looool u mirin
Other urls found in this thread:
That form. This has to be bait right?
there's literally nothing wrong with his form
post 85 kg curl
based isis curls
curl harder wormchad
>he’ll break his back soon and we won’t be able to see it because he’ll be in a shitty turk rape baby hospital
So fucking strict
Oly\10 form
If you curl like that on a regular basis I feel bad for u
based sock man
On what storey are you living in your commieblock?
What nation?
how much do you weigh?
looks very unhealthy desu
>what is shoulder compensation
my weight ?? i dont know i just know the barbell weights
based balkan bro
Based balkanbro at it again
this is perfect form
гyyд джoб OП ю'pe aмeйзинг
have sex
seek professional help
This man is ready for the Holy War
BalkanCHAD has ascended and is now become BalkanGIGACHAD. Not gonna lie dude, I made fun of your earlier posts and your god awful form. But you have packed on some serious muscle and looking BEAST bro. You have made it. I'm now a loyal follower and have taken the wormpill. Fuck all these haters: you have built this body in a cramped shithole apartment on a poverty diet. The haters be mirin and jelly as fuck. ALL HAIL BALKANGIGACHAD!!!!
Mirin that reverse grip clean
Si since you didn’t manage to break your back now you wanna snap your biceps tendons?
odakle si sa balkana?
I think there's nothing wrong with a little cheat in your heavy curls, but that looks way too sloppy to be useful in anyway.
aah yes, here comes the dogshit form
from the "chad" of snapville
here comes whitoid infidel from his first world basedplace
holy based
eurobros ww@
amerilards can't compete with this gigachad BEAST
suck some nigger cock, sjw faglord
scum of your kind is lower than the dirt on my soles
mirin dmitri
Show *12 rep
>back muscles and triceps flexing
>skips the negative.
Even if this was proper form that's 0 reps. You have to bring the bar down under control.
He's only playing himself because that's good for zero gains.
He clearly has many gains post your body for comparison strict form copelord
do it with your back against the wall or fuck off
lets see your 85 kg curl
all the people in youtube cheat curling anything over 200 lbs are all of them +400 pound bencher and +600 lbs deadlifters
also all the guys cheat curling anything over 200 lbs are BIG. UNITS or plain bloatlords, op is a ripped twink, idk why the hate to this man...
Is this supermong's slavic cousin?
its supermang final form
Stop spamming your fucking garbage here
>OP t. Pic related
They should be shamed just as much
S lift
>this thread again
You really had the audacity to post this thread on a Friday, with the word "strict", with that webm, while namefagging. Are you proud of yourself?
srbendo koliko bencujes
can you imagine being autistic and retarded that you wear a ski mask to do a lower back curl on video just to post it on a website known for pedophilia?
I don't think he knows what "strict" means. I can power clean 100kgs up and pretend it's a strict curl too, faggot.
Always dressed ready to rob a liquor store I see
serb stronk
Can you imagine being pumped so full of onions that your nipples protrude like pubescent titties and you feel so much seething rage for the based WORMCHAD that you pout about it in a forum known for hating reddit fags?
Somewhere in Eastern Europe judging by the wardrobe and the apparent layout of the room.
how insecure do you have to be to cover your face lmao
webm not related
You look like those dealers drugsinc interview