So it's friday night, I hope you have enough strength of character to resist drugs and alcohol

So it's friday night, I hope you have enough strength of character to resist drugs and alcohol.

Attached: high on life.png (391x486, 155K)

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>So it's friday night, I hope you have enough strength of character to resist drugs and alcohol.
Does a glass of wine counts? I heard its healthy

Just one glass.

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no need. im gonna sit in my room and listen to a live podcast while playing historical vidya, then maybe listen to some asmr and philosophy videos before jerking off to impregnation porn like a true philosopher

Is Juuling a drug, Bolsonaro-sama?

Serious question, I fucking love that thing.

That's almost as sad as being a drugcuck

Attached: Peter-Hitchens-crop-version.jpg (760x445, 99K)

at least i am going to the gym too

>before jerking off
Jerking off is a drug user, and makes you mentally sick

Attached: whyNoPMO.png (1907x2074, 451K)

Sounds gay, just be straight edge.

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