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the fact that i try to make her my girlfriend doesnt mean i want to make her my girlfriend

the incel thing in China and india is a much moire serious thing over there than it is here

Chinese is such a coarse and terrible language.

It's absolutely brutal for rice/poocels

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I prefer chinkcels

decent jaw at least

He looks like Brandon

This is the future capitalists want for everyone. This is what they're shilling for. Literally everyone to be poor and miserable as shit so jeff bezos can put his workers in cages. Nobody can ever give you a good reason for why capitalism should be tolerated, but everyone is supposed to worship it.


shut up monki you dont know anything

See? Keep serving capitalism, slaves! We'll put you in a box (at low low prices!).

i hear greenland doesnt put you in boxes

Ofc all systems have their problems but the main issue today is overpopulation. This planet is not meant for this many people! By 2050 we'll have 10 billion people... that's completely unsustainable.
We have to start sterilizing a portion of the population. Keep global population at 2.5b and I guarantee people's happiness, life expectancy will go up. Not to mention it's good for the planet.

Capitalism encourages actively overpopulation to increase market size and customer base. It often admits it can't exist without continuous growth. We call that cancer.

That was when employees needed workers. Intelligent machines will soon replace them and we'll have to figure out what to do with those people. I would support Andrew Yang's UBI if the people who apply also agree to getting sterilized.

Socialists say the same thing. You can't have a healthy planet and billions of humans too. The absolute bare minimum resources required to keep that many humans alive, at 100% efficiency is still unacceptable.

I promise you this, in a couple of decades capitalism will eat it's self out, in the age of the technological revolution it is becoming more of a hassle to raise kids, many people and couple think "I've got all the stuff I need! (this ofc being phones and what not) Why would I want kids? They cost too much!". We are already seeing the start of this, for example, higher refugee/migration rates, fewer children being born in modern countries, suicide rates, etc.

A revolution is coming, believe me, fren.

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Forgot to add this in the last sentence: This is just one of the reasons why capitalism will be wiped out.


Too bad my best years will all be over by the time mankind gets its shit 1% together. This is why I'm for human extermination. Mankind doesn't deserve to survive.

Exactly why: oashdgjh

Of course, but many other factors come into play no?

1) capitalism has been around since hunter gatherer times when people would come together and trade
2) you r retard

1) capitalism has been around since hunter gatherer times when people would come together and trade

I'm sure that also included putting people in cages and factories as-well

are you actually retarded or are you just pretending?
>making me reply

Chinese incels are cool, more pleasant/smart individuals than their western counterparts.

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Sumeria, cradle of civilization, was essentially communism. There was a ruling class, a soldier class, and a working class, the city you lived in dictated what you would produce.

>takes a break from telling incels they need to try harder to remind incels they're hopeless

you hypocrites aren't people :)

no wonder chinks incels are only incels because males massively outnumber females due to one child policy made worse by culture of dowry and flaunting your wealth to impress women.
western incels are incels primarily because of entitlement and inability to wash their penis.

A Chinese incel will eventually just buy a Russian bride
that's why they are more admirable.

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>blaming capitalism for being an incel
stop shoehorning politics into everything you tanky faggot. get off the internet

sounds like facism...

because it was basically a monarchy, dipshit. facism and communism are closer to monarchy than any alternative.

a million dollars in your hand right now would make you the top 8% in america, the wealthiest nation in the world.

think of all the things you could do with a million dollars, so rich

it was a ruling class of priests, no kings til later

Sounds like a fucking awesome deal desu
Ugly but rich Chinese scores a beauty.

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Except they're incel in china because they make no money, being ugly is the western problem. Really have no idea what you're talking about do you?

>using terms like fascism and communism to describe a bronze era civilization
fucking brainlets

>ruling class of priests
so a monarchy

sumeria has been compared to communism before me look it up

Oh yeah those people are fucked.
Screw them.

by fucking brainlets
Fascism and Communism are post-industrial revolution terms, applying them to anything before that is fucking retarded

>A revolution is coming, believe me, fren.
It really won't. Not the way you imagine it anyways.
All the white people will be gone, then the shitskins will make this planet hell.
Any system can work with white people. The opposite is true of brown people. Just look at any country in South America or Africa. Doesn't matter if they're socialists or capitalists, the country is always unsafe as fuck and no matter where you go someone will be trying to kill you, even the police (or the guys working for the local warlord, in Africa's case. South Americans can at least make a nation that doesn't totally collapse, but that doesn't mean it's safe).
America would be a very safe county to live in if all the minorities weren't there, they cause almost all the violent crime.
When the whites are gone, the planet is gone. The world will be awash with slums and pollution, warfare will be constant and brutal, genocides will be carried out unopposed by NATO or the UN, which will no longer exist. With nukes falling to their hands shortly after the white nations fall, I'd imagine many parts of the planet will be rendered uninhabitable and initial genocides will be far more effective. They will end humanity after we die. And you know what? I'm ok with that. Knowing that they will reap the consequences of their actions puts me at ease.
And between you and me, capitalism isn't at fault, it's that the government enables it and puts few limits on them. It used to be that business trusts and monopolies were put down by the government, to keep it fair, but now trusts pay the government money and they loosen the regulations more. They are all together and act as if they were a monopoly, and they killed capitalism. Consumerism remains.

>chinese incel
>having the money to buy a bride
These are the guys who line up at construction sites waiting for one of their countrymen to die or be maimed so that they can take his place

It would take decades of stability plus the trends of white dna actually being in decline for the white race to disappear. The worry is that the intelligent world won't be able to support 5 billion low iq african monkeys and it will be like a planet of the apes scenario.

>implying women even speak to me

Yeah, it is. A large economy of trade=capitalism.

Birthrates are falling everywhere as of now, and diseases, literal slavery, and war are killing 3 worlders faster then they can move away.

>capitalism isn't at fault, it's that the government enables it and puts few limits on them

The government wouldn't put limits because they would just be hurting themselves (politicians), we undeniably live in an illusion of Democracy (and have been for quite a long time), in reality, it's all tyranny and corporatism.

>People are a little bit more mean to whitey

>Therefore, we're being extinct

I really grasp myself to believe these theories

Chile, Argentina and Uruguay all have lower homicide rates than the USA

>worse than chile and uruguay
wow. just wow.

this guy looks pretty good honestly, his jaw isn't bad

It is pretty amazing that China has managed this population so they dont revolt, highly skilled at government
This is also true

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china families are strong, could be a factor.

haha wow common sense! so based and redpiled!!!

We only need to sterilize Africa and a part of China and maybe some of South America.
The nice countries are not overpopulated

if we stopped producing meat we would be able to grow three times the amount of food we have now, meat is a food costly luxury. freaking out about overpopulation is for low iqs.

>no India
come on

Eh, you need at least money/coins to call it capitalism.
But you are right that capitalism is the natural state of things and other systems are the weird ones

All civilizations rise and fall, to should travel more if you think capitalism is ending just because the west is in decline

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largely because they're doing well economically and have a very effective system for quashing dissent and restricting/monitoring speech. guarantee in a few years, every country on the planet will be installing a similar firewall and social credit system, largely because it's impossible to rule without the consent of the people otherwise

yes, you are right. My main point was indirectly pointing out how retarded it is if anyone complains about someone having kids on a western image board when we are not the problem.

>It is pretty amazing that China has managed this population so they dont revolt
Because the Chinese people don't have the same concepts of "freedom" as Western people and as such they don't demand it like we do. Props to the Chinese government there.

>very effective system for squashing dissent
>sending in the military
yeah you're right the whole world will probably start doing that on its citizens.

they have the concept of freedom they just don't have the destructively entitled sense of individuality instilled in them from birth.

I do not believe that it's just the west, the problem stems from the technological revolution and the industrial one as-well.

To add on to this, it's only dying out very slowly

Had to check, you are right about Chile but wrong about Argentina.
I doubt the numbers, most likely Chile police dont keep good records or dont report crimes they cant solve to keep their numbers of solved crimes looking good. One reason the U.S. is higher on a lot of these things is because we are so good at keeping records.
Of course Chile had a dictator for many years, which is a great way to make a orderly society, of course all your alphas got killed in those roundups (which are not classed as homicides) so there is a trade off.
Anyways I prove my point by saying I am sure you would feel safer walking around at night in US. Ha Chile as long as not a black neighborhood

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no that's exactly what we incels are saying

>Birthrates are falling everywhere as of now

Modernization reduces birthrates, even going back the birthrates across Africa are half of what they were before. If any nation had the level of modernization that the rest of the western world did they'd have the same rates of childbirth

You could arguably apply this across economic classes in your country, poor people generally have more children than the middle class or the rich

That must truly be a worthless fucking existence, jesus. My guess is they're in some rural place or maybe even Africa, far away from civilization. Work, sleep, work, sleep.

Wrong. Pic related is hongkong.
You have no idea how plebeians live in most of the world.

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>western incels are incels primarily because of entitlement and inability to wash their penis.
yeah, just clean your room and wash your pepalier

iPhone workers.
Of course during the Industrial Age in American workers lives were barely better

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capitalism= tyranny

It's taxation for armies so the king can use the people as a chess set. Humans don't need tyranny to cooperate.

Another pic of hongkong metal cage apartments.
Honestly in a weird sick way, as long as you find a wife who is equally poor this life seems okay compared with a loveless western life in a gilded cage, sort of.

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But here is how you live if you dont get a girl. Cage apartments.
This is Hong kong

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Another Hong Kong of workers past the age of being a useful tool

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how do people put up with this

T. Uneducated who has never taken a basic economics course or read any history.
This one is Singapore, 44 men into a 1,300 sq ft apartment. To Singapores credit, this one was illegal

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You can get used to almost anything
>eat like a king shit like a pleb

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If you work really hard you can get a better job and be upgraded to a coffin apartment with walls

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Asians are a compliant, servile peoples

Booze and porn and no alternative

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suicide is an alternative

T. Braindead
The industrial revolution was hardly better here. And things like debt prison
And hole in the ground prisons took care of the ones that complained, and several times when workers striked in America the local sheriff was paid to machine gun the workers dead which is almost unbelievable the first time you learn it

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Yeah, that does happen, but keep in might a lot of these dudes have 10 hour a day jobs.
Work has a way of keeping you busy and giving humans a propose, something we forget. While idles are more likely to off themselves. The robo future will be hell for most humans if they dont have to work

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I cut off the color headings, but the point is China has less suicides than U.S.
And honestly slums (pic related) are worse, at least in the cage apartments you are on the grid, and maybe your kids go to a school, and hell a laptop and wif provides endless entertainment

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Tenement housing New York, 1850s

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This one is the New York one.

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Why are there testicles hanging from the ceiling?

This is why I always laugh when pol posts some old timey photo of some golious Anglo past showing wide clean streets and white people, becuase most of them would have been living lie, this

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I think those are long johns hanging to dry.

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1970, Bradford, England.
And you thought you had bad when you needed to masterbate

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>Dublin, 1968: the 10-child Murphy family, whom the corporation moved into a slum on Benburb Street after Mrs Murphy fell behind on her rent. Photograph: Mirrorpix via Getty

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Britain 1960s

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>10 child
they're not helping themselves

I think Capitalism has many benefits, but late-stage is always the top giga-jews exploiting people and loopholes in laws to accrue more money than they'll ever be able to spend in 200 years because they're slaves who have to see the big number go up.

Yeah the Irish, and Catholics everywhere are the worst

>chinks destroying anyone
lmao a literal race of bug people

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