I used to think my life was a tragedy... now I know it's a comedy

I used to think my life was a tragedy... now I know it's a comedy.


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It's a black comedy

Don't know what that means user.
To expand on my OP, that quote has made made me feel better

Go to sleep user. It is my only true espcape left

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I'm going to bed right now actually.
How can we improve our lives? I feel stuck in mud...

He's comparing life to a Tyler Perry movie because there's so many trannies and the "humor" is derived from making funny sounds.

It's a comedy with tragic elements. Or a tragedy with comedic elements.

>Black comedy, also known as dark comedy or gallows humor, is a comic style that makes light of subject matter that is generally considered taboo, particularly subjects that are normally considered serious or painful to discuss.
Not a native speaker?

It's only a comedy if there's a happy ending.

sadly this is true, my favorite part of the day is when I'm tired enough that I know I'm about to fall asleep. because I know I won't be sentient for the next few hours.

I wonder if that's what being dead is like

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That's weirdly relatable... Sometimes I don't know if I'm happy or it's all just a lie I tell myself.

If you guys are gonna shoot up the theater do it on the second day pls


gamers rise up unironically

They go hand in hand. Think of the masks of muse, Thalia and Melpomene, comedy and tragedy.

>How can we improve our lives?
wrong question..

How can I improve my life?
start there. stop relying on other people.

>not consciously sentient

Oh come on guys. People have it worse than you. There's always someone worse off. People are able to overcome almost anything they set their mind to. Life is what you make of it. If you think positively, your life will be positive, if you think negative then negative life you shall manifest. Sounds easy? Try thinking positive when everything is screaming negative, it ain't easy, but I can say for a certainty that I've been drowning in a sea of despair and self loathing.. which only ended when my mindset did, I fall.. still, but I get back up.

>jst bee urself bro
origi fuckn yikes

it's always been a comedy user! aren't you laughing? HONK HONK!

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>People have it worse than you.

we shouldn't be depressed over our shitty lives because someone somewhere has a worse life? what about the person with the objectively shittiest life on Earth? is it ok for them to be depressed? what does that mean for people who are happy about their lives? are you not allowed to be happy about your life because there are people much better off than you? fuck off naively optimistic normie faggot

Not necessairly: it just have to end on a high note, it could end badly for the protagonist but if he/she mantain hope then it can be considered a comedy

> you copied my exact post from yesterday and added "origgi"

we truly live in a society

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It's a quote from the movie

This. If I want to attention whore about my parents not giving me enough expensive gifts for my birthday, then I have a perfectly valid reason to be depressed.

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