No gf for 25 years

>no gf for 25 years
>always want azn qt gf, because they are not as degenerate as white sluts
>get azn qt gf
>azn gf has no sexdrive and is a virgin
>she doesnt even know how to kiss with tongue

Seriously, what the fuck?
All this time I felt miserable because I didnt have a girlfriend, now that I have one I feel miserable as well, because she seems to be asexual, but if I had a sexual white girlfriend I would feel miserable as well, because she would be borderline insane and a screeching feminist partying, drinking whore.
There is literally no good option, I either have my own personal space and freetime but feel alone, or i choose the ease of mind with an asian girl which leaves me sexless, or I get good sex, but then I have to live with a degenerate crazy skank that will cheat on me and ruin me sooner or later.

Now that I think about it...i never talked to a japanese girl (they are very rare here in Germany), maybe japanese girls are the ultimate solution!? They seem like usual asian women but also perverted. Anyone got some experience on the topic of Japanese girls?

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This is what you autistic little kiddos are fantasizing about all day. Asian women are goddamn children and its cringe as hell. Wait until she starts throwing temper tantrums

>Asian women are goddamn children
why do you think so many people on Jow Forums love them

thinking there's any difference between westernized asians and whites is silly but
not any kind of gf will fix your issues and fixating on the thought that they could will only make it worse since it's a pitfall

>why isn't my virgin girlfriend sexually experienced?

How about you go slow and teach her user. People don't automatically know how to make tongue kissing work.

This. What you have is a fucking godsend OP. Dont fuck it up.

im learning mandarin and china maxxing, gon get me one of dem ez yellow gfs.

wish me luck bros.

and yeah i know, chinese. im desperate.

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How is it easy if you have to learn an entirely new language to get one?

>and yeah i know, chinese. im desperate.

Its still an entirely better option than western women.

>and yeah i know, chinese. im desperate.

Depends on what kind of chinese, there's lots if different ethnicities ranging from 10/10 to nigger tier

Lmao fucking incels cant stand having their pathetic little dreams popped

If you cant handle her you cant handle having a child. You are supoosed to be the stern father figure.a guiding hand. But no,yould rather bitch and complain. Hope she breaks up with you. She deserves better.

Bro, why do you think 80% of white males are gay? It's because there are no good options for gf's

had similar situation. it could take some time and she could open up sexualy or maybe she just has low sex drive. gotta be good to her and make her see that sex can be fun and a lot of pleasure

>has no sex drive


Why did you think your 20+ year old virgin gf would have anything resembling a sexdrive? She wouldn't be a virgin then.

>but if I had a sexual white girlfriend I would feel miserable as well, because she would be borderline insane and a screeching feminist partying, drinking whore.
Nur wenn du unironisch das glaubst was Jow Forumsspasten sagen. Nicht mal ein Zehntel aller Frauen sind Huren und wenn dann sehr schnell zu identifizieren. Und jetzt viel SpaB mit deiner autistischen Reisprinzessin

>apply stupidly stereotyping racial principles to dating as if there's no such thing as individuals
It was KC tier and it was on the r9k

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it's possible. my current gf and i met when she was a virgin at 22 and while it took a while for her to enjoy sex a lot she and i have similar sex drives now

You should look at some statistic before believing anything on pol.
Divorce is on a low, single-motherhood is on low. We have it quite good here with women. However we are Top 5 adulteres. 45% of all germans reported they cheated atleast once.

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I can't believe I have to keep explaining this until White guys get it:

Chink girls only date White guys for bragging rights against their other Chink counterparts for social status. They'll literally date any balding obese manlet 2/10 White guy as long as they are WHITE. Sexual attraction has nothing to do with it. I specified 2/10 men because actual 8/10 and above White guys won't even fart in the general direction of Asian girls in the first place, I mean why should these men lower their standards when they can get better.

Some Asian chinks will have sex with White guys perhaps to keep the relationship going, but the main motivation is for elevating their social status.

Now why do Asian see White guys as a social status? Well pretty much the same reason why women see pointless stupid rocks at jewellery stores and pour their husband's/boyfriend's money into buying it. They are bombarded everyday with commercials about how you need a ring with a stupid stone signal people that you are getting married. It's the same thing where they are bombarded by movies, television series and media in general that so happen to feature primarily White men and women.

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Literally everybody in this thread is an NPC

I've been to Japan, the girls there are nice and courteous and love it when you talk to them in nihongo

Then would you care to share your unique perspective oh mighty player character?

If not, then fuck off.

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Sounds like a good life. Keep fucking Asian women fellow user, and remember that because you are just a symbol of western life you can fuck far over your level. Women are whores the world over - take advantage.

Low IQ projection

Read "The Man in the High Castle."
The book is great, even if the Amazon series suffers from all adaptation issues.
Pic tangentially related.

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Followed by a low IQ reply.

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Both of you are low iq retards.

I have a Japanese girlfriend. She isn't asexual but I sort of had a similar problem. She wanted to take things slow, which I was fine with because it meant she wasn't a slut. She's not very good in bed but I was fine with that, because no experience just means she isn't a slut.

After several months of dating I asked her to be a little more affectionate and now she's all over me.

>Asian chinks
>low iq retards

Low iq redundancy

Have sexual intercourse,please.

are you admitting to being a beta loser incel virgin that cant be dominant enough to guide his gf through the steps of sexuality

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Believing that a 3-word reply is low iq means that you either 1. agree with the original post or 2. disagree that the original post is a projection

Both of which supports the following:

Your reply is even lower in IQ

Checkmate have a nice day

Woher zur Hoelle hast du gewusst dass er teutone ist

Book was boring as fuck desu

Steht im OP

t. asian ricecel coping

Ah, hast recht. Ich Sollte besser lesen lernen. Meddl off

So like...are we supposed to feel sorry for you or something? I don't really get the point of your post.

>spend years fawning over virgins
>find one
>turns out she's a shitty lay and doesn't wanna fuck you

Congratulations, you played yourself.

Reiner mit ai?

Chinese women aren't as easy now as ten years ago. Increasing nationalism/xenophobia and rising standards are fucking everyone but chads over.


t. China expat for 10 years