Im a girl and I'm really into feminine guys and I finally got a bf that is kinda like that and does crossdressing and all that cute shit. But lately he's been talking about how he wants to be a man and not just a 'twink' and it's kinda upsetting me. I'm too afraid to say I like his feminine ways bc I don't want him to feel forced....
Im a girl and I'm really into feminine guys and I finally got a bf that is kinda like that and does crossdressing and...
Unfortunately you've caught us when the Jow Forums zoomers have free time before school and the trap neets are still asleep, so, uh, good luck
fuck off, and and also please die
u gotta force feminize him like in hentai
The only answer. It's really beutiful
I'd love to, please give sugestions how
But I don't wanna force himmmm
Right, my european timezoned ass didn't think about this, maybe I should come back later
But you gotta for the good of his erection
dont you wanna make your bf happy?
What if you compromise and it's just in the bedroom? He may just not be the guy for you, though.
I like where this is going.
I'm like, really for the first time being a lil bit dominant in my relationship and he keeps calling me "soft dom" and I can see it makes him happy when I'm dominant.
But then why would he say he wants to be more manly ;-;
He probably feels inadequate doing feminine stuff because 98% of women are absolutely disgusted by it. You're gonna have to work pretty hard to convince him that you actually like feminine guys because most women that say that find they actually don't.
Also where do I find a gf that likes feminine guys
>But then why would he say he wants to be more manly ;-;
Maybe it's just a phase and he'll get over it. Or his friends are giving him shit for being feminine?
Because he is a fucking man you stupid cunt
I paintes his nails last time he came over and his dad gave him a lot of shit for it, so I'm pretty sure his dad plays a big role in this...
You might need to keep it on the downlow, then, for the sake of his ego.
He know I support him but I'm still a bit too shy to be really up in his face about how I'm genuinely attracted to it
I was the guy in a relationship like this about six years ago
I grew out of it and decided to go back to being a whisky drinking, AR15 toting asshole
it's more fun putting steel downrange than getting pegged, imo
That sounds like a pretty good idea
we're not to the level of pegging yet but i'll keep that in mind
Well you could always just be my gf and force me to do feminine things instead
I don't really wanna dump my bf and also once again, very soft dom, not good at forcing people
I know pic related has a dick, post the nude pic OP
Why aren't you communicating your feelings to your bf instead of r9k?
here's the full pic
Bc I suck at expressing sexual feelings in a very serious way with someone I know, it's a lot easier to talk to strangers and kinda get my thoughts out
Cumiko is trans not a crossdresser
>Not going to the range at night and having a girl sit on your face and pegging you to completion
Ditch him for a 100% passable scandinavian girlboyfriend
I know I just had a picture of her saved and i was too lazy to find something else
Do you fap to cumiko? I wish she did pro stuff I have to wait for rips of clipped camshows and the video quality is nowhere near as good as it should be for such a cutie
I am a guy with a gf who wants me to be a trap. I am comfortable as a man and do not want to transition or any of that crap but I also want to make her happy. You should talk with him and discuss a middle ground perhaps or maybe learn to love the person he strives to be.
I know, and if he truly wants to be a manly dude who keeps his leghair and stuff, I'm fine with that , I'm just a lil awkward about all this
She is the absolute cutest I adore her twitter so much
it's legitimately more fun to go to the range and then fuck a girl to completion
I have a lot of evidence in favor of this proposition
>gf who wants me to be a trap
Do you mean trap as in crossdressing or actually taking hormones? because I'd have no problem crossdressing for a girl but trying to get someone to change their body so drastically just because you want them to is kinda wrong
>this tranny is only 3 days older than my younger brother
Zoomer technology has come so far
Just be brave then. A relationship is built on honesty, trust, and communication. There is nothing to fear if you both love each other.
I am fine with cross dressing. I think she wants hormones and wants me to keep a somewhat feminine physique but I am not going to take hormones or anything up the ass.
I get not wanting hormones but if you're not putting stuff in your butt you're missing out
This, it's not gay if a girl does it. God may not want us to be gay but he obviously wants us to put things up our butt since the male g-spot is down there.
Me too. She sounds sad tho. I would definitely cuddle a cumiko
She could fuck you too user
Tell me about it. /LGBT/ rages everyday about how young tranners will pass better then ever before.
You can drink whiskey and shoot guns while crossdressing too? I don't see how these thing are mutually exclusive.
Just date an mtf? It sounds like what you really want and there are tons of mtf who want to date people like you.
MtFs generally hate their dicks, and they don't really work cause of hormones anyway. There's definitely a difference between a feminine guy and a guy trying his hardest to be a female.
There are some that like women and don't mind using their dicks (the kind of people that all other trannies generally despise)
Forced fem is the best fetish
Yeah like this user saidThere are lots of mtf willing to use their pp. I think it's unrealistic to find a feminine guy who will long term want to just dress up for you.
>the kind of people that all other trannies generally despise
I mean I get that, most trans people just want to pass and not be seen as a sexualized kind and if there's people who are like 'uwu look at my biy pussy' it's kinda like they're being ridiculed
maybe idk, also I don't like how everyone is saying like "just date {this}" because I'm genuinely really in love with my boyfriend and not just bc he's feminine. I'm just kinda trying to figure out how I can tell him I'm into it and to assure him that he doesn't need to change for me, that he should only change if he would be happier himself
dump her. she doesn't respect you
I get that, I'm just giving you broad examples. I wouldn't tell you to leave your bf or anything. There are just a surplus of lesbian identifying mtf who look completely feminine, but act boyish still in ways you might find attractive.
why do you assume everybody is from discord?
Gender non-conforming anons post on this board, and they're not all trying to shill or from discord.
Stop calling us "reikofags" or "discord shills". I don't even use discord, I just come to these threads when I see them.
you have a misunderstanding of what gay means and your dedication to this metaphysical man named "God" is ridiculous because you've never met him.
This is a bit too passable. show me her dick please
asking for an amigo
Is that Jimmy Fallon in drag? Kek
>you have a misunderstanding of what gay means
No you do. If you have sex with a woman it is literally the definition of straight, it doesn't matter what the activity is. It's not gay sex until you add men into the mix
>your dedication to this metaphysical man named "God" is ridiculous
I'm not even religious and haven't been to church since I was a little kid since it's a waste of time. It was just a joke, calm down. I didn't even come up with that joke myself.
You have some serious prosopagnosia to address