What's the point of getting Jow Forums

if you can't get back what has been cut from you?

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have sex

slav here

can some smart individual tell me how is cricumsion even a thing in usa

Ehh it sucks, but could be worse. Just don't do it to your sons. This thread reeks of divide&conquer as well as defeatism.

USA is culturally (and racially, for the most part) jewish

Long ago it was conceived of as a method to control sexual immorality, but then the fact that it very slightly protects against STDs came to light. Neither are great justifications obviously. It's prevalence is going down.

Why are you user suddenly bringing back that old reaction face?

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Post body. Any one that would create a topic like this or reply to it is either fat or dyel (including me).

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It was literally memed into reality by some puritan cereal merchant

Circumcision has been practiced in the US since long before jews were prevalent here. And they're currently like 1-2% of our population. And that's at most since people who are even part jewish self-identify as jews.

It made good sense back in the day of shit hygiene circumstances.

im legitimately asking tho

also yeah i dont look like i lift

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height weight? how long since lifting

Not really
Now you post body

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I was gonna say I look the same
but not really

It's a society dominated by the jews (economically, legally and in medical institutions)

On circumcision, it goes like this:
-Economically, they make money both from the operation of circumcision but also by selling babies' foreskins to the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry (search Skinmedica+foreskins)
-Medically, they control medical publications and publish fake studies claiming you have to circumcise children to hget rid of whatever (AIDS, STDS, penile cancer before, masturbation even before), when in fact, circumcised americans have a higher rate of AIDS and STDS than europeans
-Legally, obviously they make sure all their pratices of mutilating children and selling their body parts stays legal

been almost 3 years from absolute couch potato mode

you know you will look more aesthetic

no doubt this meme was made by an uncircumcised incel. hope the girls youre with like sucking on potato skins

Most women unironically think uncut dicks are gross. This meme was made by a butthurt mra

*in America, of course

isn't this some girl on facebook?

>this coping
Enjoy being sentenced to have glans looking like dried grapes, while we get to keep normal fully functional genitalia.

Half cut master race reporting in

It's not cope, it's a fact. American chicks think foreskin are gross. I think it's silly since they look the same with a boner.

>American chicks think
Two points, they don't think and they are avereagy 30BMI and not Jow Forums BMI mind you.

You can get a psudeo foreskin with foreskin restoring devices, yeah you'll never get back those nerves endings or Ridgid band but you can at least get back full glans sensitivity which will increase your sexual pleasure a ton

Girls like uncut dicks because they're less sensitive and dont splooj after 2 pumps. You can really lay it down with a nice cut meat sword, it's like a steel pole.


I used to be able to fuck for around 1-2 hours. These days I’m lucky if I can last 20 minutes. Wonder if my sensitivity has changed

>he doesn't lift to beat the kikes and shit skins out of his homeland

Literally makes 0 difference quality-of-life wise. I was mad about it for a bit when I was a teenager, then I realized it’s had essentially zero impact on my life as a whole and was probably beneficial to my teenage self because I wasn’t all that up on my hygiene until I was 18 or so.


Nice Freudian slip

this is some quintessential cope

People with desensitized dicks grow up to be wageaves who don't care about getting laid and just work all day. The idea behind it is the same as female circumcision. Make people have less sex so they spend energy on other things. You've got (tribes)women like Sarah Silverman and Chelsea Handler telling people that normal dicks are disgusting so you've got an entire culture behind mutilating dicks

That girl is so cute and I see her face all the time in Jow Forums. Who is she? Where can I meet her?

Isn't it so curious that 1-2% of the population has such a drastic effect on the daily lives of hundreds of millions of americans?


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Most women don't even know the difference. I've heard of uncut guys saying they would roll back their foreskin and the girl wouldn't even know they weren't cut because they don't know the difference
>Mutilating and desensitizing yourself or your kid so some tinder how doesn't feel bad when having a dick in her mouth

This is also another reason and goes back to female circumcision being done in some Arab and African countries. It basically neutres the person so they don't have as much sexual pleasure. For example, some of the places I mentioned cut off a little girl's clit(a very sensitive part of the vagina) so girls there can't flick their bean anymore. It's just a way for religious nuts to repress sex. It's also more effective than shaming people to repress their sexual desires because it's typically done at birth so the child can't resist or understand what happens to them while shame alone can be ignored

It doesn’t make a fucking difference. If you’d ever had actual sex with a live female you’d know this.

>I-it doesn't m-matter!
mmm yes user this is truly some delectable cope yum mmm how delightful please may i have some more mmmmm

How would you know lol? The same way these guys can't know if being cut doesn't feel as good you can't know if it makes a difference. Unless you've been chopped off at a later stage in life you can't compare

>that thousand cock stare
It might be hard to find a girl who isn't a roastie in this day and age, but it's worth it.

who is she?
i love her

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m8 I’ve had girls specifically tell me they prefer my uncut dick because they like how the foreskin feels inside them and it keeps them wet. Who could have possibly forseen that chopping off part of your dick would have adverse consequences?

That’s exactly why it doesn’t affect quality of life at all. If you don’t have a way to know what the difference is, why should you care?
Sure, and I’ve had girls say they love my slight c-curve and how I’m thickest around the middle. Girls are weird.

this, foreskin even makes it more pleasurable for the girl.
also uncut dicks are thicker.