I finaly have my first year of constant Lifting in the gym behind me

i finaly have my first year of constant Lifting in the gym behind me.
But oh boy all the stuff i saw, i was thinking all the Jow Forums gym stories are individual cases, but no its regular stuff.

That manlet with the back full of Bloody acne.
That fucking meme exercises
Curls in the Squat rack
Bench press in the Squat rack
Meme stuff in the Squat rack
That guy using the squat rack for 3/4/5/8//4/3/9 +
Half reps everywhere.
manlets when will they learn?

How was your first year in the gym?

Attached: 1546730381428.jpg (1408x1976, 321K)

Imagine the smell


Nice blogpost

the female half-repping the leg press with 30kg/66lbs

That’s hot

Source of the pic?

lol, op here, thats my GF and my sister. I posted it once by accident on /b/. They both found it funny, since i use it sometimes because for all the crys for that stuff i see every week.

This is a lie since OP is a virgin and a fag.

your gf is your sister?

Holy shit OP please tell me you fucked them both after taking that picture

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Are they Polish? The girl on the right looks turbopolish.


Attached: sauna girls.png (648x870, 166K)

>the guy that actually took all of Jow Forums's memes seriously
holy shit OP, they are memes. Who gives a flying fuck what happened at the gym

>cumbrain thread

Every other girl outside of your parents basement.


Based oldfag

>That manlet with...
>That fucking...
>That guy...
My 1st year at the gym wasn't with retarded people checking all this crap.

Not really

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Just realized i am that manlet with the bloody back acne

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Is it sexual assault if I try to ricochet small bouncy balls off the sidewalk and then up a woman's skirt?

yes. If by accident, no

Entirely intentional, but non-sexual. It's meant as a deterrent to thottery

>but non sexual
just because you say it doesn't mean it isn't. Are you autistic or something?

>holy shit OP, they are memes. Who gives a flying fuck what happened at the gym

>Curls in the Squat rack
>Bench press in the Squat rack
>Meme stuff in the Squat rack
>That guy using the squat rack for 3/4/5/8//4/3/9 +

me, that guy who wants to use the squat rack.

Are breast lump checks sexual?

if you weren't asked to do it, yes.

So spanking a child is sexual?

if its your kid, no. if its not your kid, could be abuse or assault depending on the parents.

Attached: sniffsniffahhhh.gif (228x206, 987K)

Spanking a child is NOT sexual. Getting spanked by a child IS sexual. Adults spanking adults is questionable. Children spanking children is unforgivable. Children spanking animals is forgettable. Animals spanking children is regrettable. Animals spanking adults being spanked by children - check with your local authority. Having your gf's ass slapped by a girthy negroid in the club is cause for celebration. Posting abut spanking while not even having a gf: automatic death sentence.

Which is a lie because this was originally posted on /s/ and you're a faggot

It’s only sexual if your benis is inside the child when you spank it

Attached: 153D9A18-BADD-4936-A66E-9D1A82082374.jpg (470x409, 30K)

>that guy that spent his first year watching other people work out

Attached: 1521484206243.gif (250x277, 1.88M)

okay so today in goignwt talk about the benefits of use the sonar of u want to lose wait.

Sad and pathetic

>Half reps everywhere
Isn't this a bodybuilder thing?

Hahaha. Based Underrated poster.