"People" with BPD are legitimately worse than any other group on earth
"People" with BPD are legitimately worse than any other group on earth
Actually true.
One abused me for two years until I finally worked up the courage to call it quits.
They can manipulate you so finely, especially if you're inexperienced and socially stunted like me.
They did all they could to torment me, when acting sweet and loving otherwise.
The last straw was when they called me so they could commit suicide while I listened. It was obviously a fake attempt, but they made it as horrific as possible.
It fucked me up. I'm still reeling to this day.
The worst thing about it, by far, is that even though I know I'm in the right, I still feel guilty. Like I abandoned her. I feel like that guilt will never leave me.
It's so frustrating. She was evil and twisted and abusive, yet she managed to manipulate me into feeling like I'm in the wrong.
Don't fuck with BPD.
Jesus, just don't.
not all of them are like that tho
And not a pit bulls eat children right?
cause it's really advanced mental illness, why is that even surprising? still, i hope all these people gonna recover somehow.
>im not like other bpds
I don't care what people say, BPD girIs are cute dammit.
We need to have a second holocaust for them.
Been going through BPD to my late twenties and do you know what? It will never get better and I have come to accept that. Only death can set us free. Or psychosis. Once I was so stressed out that when I went to sleep. Woke up I saw my partner there. Sometimes not. Sometimes it was someone else. Then I realized. It doesn't really matter. There are infinite versions of the moment where I wake up.
just got out of a relationship with a BPD girl, as soon as i walk away she comes crawling back, as soon as i give her attention she fucks off again she's completely apathetic, cant really win with her
I'm a male with bpd and all I do is fuck with chicks who are female who have bpd, plus none of my symptoms ever really come out to other guys, if you talk to people on r9k you probably have spoken to at least one person with bpd and didn't know it. it's a wild ride.
how you ended in that state? did you have some traumatic experience in past? hard childhood? or genetic? you are taking meds?
I met a 10/10 bpd girl from r9k and it has been interesting. She is not the type to ever cheat but she will randomly hate me for no reason or try to be distant. If I ignore her during that phase she goes back to clingly and loving. BPD girls are so fucking stupid and easy.
They all cheat. I don't think I've seen many cases of a BPD not cheating. Watch your back and use protection
Petition to rename BPD to Bad Person Disorder?
not who you're asking but I have bpd as well, usually a combo of the two. Meds do not help this disorder.
You're retarded if you think someone with bpd won't cheat on you it is quite literally one of the most prevalent symptoms of the disorder, especially if you are nice to them.
i have bpd, 25 years old and i'm loyal as fuck, im a male though
that's not true though, which is unfortunate
Why do you lie on an anonymous forum. It's in your very nature to cheat
>Borderline chick I know got pregnant just so she wouldn't feel so worthless anymore
>She'll probably ruin her kid's life like her mother ruined her life
I hate this fucking planet.
>meme disorder
lmao at bpd "people"
You ever use archive? I've told most of my story through alias "Bladerunner" Since two days ago. However I don't mind telling you some. This board is kinda two edged sword for me, so I'll have to return to my reality and drag my face over asphalt called life.
Yes. Only other official diagnosis I got is PTSD. I don't really remember my childhood at all. My mother was or is nearly full blown psychopath. My parents divorced when I was around three and I was left to my mother. She drank and took drugs daily and had lot of boyfriends that sometimes beat the living shit out of her. Later I was taken to custody and had sort of cushy life with my father that was mostly away. But seeds of evil were already planted in me. Hopefully not sperm. My insides were quite fine. But there is a chance.
Yes meds. I've gone through many. I take only one that gives me little side effects. Anti-depressant called Venlafaxine. I don't really feel much different except for that I am less annoyed and more indifferent.
Yeah, genetics could also play part. I heard my mother's father was quite an asshole too.
i'm actually dating a girl with BPD as well and she breaks my heart every fucking day because ive already caught her trying to cheat
Not everyone with BPD cheats. I have BPD and have practically 0 sex drive. I've had two boyfriends, the first one I never had sex with and the second one I only had sex with because he coerced me into it. I've never done anything intimate with anyone else.
They can't be the worst on earth, because they're only the third worst on Jow Forums after trannyshills and edgefags.
your kind belongs on reddit or something
Don't call him a boyfriend if you didn't have sex.
We were together for like 4 years and I gave him oral a lot, just never anal.
Did he at least finger your asshole while he sucked your dick?
He never actually sucked mine, I didn't want him to. Second boyfriend tried a few times and I didn't really like it, I was super ticklish and would just laugh hysterically.
True. Have BPD. Constantly cheat.
Then stop dating her, then. God damn, dude.
I do not have sex and I do watch my back. I am waiting until I marry a girl to have sex and doubt my thing with this girls will last.
Naw. It seems like a fair number would kill themselves if they cheated. It does not mean they are not terrible human beings still. She does have some retarded logic on why she can kiss other guys though.
I was seeing someone with BPD for a while, she broke it off, and now a few weeks later she's talking to me again. She's saying "I want you in my life", stuff like that. What do? I've never had a gf before, and this kind of stuff wrecks my autistic brain.
BPD dating group when?
kissing other guys is literally cheating you have down syndrome, I guarantee you this girl will cheat on you and you're going to think back to this and be like "fuck"
Ignore her. Shes just going to manipulate you again and again.
I feel you user had the saeme scenario and still miss her
Kids name will probably be kevin
Dude my mother had BPD. It was so bad that she would get an episode almost every week. It was horrible. She would become so violent that she tried to stab me once. Those episodes would last for days. She wouldn't even cook till she felt better. Every day was like a hell for me. I had always thought that my life would never change and this is the end.
But everything got better. We took her to a therapist. After 2 years of therapy she finally started feeling better. If you compare her now with her past self, you can't even believe that this caring and loving woman used to get so violent.
Trust me it gets better.
Thanks. I'll work for your sake too.
checked, and probably because of the whole crazy thing
Was just in this situation. She acted like we were back to normal then dropped out of it immediately. Resist