
Hey Jow Forums
The love of my life recently downloaded Tinder, and she's meeting some guy tomorrow to fuck. She told me all about it, and when I told her my feelings and asked her not to go through with it, she just said that she's sorry but she just doesn't feel that way about me. I've had a bunch of breakups from long term intense relationships, but nothing's ever made me feel bleaker than this.
Anyone else wanna share their stories of complete hopelessness?

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Even my hopelessness thread doesn't get any posts. This is rock bottom for me

You will get one (you) user, fuck this gay world and fuck me and probally you for beeing stupid, thinking that a cute looking girl would also act like a cute looking girl should in our heads.
And then they show that they are giant whores

>love of my life
>she's a typical whore
Serves you right for treating modern women anything other than the cocksluts they are. I know how you feel, Op. Has happened to me numerous times, first time got me in jail. Just realize it's better to beat off and enjoy other pursuits like cooking or working out.

I've just lost so many friends that used to mean so much to me (some still do) and I use to talk to them regularly but now I hardly talk to them and when I do, it seems that the other people have nothing left to say and since they aren't adding anything to the conversation I can't get anywhere with them. I'd do anything to get back to our old chats but I feel that they just don't really like me as a good friend anymore and just an acquaintance.

Your feelings for her will be gone within a few months, year tops. She's not the "love of your life". In a decade you'll barely remember her.

Stop being a crybaby.

Kek have another (you) buddy, sorry your going through that shit.
My first gf cheated on me, showed me you just cant trust women these days.
I've basically become celibate because casual sex is meaningless (I can just jerk off) and you cant find a good, wife material girl that will be faithful.

Anyhoo hope you have a better night my guy. Go jerk your gherkin and wake up early to shoot your gun so you can forget that slut (I'm trying to learn how to shoot accurately at 1 mile just because I can).

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normies getting REKT
i love it

Hi user, OP here, feel like I should listen out to you. Something similar happened to me, and really what happened is that we'd just grown apart. The best thing to do is fine people who remind you of what they were like and hang with them instead.

Thank you guys. At least I know I'll always have you guys. FWIW I really didn't think this would happen... I thought she'd take me over some rando

At least you still have it in you to fall for a woman.

I'm not bad with women. I've had plenty of gf and hookups. But this girl was something special, and she and I were always so close, and I thought we were meant to be together. No other woman can compare. Especially with how fucking destroyed I am that she chose to sleep with some random over me

this, fucking normalfags thinking they have problems. LMAO

I'm sorry, I just had noone else to vent to

Sux m8 but don't let it make your heart dead like mine is.

>finally find virgin gf.
>love her deeply.
>live together.
>aunt kicks me out
>she gets talked into breaking up with me
>get back together.
>breaks up with me again
>tells me she just isn't in love with me anymore.
>try my hardest to keep her around, go on dates, deep calls and texts etc.
>watch as she slowly fades away
>feel hopelessness as I see the love of my life slowly moving out of my life.
>see her at the gym with another guy

Yeah I don't wish this pain on anyone.

Would you rather her ask for an open relationship like mine did ? I sometimes think maybe letting her sleep around would have made her stay. But women will do anything to hurt men in their life. Damn animals

I don't know. I'm dying here picturing her in the arms of another man. I thought she wasn't into that. I could deal with her having boyfriends, with having an emotional connection to other men, even if she was sleeping with them. But this? A purely physical connection? It's so much worse.

Maybe her lusting isn't as bad as her slowly moving out of your life. I would rather her say that she wants to sleep with someone but stay with me than just leaving and blocking me on everything. I know both suck but just know I've felt the pain. Mine left me and got with a new guy very fast. Plus says she loves him.

Have you ever considered Eastern Europe for a bride?

She doesn't wanna move out of my life. She just wants casual sex with someone, and she'd rather have sex with some random than with me.

Not really interested in getting married

If she feels that way then she isn't the one m8.
The true one would be happy with just you. And if she wasn't she wouldn't outsource it

Not OP but I am looking for a slavic qt gf to marry and have kids.

I hate myself. I passed up a chance to be with to be with another girl who also dumped me. Now I've lost everything.
I've been into her since I was 14, thats over 15 years of pining, and in the end it comes to this?

I feel the same OP, you seem like a cool guy so I hope shit turns around for ya. I always enjoy shitposting with you lads.
youtu.be/tYzMYcUty6s (fuck r9k and its meme upload limit).

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Wait i dont get it. Some of you guys are mad that a girl doesnt have feelings towards you?

Well if you love her this much. Maybe this one time lust will pass and you could maybe one day get a double blowjob which is amazing.

Sorry to hear OP. Women are evil and heartless.

Just remember that. My ex even just posted today on IG saying " men love with their eyes. Women love with their ears "
The dumb bitch never listened to me but fell out of love and now loves some fuck boy.

The fall of the world is rooted in women fucking up

I dont know. She's slept with other guys before, and I coped, but knowing she's so attracted to this man that she wants to sleep with him despite barely knowing him... I thought that was something only we had

Ask her why she wants to lust after someone like this. Maybe she is just looking for a bigger dick or a certain type of guy she never had.

My ex told me that she wanted to sleep with at least 5 guys because losing her card to just me I guess would be "too boring" to her. She legit told me this after we had sex and shortly before blocking me on everything.

She claims she wants to be with someone who's a stranger, because she doesn't like how emotionally messy us having sex would be

Yeah i feel you man, last break up for me was tough, probably not tough as you but still, i'm with you
bactually had a suicide attempt when i heard she's going to do mephedrone with one guyrother

Dawg she isn't your gf? Hmmm just stop talking to this thot then. She isn't your gf and is telling you that she wants some other dude....
She friendzoned you dude. Delete her on everything and stop texting her asap.
She will go thru her slut phase and will regret it. Leave now user.

No, she isn't my GF. We dated twice, but I've never felt the way I have about her before. I always thought we'd end up together for good

Cease communication with her immediately, user. The friendzone is a brutal place. Every time you are with her you will be reminded of what you dont have, and that youwill never get it.
This sounds 'extreme' but its objectively the most logical course of action, assuming you care about your mental wellbeing.

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Dude you're killing yourself sticking around. If you haven't had sex with her already you won't ever. But if you guys dated twice before the third time isn't going to change things.

Trust me user I stuck around after my ex broke up with my twice and moved on fast. I still love her and think about her every day. She already has a new guy and moved on fully.

Please don't be like me. Move on and block her. Delete everything. It will save you suffering and pain. She isn't the one. That feeling you have or had is a sign for the next girl dude

I don't know. I think you're right but I don't know if I have the strength to cut her from my life.
Thank you for your advice user, you've been much more valuable then all my "so what if she sleeps with another guy" friends

This. Cut your fucking opportunity losses.

you dumb fucking faggot you should have told whatever and just ignored her. can you honesty tell me that you actually like her? like what the fuck does this girl have that makes her the "love of your life"?

She's beautiful in an overwhelming way, and I've been in love for 15 years

No problem user I've been there and done that. Recently love has royally fucked with me these past 4 to 6 months. I would be in physical pain.

So yes please for your own sake. Delete her number. Unfollow her on everything. Maybe not block her but ghost her asap. She might sleep with that guy and then when she regrets it then she will want to hyu. What you do and what you say at that point is up to you. I can't say it's the right thing to go back but I understand. Even myself. If my ex hmu I would drop the girl I have now whom is way better looking to be with her. Maybe her lusting will make her want to be in a more stable relationship or something. But you will only know if you stop talking to her and slowly start to look at all her faults. Find things you hate about her. The only way to love is to find everything you hate about her. Because once you stop caring about her you'll feel better plus she might come back later wanting you more than ever.
Legit user. Work out, do your hobbies and try to just be happy. She is probably just confused or lost mentally. Let her make the mistakes but you don't have to be there to fix them.

I wish I could have cut my losses before. I would have saved a lot of pain. Thanks for agreeing with me user. Glad to see other dudes gone thru the same things.

Women want a chad who will use them as a fuckhole then throw them away like a worthless trash. They don't want a nice caring beta guy like you

>dubz of truth. All women want to be sluts but never say it or act like it.

You're a great nice guy, I'm sure you'll find someone who loves you some day.

>nice guy
>finding someone who loves you


This is your regular thread on r9k these days: a non-virgin normie whimpering about normie problems. Sad.

These normies cant even comprehend the hell which is to be KHV in your late 20's.

Sorry dude. Pain is relative. Maybe I'm a lot better off than you but to me this feels really raw. Hope things improve for you as well.

Some say it is better to have love and lost than to have never loved at all.

Love has given me great highs and greater lows.
I never been as sad as I've been because of a women.
You aren't missing out on much.


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>I've had a bunch of breakups from long term intense relationships
fuck off

the virgin orbiter vs. the Chad hookup

so you love a woman because she looks good, do you realize how fucking stupid that is?

Stop being her fucking emotional tampon and don't fall in love for women that don't give a fuck about you.


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This is your fucking fault, nigger.
You took way too long to make a move that you put yourself into the friendzone, but let's be honest, even if you made your move on the first weeks she'd likely reject you still but at least you wouldn't build all these expectations and feelings to the point where you're calling her the love of your life, and then it would probably hurt way less than this.
Learn from your mistakes, if you want something with a girl be blunt about it and don't stick around for too much. Also nobody owes you shit in this world, nobody have to stay with you or make you feel better.

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