>trannies and fags
Should all fuck off man im sick of you cunts
what's wrong with your fellow aussie robots?
t. australian fag
go fucking lynch yourself gunjy
What did the Aussies ever do to you m8
Australians are ruining this site.
Out of all those groups I have to say roasties are actually the least objectionable.
This is our site now lad
Man why are Australians such white niggers? Bunch of fucking chimps.
From the Catalog page I see Aussies are greater than roasties, roasties are greater than incels, and incels are greater than trannies and fags.
...which seems fair enough!
what you gonna do About it m8?
we're sick of you too but you don't hear us constantly fucking nagging about it and never shutting up about it
you hate women yet you nag and complain just as much as one
fuck off you inbred autistic mentally ill overgrown man child
>hate roasties
>nag just as much as one
fuck off you alcoholic retard
lmao imagine being gunjy and complaining about faggots and trannies while nagging and bitching like one
then stop surrounding yourself with them
I actually enjoy talking to females more than males.
had a great chat with some earlier and really got my emotions going.
Females are more in touch with their feelings.
Sadly every female is a roastie.
>What did the Aussies ever do to you m8
they existed and just talk to me and post shit fucking memes fuck off you aussy faggot.
all you do on r9k is bitch about women though gunjy don't hand me that
exactly user he's like one of those incel basedboys with no soul or personality that blame women for them not getting laid
>all you do on r9k is bitch about women
I bitch about incels.
Men enable woman anyway
l fucking hate memes though.
>obsessed with incels even though you're not even one
>thinks they're the ones with no personality
and what an alcoholic bitchy whiney 27 pedophile recovering from a meth addiction does have a personality?
fuck off you delusional retard
you are obsessed with them gunjy
they're practically all your tiny alcoholic brain can talk about that and muh blackpill!!!
you didnt reply to me
I quit alcohol.
I aint smoked meth for years.
I have more personality than most of you, trust me.
Outside of shit posting I am very good at communicating
still my statement stands clear you're a whiney bitchy generic sociopath with pedophile tendencies you lack any self awareness you're a fucking loser living with with his mom in his late 20s you used to do meth all you really fucking do on this board is bitch and moan about muh trannies muh pol fags muh fags muh roasties : (
anyone with a brain can see how generic and boring you are you aren't fooling anyone except some autistic zoomers you managed to trick into thinking you were of value
you're nothing but typical white trash
only reason why you think otherwise is your ego protects you from how insufferable you are but il let you live your fantasy of being a god among filth on a virtual special needs class room because that's really all you'l ever have
enjoy your fantasy while you can before you end up a suicide statistic once you hit 40s and all you can get are ugly disease ridden drug addicted aging whores off the street
maybe if his mother actually beat him a few times when he was a kid he wouldn't be a pathetic loser ..
lmao the retard stopped responding as soon as you said this.
>maybe if his mother actually beat him a few times when he was a kid he wouldn't be a pathetic loser ..
I got beat plenty when I was younger
clearly not enough or else you wouldn't be the repulsive freak with no self awareness you are today
Australia superpower by 2020
>clearly not enough or else you wouldn't be the repulsive freak with no self awareness you are today
why are you seee mean
because you never learn
>because you never learn
dude I try you know that if you are who I think you are....
Aussie-tists are deliriously based, not fallin for this b8
>t. amerifag