How many robots are from /Australia/?

how many robots are from /Australia/?

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l'm more of a cyborg, to be honest.

none. australia is a chad country

Hi user, queenslander here

Nz > aus

Id liken everyone from Australia having the persona of tuxedo Pepe .
Like they literally give no fucks about any single thing

omg hey please date me

nope, just a failed normie here

Im austrian that's just a two letter difference ey mates

Gold Coast master race here

Did you sub to pewds?

Brisbot. Not a neet though i have a job and my own place. Any brisbots wanna get fucked up?

I don't drink or do drugs. Got a spare room to rent

>tfw melbourne

any melbourne qt's lurking?

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Anything is better than Australia

sunny coast ftw

Brisbane meetup?

perth cyborg here

im the only robot

kek kek ur really not

You are either a robot or a normalfag
Get out


yeah 2 letters isnt that bad ey nazis


yeah ok chad
quit robot larping
im the only one on the entire continent

23 year old handholdless sydney virgin here, considering hiring a hooker and getting it over and done with.

Any suggestions fellow aus robots?

b-b-b-but thats illegal user

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Its not though, at least in NSW.

damn bro u right
i might need to head on down to nsw


>tfw brisbased lions are back

north queensland here

Melbourne here, unfortunately.
Every day I hate this place and this country more and more, yet I am fully aware there is no escape.

watch out for the abos

You could always escape to Adelaide. Plenty of people here hate Melbourne.
The same goes for Sydney, though I can see why you wouldn't want to go there.

As pathetic and cucked as it is I'd rather not go to Adelaide either because my one and only 'ex' who basically killed my entire ability to see women as people lives in SA... or at least lived, who knows where the lying cunt is now

I politely decline
Brisbane is too far sorry Anons

you'd be surprised just how many of us there are, i know a few and I'm sure there more then just us


based ESL

>vodafone is STILL blocking Jow Forums on mobile

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i had to get a proxy and a pass to post
yeah lad
i think we're are more likely to be completely fucked or socially successful with less in between

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>ey nazis


come down to the best state mate

wait where is it illegal in Australia?

ey, same orirgiiinadll

fuck new south fail

>this post was made by BRIS GANG

Ausbot neet 25 year old virgin here, I'm not a chad m8.

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Independent sex work isn't illegal anywhere in Australia. Outside of major cities it might be difficult to find a prostitute though

Where are you at, lets meet up for a drink or something if you're near me

Hey im GC on weekends and uni in brisbane during the week. What do you guys wana do?

Im drunk right now. What we doing?

tasmania here.
living-wise it's ideal but there's virtually no entertainment. honestly don't know how i feel about the place. moving somewhere else has always been on my mind but i've realised now that it's all an uphill battle. might just study buddhism or something similar so i can be content with my situation and not have to give a damn anymore. honestly tasmania might be the safest place in the world if you think about it.

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Tas too, where you at lad?

souf lad. you?

Yeah, down Huon way bruz

ah comfy. what keeps you up at this time? for me it's my botched sleep cycle

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Dunno I'm just drawing abo nekos at the moment to be honest with ya

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Any robots from Adelaide?

Eh, i'm more of a failed normie. I'm still a virgin at 27 so i'm absolute catnip for getting bantered on.