ITT: we figure out ways how to kill someone without getting caught

ITT: we figure out ways how to kill someone without getting caught.

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If is someone you have contact with directly then you'll probably get caught.
If is a random then just make sure nobody saw you or your face got caught on camera doing it and that you're not leaving dna behind like prints, hairs, fluids. Don't touch the body or try to get rid of it, just leave it right there.

most murderers aren't ever caught user

Also don't go through extreme lengths to get rid of the murder weapon, just bring it back home with you hide it or bury it somewhere and forget about it. If you drop that somewhere outside and it gets found you probably gonna have issues.

First of all like said, killing someone you are in contact with will be considerably harder as you'll make the suspect list a lot faster.

Second it depends if you have access to firearms. Doing a driveby with a silenced weapon at night on someone walking on the side of the road is extremely easy compared to having to murder someone with a melee weapon and attempting to get rid of the body.
You can get rid of any DNA evidence with copious amounts of bleach, but the smell will surely alert anyone near the crime scene.

Be healthier than them and outlive the son of a bitch.

i sure hope you don't think "silencers" actually make it silent

No, but less noise is always more favourable.

Yes, silencers make the gun go "pew" instead of "pow", I've heard it a hundred times

>using firearms
Ballistics are very traceable.

>figure out ways how to kill someone without getting caught.
by not making a thread asking for tips on how to murder someone as you can be tracked.

>obtain some poison like cyanide
>fly out to a far away city
>give poisoned food to a tucked-away homeless guy
>aww nice charitable man
>fly back
The police nightmare, I bet.

Kill them then kill yourself in a forest and you will only be caught by animals

Barely any less noise.
I heard suppressors are actually meant to suppress muzzle flash.

>don't know thre victim personally
>live in a different town
>different state even
>study them from afar
>wait for the right moment
>plan to do it at night
>lure them to a secluded spot
>stab them with a knife multiple times
>steal whatever they have on them to make it look like a robbery
>immediatly leave the crime scene
>never return to the place of the murder
>never do the same method
>never talk about it
>change your appearence between every murder
if they have a phone or credit cards break them and throw it away somewhere and never return there or they will be traced back to you
i have no idea if this works but if i had to kill .someone this is what i would do

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Stabbing people isn't easy as you think bucko, specially if you never did something like this before.

just stab them in the eyes or some shit, go for the kill shot, idk, or just whack them in the head with a hammer, i'm not an expert on killing people

just follow them in a bar and drug them and the stabbing will be easiest

This sounds top tier.
Imagine doing that in different states at random.
>never strike within the same time frame (wait for months, then weeks, then months, then days, a full year, some hours)
>dont choose close states(kill someone in DC then move on to florida)
>always look as different as you can, also trying to walk differently whenever you strike again.
>buy fishy trash cars from questionable people using fake names and try to cover your looks too.

this board is full of psychopaths.
holy fuck

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>buy everything you need a long time in advance this includes clothes
>change you appearance maybe even a rubber mask
>study the target
>steal a van
>have fun
>burn the van and profit
Obviously it has to be random tho

Put drugs in their drugs.

hire hit man on the deep web

they are all scam

ok sir thank you for the services sir please wait for killing service sir

you kill yourself. then it doesn't matter if you're caught cause you're dead.

But too much and they will look for frequent flyers.
For serial killing should probably drive between a few states.

>Stab someone with an icicle
>melt it

GG no murder weapon

You can always drive tho. Might take a lot of time but you can go anywhere by car. Also, if you are considering flying you can put other countries on the equation.
The problem with doing it within close areas is that they can eventually trace the probable next area. Do it anywhere randomly and the police will have a harder time.

Fuck, I replied wrong
I meant to reply to this post

but driving means your car will pass interstate cameras and if youre from out of state/out of town you will be more noticeable. probably wouldnt matter in a city or large town but in a smaller town i wonder if that would be enough to make you a suspect

>nigga doesn't know bout them sub sonics

I live in a rural area and have heard stories about effectively disappearing a body.

>go out to the woods
>look for a tree blown over by the wind with the roots mostly out of the ground
>place body under root wad
>cut the trunk of the tree
>tension is relieved and root wad flips back over to its original position
>body is gone
Heavy equipment would be needed to expose it again. There are tons of places to hide bodies in national forests, and people disappear from small woods communities all the time. Getting caught in the act is the only thing you have to worry about.

Thats the reason I said to buy trash tier used cars. Buy a 300 dollars wreckmobile and them ram it on the water/sell it to some scrapyard/ leave it somewhere.

Its not a flawless plan and its also just a general idea.
You can drive and fly. Try to look as a much as a different person as you can. Kill gang members to make it look like a drive by shooting and etc.

Im not laying out the cards. The general idea is to kill random and easy targets with minimal traces and disposable weapons (poison like you said) and try to do it with the less amount of connection possible (that is why you should always do it within alterning time frames).