No matter how many times I tell myself that I'm over it and try to forget, I always come back to Adolf Hitler...

No matter how many times I tell myself that I'm over it and try to forget, I always come back to Adolf Hitler. He was a kind man, a role model. The last bastion of any basic morality and goodness in this horrible, wicked world.

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little Gods

he isn't white though


He is one of the greatest men who ever lived. The last one who ever stood up for what was right.

youre right. im Adolf Hitler

hes just a man that recognized true Whites are the creator race. like me. so im like Adolf Hitler

hitler wasn't really that great, you're just choosing to ignore all the stupid shit he did

adolf didnt need to do a single thing. just needed to remain faithful

His mistakes were far outweighed by the amazing things he did for his country.

>the amazing things he did for his country.

such as?

he rallied the Nation together. but fucked it all up making enemies

>he rallied the Nation together.

ironic then that his actions caused it to be split in half and reduced to the status of a third world country for 40 years

yes. a costly lesson. wage not war, but practice security and Aryan isolationism, to grow like crystals in caverns.

I'm reading a book right now called "Blitzed" about the Nazi's extensive use of (what are now considered) recreational drugs. Apparently Hitler had a celebrity doctor that he found who essentially kept him on a full 24/7/365 regimen of various amphetamines and glucose/vitamin IVs, to the point where Hitler was getting injected 2-3 times a day to keep up with his busy and tumultuous schedule. This guy would more or less shadow Hitler everywhere to ensure that he's always feeling good and all of his needs are

I wish I was a dictator with my own professional drug dealer :(

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Politicians prey on brainlets such as yourself

His short term ideas like rapid industrialization were fairly advanced for his time, but his long term plan for an all Aryan (aka all Germanic ancestry) world was doomed to fail the second he opened his mouth about it. Why? Because you end up alienating 90% of the world population, and they get upset just like anyone else would.

>His short term ideas like rapid industrialization were fairly advanced for his time

you should read Wages of Destruction by Adam Tooze, it goes into some deep detail about these efforts and what they amounted to.

spoiler: hitler's economic miracles were mostly smoke and mirrors and the only real economic success that the third reich achieved was in rearmament...which makes the fact that they lost WW2 even goofier.

Try to set aside the propaganda for just a moment, and look at a map. Germany and Japan, like Israel, which has fuck all to do with muh jews, literally HAD to strike first. The only reason they lasted as long as they did, is because they had to hit first.
>Germany and japan fought like total maniacs, look at all the mean things they did
They were fighting against an enemy that WOULDNT SURRENDER.

Imagine a stand off between police and a gunmen in a building. The gunmen says I will surrender only on the condition that you won't shoot me
The police response:

>Imagine a stand off between police and a gunmen in a building.

this is a pretty good analogy actually

I'll give you that one. It's a shame that such good industrial talent got wasted for something as dumb as a half-assed attempt at world domination.

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honestly America's industrialization beginning around the turn of the century and culminating in the 40's (thanks great depression) is much more fascinating than what germany achieved. there's another Adam Tooze book, "The Deluge", that talks about this. while the rest of the world was wrestling each other in the mud so to speak, the USA was making hockey sticks on graphs of industrial output.

So how come Hitler didn't just go the Franco route and fully secure Germany's boarders and interior first? And then show all the other nations that his policy did work.

And I really do believe that world domination is impossible. Because you have ethnic groups with various ancestral histories who would rather die than be tortured for who they are (tribalism 101). And this is why I believe that trade has had more of a cultural impact in our history (mostly because both sides get positive benefit from it) than wiping out other large tribes by force.

>So how come Hitler didn't just go the Franco route and fully secure Germany's boarders and interior first? And then show all the other nations that his policy did work.

if you read Mein Kampf you'll see why.

or to put it another way, it's sort of like the split between Stalin and Trotsky. Stalin believed in "Socialism In One Country" whereas Trotsky believed in continuous global revolution...Stalin was completely content to sit back and transform the Soviet Union into his ideal country, whereas Trotsky wanted to bring communism to the world. Hitler was like the Trotsky of fascism.

I mean the Americans were the first ones to develop the concepts of interchangeable parts and the modern assembly line. But I think the Germans were also good at perfecting it for maximum production, concept and tooling wise(like the MP40, a balance between rapid mass production and acceptable standards) because they had highly skilled people at the time who understood the concepts as easy as the Alphabet.

>world domination meme

I see what you mean. And I can agree with you on that

I guess that's why he butchered fellow Europeans by the millions, sent his own men to die in pointless conflicts and destroyed European identity forever. What a kind man.

>I think the Germans were also good at perfecting it for maximum production, concept and tooling wise(like the MP40, a balance between rapid mass production and acceptable standards) because they had highly skilled people at the time who understood the concepts as easy as the Alphabet.

there's some truth in what you say but the rest of it is ahistorical. in truth the Germans never really figured out how to centralize production power and create fancy things like interchangeable parts until the very end of the war, at which point they had few resources left with which to take advantage of this newfound knowledge. even things like breaking up the production of U-boats into discrete sections that would later be welded together turned into a colossal failure because German industry was so wedded to the ways of the past - every gun, ship, and vehicle coming off the assembly line was essentially made by individual craftsmen, with each part fit to the vehicle that it went onto. as you can imagine this seriously retarded their ability to churn out the numbers.

contrast this with the USA (and later the Russian) way of doing things where every vehicle shared compatible parts with every other vehicle and nobody had to waste any time fitting anything to anything else...along with the gigantic centralized production facilities where waste was kept to a minimum and production was's a wonder that the German economy didn't collapse sooner than it did. the Third Reich was literally fighting a 1940's war with 1910's production technology.

Germany was also extremely far behind in so many small ways (which turned out to be big ways, later) like radar, electronic warfare, codes and codebreaking, etc. it almost makes you feel sorry for Germany in a way, they were extremely excellent at a few things and completely awful at so many others.

Pole or jew?

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Remember REAL National Socialism has never been tried.

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>Stalin was completely content to sit back and transform the Soviet Union into his ideal country,
>Hitler triggers a war against UK and France by invading Poland
>Stalin invades too
>Nothing happens
>mein kampf
>suicidal war to the death against an enemy that will not accept surrender and indiscriminately murder millions of innocent people in a ruthless struggle to dominate their Eastern rival

Kinda same. Always been a naziboo since like 12. Even though the have killed my degenerate ass on the spot.

hed fit right in /drugfeel/ and /r9gay/


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Hitler wasn't worthy of national socialism

>invaded neutral countries
>ordered the bombing of civilian centres, killing women and children
>sent his own people to their deaths by refusing to let them retreat due to his own pride
>forced 14 year olds and old men to fight whilst he pussied out and killed himself without even fighting to the death

truly based and epic

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He was a failed normie vegetarian beta who killed 6 million people because he was jealous of them.
Grow past age 15, and try posting again.

No? Not even like 10% of the German economy was rearmament until 1939, don't buy into all this smooth brain bullshot retardanon

>invaded neutral countries
UK and France declared war on Germany.
Poland was constantly killing and attacking german citizens in Danzig. Hitler tried a lot of times to find a solution with the Polish government to solve the Danzig problem, but they always refused because the UK pushed for war and assured Poland that they would defend her in case of a german attack.
Hitler invaded Norway because the UK had plans to conquer it and cut off the oil reserves of Germany.
Hitler invaded Holland, Belgium etc, to prevent the UK from setting a base of operations in the North.
>ordered the bombing of civilian centres, killing women and children
Before bombing Warsaw, he gave them 3 warnining and even allowed the women and children to feel the city. For three times the officials in Warsaw refused to surrender, so he bombed the city.
The bombing of London happened only 3 months after the RAF was bombing Berling and other german cities
>sent his own people to their deaths by refusing to let them retreat due to his own pride
Every soldier knew of the dangers of communism and they voluntarily fought to the last bullet. Go look at how they behaved when the war was already lost. Even kids fought to protect their land.
>forced 14 year olds and old men to fight whilst he pussied out and killed himself without even fighting to the death
See above. The Russians were raping and comitting all kind of crimes. The citizens arming themselves to protect again a ruthless enemy is something that has always happened in every war. See the Roman wars, when villagers used to arm themselves and attack the romans, or the ancient chinese wars when the peasants were armed with forks and sticks.

He killed them because they were actively tried(and still are) to sabotage Europe, they supported every communist uprising and degeneracy. Why don't you grow up, fucking brainwashed faggot.

It was war of ideologies. Capitalism,national-socialism and communism simply cannot coexist with each other. That's why Cold war started immediately after nazis were defeated.

Why don't you stop blaming Jews for earning minimum wage, Cletus?
Why don't you do something that makes you feel accomplished, and good about yourself?
That way, you wouldn't have to bash minorities to feel better about your laughable paycheck, tiny penis, poor hygiene, and disgusting appearance.
But, that won't happen, because you will just keep making excuses, you miserable subhuman.
Enjoy dying alone, pissed off, and poor, you stupid cunt.

Jews are intentionally sabotaging western society because they percieve it as an enemy. Every economic disaster was planned and pushed by jews who own economic and financial power.
Shitskins and mionrities like you are just a useful tool to them, don't think that in a world without the white man, you'll be living better and with more privileges. You will just be a slave to the jewish elite, basically the same way the Soviet regime was structured. The jews at the top didn't work and had all the luxury while the people at the bottom starved.

>Why don't you stop blaming Jews for earning minimum wage, Cletus?
This type of people are usually conservatives and patriots. Basically the only people who actually care about their country. They might hate niggers, but they are not nazis. And yet, you still blame for being the ultimate evil, imbecile.
>Knowing fully what was demanded in character and commitment of each man who stood before me, my chest swelled with pride.
These were no soft-bellied, conservative businessmen assembled for some Masonic mumbodumbo; no loudmouthed, beery rednecks letting off a little ritualized steam about "the goddam niggers"; no pious, frightened churchgoers whining for the guidance or
protection of an anthropomorphic deity. These were real men, White men, men who were now one with me in spirit and
consciousness as well as in blood
>Why don't you do something that makes you feel accomplished, and good about yourself?
Brenton Tarrant did something, i don't see scum like you praising him for his actions.
>That way, you wouldn't have to bash minorities
These minorities are becoming majority in only white nations. These parasites only care about themeselves, they are rarely dissedents they want to live in white countries, but they hate white people. They feel envy and inferior towards them. They contribute nothing. They don't deserve to live in modern world, created by the white people.
>laughable paycheck, tiny penis, poor hygiene, and disgusting appearance.
And yet you post it here, hypocritical faggot.
>But, that won't happen, because you will just keep making excuses
These are not excuses. Canada used to be 98% white back in 1978.

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It was a good idea, tho

His intentions were pure, but well, obviously he made some mistakes such as losing the war

ya, the Germans didn't want to die in Gulags like uncountable Russians did