Grow up in small town

>grow up in small town
>everyone is out to get you
>god traps me here
>everyone is angry poor and mean
>everyone hates each other
>literally have no one around except one weird autistic kid who passive aggressively hates me
>no life experiences
>no happiness
>no girls

I hate god

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if you're so bothered by that just move to a major city
see how you enjoy the constant noise, lack of space, traffic and cost of living

GOd trapped me here you faggot fuck u have no idea how bad god comes after me fuck god

god doesn't into real, only retarded niggers think that. the universe arose from chaotic forces which we still do not fully understand. then one day the universe will fall back into chaos, reaching a state of total entropy and eternal darkness after the heat death of the universe is complete. anyhow kill yourself dumb nigger I hope you get permabanned and you fucking freeze to death in your small and shitty run down house in your tiny, crappy town full of dumbfuck bums and niggers like you

I get signs all day long and nothing but bad coincidences and shit luck

God is after me

Small town, God hates you, cops are rayciss, blah blah blah, we get it. You're a broken record.

The question, is what the fuck do you want from us?

god doesn't exist you are just extremely unlucky and stuck in a difficult position. you have to find some way to get a job or something and get the fuck out of there or you'll be stuck forever. posting about it to Jow Forums every day won't do anything to help your current situation

Complaining every day until I beat god

I get signs all day and a curse striking me down

He does. He is evil

Why don't you personally go meet up with him and tell him about it.
You know what to do.

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