Sorry for poor English. I use google translate and edit the best I could for myself

Sorry for poor English. I use google translate and edit the best I could for myself.

Fuck OFF! I have had enough of these sluts in my gym. Surely, you user have encountered this: meme exercises, tight clothes, or barely any clothes!, on phone 90% of the time, doing God knows what with my squat rack and barbell using it as stripper pole... Why the fuck do they let themselves behave like this, is gym a brothel now or what? And I am not talking about public places like street or stores but fucking gym! I am fucking lifting enough weight here to injure myself if something goes wrong. And not only do these creatures walk around in clothes that would make Playboy photographer blush they also often assume positions straight out of Kamasutra books and pass it as “exercise”, very distracting.

So, here I am, pressing two plate and suddenly hear moan, in middle of my repetition, like some female was hitting best orgasm of her life. I got so distracted that I could not press out the repetition and had to do shame rolls. Turns out it was just some cow doing cardio, fucking CARDIO, and she let off an exhausted sigh at the end of it to let entire gym know how hard she worked. Or some attention seeking slut parks up next to you and starts waving her ass in the air for ALL to see!
I think it is time that the gyms start thinking about some etiquette and standards. I am serious! This kind of behaviors should be classed as sexual abuse and these sluts need to be fined (or even jailed, I do not give a fuck). Because they are really distracting.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Pajeet fuck off

cum on their faces and establissh dominance

lmfao, she even bought the pants with the pre-sewn crevice down the crack. women are so pathetic.

Yeah, I fucking hate gym thots

>shame rolls right in front of the woman that moaned
Well, maybe you had a chance before this.

Seething roastie

Based, fuck whores. If it was halal I swear by Allah I would give them a beating

I didn't even read after
>poor English

>So, here I am, pressing two plate and suddenly hear moan, in middle of my repetition
this is why you homegym

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>female signals her readyness to breed
>Reee I hate females so much *autistic sperging ensues*
Just neck yourself incel r9k cuck

thots > pajeets anyday

Halter tops hoodies are my new obsession

I agree with you user. The most rediculous shit is 1pl8 crotch thrusts.

I am glad so many people agree! I do not understand it, how can any self respecting human male defend this kind of behavior. It is absurd!

Unironically it's because bars are dying as places to meet men, so women are migrating to where the men are. They want to get fucked and the bar's not cutting it anymore.

They're trying to get my attention, now get back to your squats fatty

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hmm... my gym literally has a "juice bar" at the reception area with literal bar stools. The only juice they sell is a blender concoction of fruit punch and whey or some shit, but all the dudes buy it to chat up the whores working there

It’s pretty pathetic of them
Imagine having your whole existence dedicated to make yourself a slut

gay ass faggot.

they aren't self respecting obviously

either a white knight begging for a crumb of pussy after defending her from the evil male critic

or it's just a self proclaimed chad who's in on the action, teasing betas who will never get any of that action. The men don't realize they're disposable, yet the women don't realize they can't keep pulling that shit forever, eventually these thots will become the old women in prostitute clothing who choose the rack that's far too close to you, moaning like a mule while doing some meme lift.

They're all fucking pathetic

It is fun when women are flirting yes maybe, but what if your sister, daughter, mother had this vulgar behavior in front other males? I do not think you would think that would be good then, yes?

Made u go again didn't it?


Indians, at least the kind not on Facebook but savvy enough to find Jow Forums or Reddit, still know English. OP is probably east Asian or exotic spic.

wish a guy with a nice fat butt would do this
sick of heteros getting all the good gym thot porn

I an not Indian. I will not reveal my country of origin to not provoke further discussion.
I do not see how it is has any importance to our topic.

no one likes non-whites. sorry (not sorry)

I literally saw a girl doing OP's picture on the hip machine yesterday.

>she was an indian girl with big milkers and a nice face. 8/10 would bang

mens only gym when

Hi deer can u open up yuor cloth?

it exists bro

see you there


>So, here I am, pressing two plate and suddenly hear moan, in middle of my repetition, like some female was hitting best orgasm of her life. I got so distracted that I could not press out the repetition and had to do shame rolls. Turns out it was just some cow doing cardio, fucking CARDIO, and she let off an exhausted sigh at the end of it to let entire gym know how hard she worked

I'd ask her if that was her mating call

>Or some attention seeking slut parks up next to you and starts waving her ass in the air for ALL to see!
I'd ask her if she was on the heat and ready to fuck with me

>I think it is time that the gyms start thinking about some etiquette and standards. I am serious! This kind of behaviors should be classed as sexual abuse and these sluts need to be fined (or even jailed, I do not give a fuck). Because they are really distracting.
Just fuck them you moron

>"pressing 2pl8"
>wow this guy is strong
>"roll of shame"
>i see
see pajeet what you meant is "benching"
please don't use misleading terms in the future
just saying "pressing" implies it's an overhead press

Its just (((another trick))) from (((them))) to make us, white men, horny so we race mix with these thots. Beware of da JOOS!!!!!!!

>race mixing with women
>not keeping the man blood pure

>wanna stick my dick and nose in that crevice
fuck that reminds me of this cute blonde i used to sit behind in psychology class... she wouldn't wear underwear so every class i'd get to stare down her asscrack. she was so hot i had a boner everyday.

it was a hot semester bros

This. And based

imagine not being part of the BASED home gym DEATH CULT

no w*m*n up in my jim, thats for sure

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Hahahaha fuck you white dog

Why don't you say that out in public, see what happens

How many of you retards actually think this is a real post?

>tfw two girls were doing their stupid meme exercises on the only deadlift platform
>didn't get to deadlift today
Fucking cunts

how dare you imply non-whites would react violently to criticism! They have NO history of doing that what-so-ever!

It's the opposite, whites will chimp out and destroy your life for saying shit about brownies.
It's gone from
>nonwhites get the rope
>nonwhites, get the rope
kek it's over for you nazi

Weird way of saying white men dont like non-white men. Because white females love us lmao

lol no we don't

Who cares? Why does it bother you if you get to observe the THOT in her new habitat? Look but don't touch or maybe go ask for her number if she's feeling you. Otherwise get a home gym. THOTS have as much right to get fit as you do you pathetic incel. Get a personality and maybe you'll find a GF.

>OP is pic related

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Ones that aren't on Jow Forums on a Friday night do

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I see a chick at my gym doing this every single day. I thought she was just retarded, but I guess other women are doing it too. Where did this meme come from, and what benefit does it offer over using the machine correctly?

Based ESL poster. All women are whores.

>not becoming the gym alpha

So you hate hot chicks at your gym? Have you told your parents?

What kind of disgusting roastie doesnt wear underwear with pants, holy shit.

God I'm horny.

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based pajeet, thots can fug off

t. roastie

Learn to pop a full split, m8

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t. seething roastie
op is most-likely slavic chad cope harder

unspeakably based

Lol I remember reading the thread of this story. Thanks for the comic of it. Have a great day!

Glad u remembered
>op delivers

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Have sex

Dilate urself

Based, thot purge soon bro

The only people defending gymthots are white knights/people that think they stand a chance, and other women.

In a healthy society these wouldn't exist, and gymthots would be fined and looked upon with disgust. Instead we have half-men drooling over them even though they are just average women wearing tight leggings and caked in makeup.

have some sex and stop posting.

Kinda resonate with OP but only if the THOT is doing it on purpose right next to my face on the pulley. I'm not into BRAAAAAAAAPs madam go be poopoo peepee someplace else
>imagine the smell

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Unrelated, but about that machine:

>Walk into the gym for the first time.
>Look around, try some machines.
>They have pictures highlighting which muscles they affect when trained on.
>Literally zero muscles highlighted on that machine.

Wtf is that excercise? (I know that she's doing it wrong). How do you call it, what is it meant to help you with?

Do you have link to the thread?

Either this or

Attached: 48188B5D-5C8A-468F-9950-800C06586F54.jpg (1242x976, 492K)

Inter racial couples are drastically over represented in media and time after time studies show that women dont date outside their race and in fact, the most common interracial couple is a brown skinned woman and a white man. Sorry to bury your bubble shit skin. You're inferior. Sub human. A lesser species. Now fuck off and die.

If you perform any motion with your body, then you target a muscle. I'd guess glutes

Dubs of truth

42 42

Double answer to life the universe and every thing


Thanks. Will check it out.

>m-muh dickkk
Even black women dont like you, boy

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Yup. Tour propped up societal status is fake. Manipulated. It's not real. You're low tier desirablity.

WOW i havent watched funhaus in a fucking minute is it still worth watching?

>he doesnt like to be around hot women
I love the sluts in my gym, i get a test boost everytime i see a fat ass in some gymshark pants.

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They employ trannies now. But some stuff is still good if you liked them before.

gf has massive knee cave during the squat, will this exercise help her?


yes, if the abductors are an actual weak point
Likely you could fix it just by pre-activating them by using a band and doing the same movement before squatting, or having a band around the knee to provide a resistance nd cue her to push her knees out.

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have post body sex

got the screencap?

Shut up you quadruple nigger

>can't concentrate while around women
Never gonna make it

It's called a gay bar, and you know you already have a membership paid for life

damn, I remember reading that thread, props.

Hip thrusts is the most efficient way to hit your glutes you brainlet. Out of all the meme butt exercises women do, this one is legit.

Then where's your QT GF?

O that's right, you're crying yourself to sleep while she's better off being single until she let's you take care of her kids.

Go outside.

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Top lel m8

build a home gym

Since when does a white race exist? Is this something that faggy retards created so they can clump togeather the different and often warring ethniceties in Europe?

Not the dude, to hate someone for being different is retarded.


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haha bro its worse when they come to the gym with make up and their hair done with the most SKIMPY ASS clothes you can imagine

women crave attention like a drug, i almost feel sorry for them