Post your genetic lottery


>brown eyes
>6in dick
>thin hairline

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how is 6'2" a blessing but 6" a curse? It's basically the same percentile when you look at a bell curve
or are we talking "internet 6 inch" that is actually 5" irl?

>how is 6'2" a blessing

because that's still tall among normies and enough to build some decent muscle natty. 6'3 or more lankets only look good on roids.

Stop watching porn

>blue eyes
>good hair
>not short
>mental illness
>not tall

>big dick
>Solid 9 face
>great hair
>blue eyes
>wide shoulders
>naturally look strong
>might have psychopathy so never really felt fear, and don't understand it

>extreme weakness for anything addictive like alcohol and smoking and sex
>smaller hands then I'd want
>5'10" even tho dad is 6'3"
>most of my height comes from my torso so some fits make me look like i have cotton hill legs

Extreme handsome overload.
Big benis
Thick straight hair

Brown eyes
Olive skin

Wide feet

>wide upper body frame
>6.5" dick
>thick hair
>good traps genetics
>thicc legs even before started lifting

>lower body is wide too
>female type of fat distribution that makes the "8" shape even worse
>early greying hair
>poor eyesight
>weak will so can't cut properly

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Sure, Ivan. Totally not a curse at all

>good hair
>7.5 inch dick
>high iq
>brown eyes
>gain fat easily
>no motivation ever, cant stick to a routine

>Jow Forums forced everyone to selfhate for having brown eyes

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>good face
>blue eyes
>great hair
>great frame and body
>high iq

>blue eyes
>perfect wavy hair
>high iq (math major)
>wide shoulders

>Recessed jaw + crooked teeth
>bad skin
>kind of big legs/thighs/ass

good, shitskin eyes need to be exterminated

Nothing better than Slav genes for strength.
And for not being a faggot.


Who would want shit eyes?

I hope you’re being ironic

>no mental illnesses
>good immune system
>stubborn, will work long and hard to get what I want

Not the greatest genes to build strength or mass, but over many years I've reached an acceptable level in both

Yea, i guess so

>Can easily maintain my physique with very little work or effort on my part
>look so good I easily got a job I LOVE
>I’m fat
>I do it F O R F R E E


>good jaw and hairline
>good eye placement and nose size/form
>exceptional lips
>good body form/naturally accuring powerful vshape


85% of the human population have brown eyes. They’re a dominant trait. Blue eyes are nice, but they’re rare enough in the global population that fretting over it is pointless if you ain’t got it.

>6.5" dick

you chinese bro?

>7in cock
>Thick, light brown hair
>Brown eyes
>Goattier Facial Hair


>blue eyes
>glorious square jaw
>high IQ phenotype
>literally perfect skin, only roids can give me pimples and even then they’re very faint
>for some reason my The Press™ just goes up and up and up while all my other lifts are poverty tier

not the best
>dick only 6’5”x5.4” and i store a very healthy amount of fat over my pubic bone making it look short as hell unless im shredded
>brow ridge kinda halfway between warrior skull and gay alien skull
>meh-tier lower third even with mewing (though its much better than it used to be)

>bad vision
>tranny-tier natty test levels
>i dont have calves i have cow fetuses

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6.5” is well above average for anyone who isn’t plains African by heritage

Not him but I briefly gave a shit about not having blue/green/anything other than brown eyes when I was around 18. It could be a cope, but I learned that brown eyes offer more protection from the sun and blue offers virtually none so now I don’t really care. As far as I’m concerned I’m at an advantage. Take that blue eyes fags, I can stare into the sun longer than you can

Lol, saved, screenshotted, and posting to my greentext themed ig page

>6'0" (a blessing when most dudes here are 5'6")
>pretty face
>thick hair
>green, hunter eyes
>quick witted
>5.5 inches

t. dicklet
average is 7 x 5 bro gl.

yeah but people with brown eyes are NPCs. blue eyes are player characters and green eyes are pmods who do it for free

Blue eyes fag, this is true. Everywhere I go I’m either “shades” or “squints.” Either way, people can’t even tell I have blue eyes from casual interactions.

Lmao this is blatantly false. Does your surname end in “stein” by any chance?

Emerald green eyes
Wide shoulders
Good jawline
I can hear a mouse fart through the wall
No allergies or illnesses

What is hairline, balding since 17
Wide-ass feet that wear out shoes in a month
Need fucking glasses

you misread it. he asked how is a 6" dick a curse and 6'2" height a blessing, if they are both as rare (i.e only about 5% of the population have it)

>8.5 inch cock
>handsome face
>blue eyes
>high iq
>good job

>weak as fuck for height
>gain fat easily
>social anxiety disorder
>8.5 inch cock
>have to use propecia to keep nw1.5
>mild photosensitive epilepsy

I was so close bros. The female attention is nice i guess

>Extremely thick (not curly even slightly) brown hair
>wide af and easy to gain muscle for the most part
>great jawline
>blue eyes
>precisely 7 inch dick

>chubby cheeks regardless of bf%
>below average face imo
>asperger's and add

perfect eyebrows

everything else

>people can’t even tell I have blue eyes from casual interactions.
your eyes aren't blue

>chubby cheeks regardless of bf%
lose weight

>pretty ok face
>good muscle genes, always get mired
>pretty ok genes overall
>multitalented (drawing,skating,guitar,etc.)
>get along with people

>Polish (that’s why I’m a little retarded)
>virgin at 20 years old even though constant sexual attention from females and males
>maybe have personality disorders
>kind of pussy. At work my voice turns very soft when talking to other people sometimes.
>not the best muscle insertions (but hard work makes up for it)
>sometimes autism when speaking to other people and sometimes blush when talking to other people because of unknown reasons.

That’s just a few from the top of my head.

Also I love Petrus.

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why do some retards think 6' or 6'2" is "tall" but at the same time think 6" is "small"?? Do men really lie that much? Here are some example stats:
The average white male is 5'10" in the united states, 5'11"-6' in europe. Taking a standard deviation of ~2", a range of 5'8"-6' is normal in america and a range of 5'9.5"-6'1.5" normal in europe.
Penis size: American studies end up in the 5.2" range, an UK study with 10k sample size (mostly white and black) at 5.3", a german study at 5.5", a nigerian study at 5.3" and a tanzanian study at 5.1" (muh bbc). Also, in the UK study they found the dick size range to be far more narrow than you'd expect, with the majority of dicks being in the 5"-6" range.
A 6'1" height is equivalent to a 6" dick size.

>I don't take threads like this seriously like you masturbating faggots
>I still use this website


dude I was below 7-8% at one point and my cheeks are the exact same size as when I bulked later to like 15-18%, my dad's and grandfather's cheeks are the exact same. I said "regardless of bf%", not "chubby cheeks because I'm at 35% bf%, how can this be"

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>shit frame

That’s the biggest con in your list

These threads are always used for some guy to humble brag to retards online. For example, someone will say:

>9” dick
>9/10 face
>wide frame


Just fuck off you fucking normalfag retards.

>Wide shoulders
>Good jawline
>Hair grows back in 2 weeks

>Chicken calves
>One of my pupils is fucked
>Stuck at 78kg for over 3 years

consume greater quantities

get a haircut, you look like if leafyishere and handsome squidward had an incest baby

It’s because of porn. That’s it.

>9.5" dick
>good face, been told I look like a mix between Francisco Lachowski and David Gandy
>27" bideltoid breadth
>11" wrist
>I get shy when I have to meet new people
>I get angry when people are racist around me

>why do some retards think 6' or 6'2" is "tall" but at the same time think 6" is "small"?
Because of Sex in the City (yes I'm from THAT timeline) and all the porn it gives young men body conciousness issues

porn e-stats are hilarious, Johnny sins is no more than 7" bpel yet people believe he's 10". There's some redpilled blog that exposes porn stat myths, the biggest guys in porn are slightly above 8" (danny d is 8.25" i think and mandingo 8.5")

>brown eyes

That’s what I’m going for. This hairstyle fits me best. Also I look like that guy from american psycho when I pull it back with grease or hairspray

>blue eyes
>nice blond hair
>7/10 face
>in med school near top of my class
>every time i say something stupid or fuck up it ruins my whole day to the point where i constantly think of suicide
Lmao the fuck is wrong with me

>7/10 face
>Sociable and good with people

>Sexual Anxiety
>Uncontrollable Empathic


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K, buddy. I think it’s more that they don’t notice so much as can’t tell. Guess I just worded that poorly.

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pluck your unibrow and pick a straight haircut next time you go to the barber.

>he doesn't merely step over the pit, he walks through it

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oh yeah also
>abuse stimulants to achieve my academic goals
>hyperactive in general and dislike not moving
These things have stopped me from leaving the realm of the skeletons. Love to lift but progress over the years is pretty pathetic due to the low caloric intake

i'm just joking with you mate. it probably has more to do with your facial structure. I went to college with this one girl and the whole took around one year to notice she had blue eyes, because her eyes were very small and her hairstyle kind of covered them.


have sex

>5" benis
>mixed minority
>poor eyesight

>long thicc wavy hair
>don't let my "curses" bring me down and still strive to live a good life

>7.75 x 6 inch dick
>144 IQ
>wide-ish shoulders and good ratio
>got stronger faster than most people
>average face (that's a curse)
>brown eyes
>look slightly brown
>2d:4d ratio is fucked (0.94)
>doomer (runs in the family)

I wish i could

I bet it’d be pretty easy if you pluck your unibrow and pick a straight haircut next time you go to the barber

Blue eyes
Naturally toned
130 IQ
6.5” benis

Grey hair at 19
Permanent dark circles under eyes

Got it

>>brown eyes
in dick
>>thin hairline
Full head of thick hair, but my teeth just refuse to be white and im not even a bong. Feelsbad

user are you almost me?

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fuck the haters, both your hair and unibrow are fine. only things you need to fix is stop being a pussy and get inside a pussy.

Different user here, but if is actually you then pluck those brows, get the Tyler Durden haircut and start slaying pusy or I swear to God I'll beat the shit out of you for being such a faggot

>good: white

>bad: brown

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Holy fuck nigger if you’re a virgin and that’s actually you then you must be a turbo autist

>8" cock
>Naturally lean

>Socially retarded
>Bloat easily
>Almost blind

I pluck my eyebrows but when I work 24/7 i don’t have time for such faggy things like eyebrows also I’m growing out my hair so I can have hair like Steele That haircut I have rn is just transitional.
Thanks man. Someday I will smash

Yeah it’s me. Here’s my physique. I’m only autistic sometimes. Also very introverted.

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>good: brown
>bad: white

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Can someone explain the long hair meme to me, I see a lot of dudes going for it these days

Fuck user you don't look bad at all

Even the 5 oclock shadow suits you
Just pluck the unibrow desu

As for this, very nice. Mirin

>6 ft
>perfect natural tan skin that doesnt get sun burned
>brown eyes that dont squint in daylight
>long thick luscious hair
>great shoulders and jawline
>indomitable stomach can eat anything
>rarely get sick, still work out if I do
>excellent stamina/endurance
>look way stronger than I am
>tested 141 IQ
>6.5” length, 6” girth dick

>thick brutish eyebrow ridge
>round nose
>shit sprinter
>hard to increase strength
>somewhat autistic

It’s basically flexing on bald niggas like you

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>naturally athletic *looking*
>big dick

>not naturally athletic at all, contrary to appearances
>autistic as hell

Wow amazing

Green eyes
High IQ
Very industrial

Intermittent Explosive Disorder
Tiny arms
Brown hair
Inability to finish anything I start

Thanks man. Yeah I know those eyebrows are disgusting but I literally don’t really care because I’m at the point of my life where all I care about is going to work and sleeping. Everything else don’t matter

Normies and fags appropriating death metal culture

>small frame + difficult to hold fat
>huge confidence that comes from thin air
>probably very very unprone to depression

I get that soft voice shit too bro. Really annoying, used to do that shit with my wife. i call it child's voice.

>pic related bone structure
Why live. Taxation is theft, even for lottery winners.

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>Brown eyes
That's the majority of people, faggot

Still have it? The biggest problem is that I don’t even know when I get it and when I do it’s already too late to change the voice tone and sound like a retard

I bet you're all tatted up on the face, been on the joint and live in constant fear of being deported

The majority of men are

>good with music, I can pick up an instrument and within a day I can play it very well
>great memory, I can recall almost anything after reading it just once no matter how long ago
>pretty good natural athlete
>decent face, can grow model tier stubble/beard
>perfect vision especially at night

And now the lost:
>big goofy ass feet (size 14)
>bruh that hairline
>big nose