Hey lads, how are you holding up?
Hey lads, how are you holding up?
Got rangebanned and can't avatarfag anymore. I thought I'd be fine with it and could finally move on with my life, but now all I have left is my paranoia and hallucinations.
Consider blocking Jow Forums if you feel you're addicted. I've done it with other websites!
I've evaded around 1000 bans and 10 rangebans, I doubt that'd stop me. But the real issue is that I don't trust anyone else. Anons here were the only people I felt somewhat safe around. I don't know why.
How the fuck can you say youre rangebanned yet keep posting? Like are there two kinds of bans? I seriously have no idea.
t. seldomly banned
Are you scared of other people knowing what you've posted before? Or is it just the way people behave here?
Seldom is already an adverb baka
Oh forget it nevermind. I get what youre saying, you cant afford risking being banned because youre low on nonbanned IPs because rangeban, am i getting it right?
The type of rangeban I have only prevents you from posting pictures. That's the only one I get since my main offense is avatarfagging. I honestly don't even know if there's another type of rangeban.
>Are you scared of other people knowing what you've posted before?
Not really, since everything is archived and I'm pretty recognizable.
>Or is it just the way people behave here?
I think yes. The anonimity helps me feel safer when interacting with people. I know this might sound like I'm contradicting my previous answer, but I hope you understand what I mean. I just don't feel like I need to be committed to people here. Like I can always walk away without any consequence.
Oh really? I didn't know that, I was under the impression a rangeban meant complete ban from posting at all.
I just had a genious but perhaps unjust idea for you to get "banned" for good. Wanna hear it?
Sure, go ahead. Although that's not exactly what my issue is.
They're actually banning avatarfags now?
Thank god holy shit I'm actually genuinely joyful right now.
Actually forget it, sorry. I'm not ready to let go my schizo goddess yet. Sorrysorry sorry
>that's not exactly what my issue is.
I thought this was what it all was about?
I think that's only me since I spam so much. Still, it took 3 months of almost 24/7 posting for them to ban me for good.
Well, I will have to leave either way because I can't post pictures (which was a big deal for me) and because I'm likely to be hospitalized for 2-3 months since I'm not really getting better. I really was just venting about how empty my life is.
W-wait are you for real? Please tell me you're not serious. Please please please please please please please please please
I know you've mentioned countless times not being into discord but would you consider dropping a throwaway mail or something? I'm sure many apart from me would appreciate it. I promise I won't bother you, you don't even have to reply, it'd be a real shame if you just disappeared like that please
Eh, not like I have anything to lose at this point.
Avatarfags deserve far worse. Be glad you can still post you degenerate piece of shit.
I know, user. But I had to be stopped by force. Though I don't think my life can get any worse.
Thank you, I promise I won't be bothering you all day, really just looking for a way to keep contact. And yes I'm aware you're a guy and all that and no I won't try to prevent you from posting or anything like Pierre did ;^)
Now if you'll excuse me I'll try getting some sleep now, been awake for 32 hours
I'm sad because I will never out do alexander iii
Glad you're still here, Aiste
Okay, see you then. Goodnight.
I'm getting a relapse from not being able to avatarfag.
Well I'll keep doing all I can to make your life worse. Running out of options, but I suppose you do have a few things left I can ruin. See ya.
Maybe you can get a second sim card and use your phone to post?
I really don't have much to lose. I'm contemplating just starting to take my meds. Might as well destroy my brain and be done with it.
I've already used up all the ones available in my country.
Don't let yourself be castrated like Terry Davis said. You were once a gifted student weren't you? There has to be a savant hiding in there waiting to find its passion.
Your brain is already destroyed, you know why :). The pills are placebo, but they'll fuck you hard the same as last time.
Isn't your whole thing about how the pills turn people into mindless happy zombies? Take the pills user, either you're crazy and they'll make you better, or your delusions are right and they'll still make you better. It's win-win. Ignore that other fag.
Oh shit Aiste, you can't avatarfag anymore? How are they preventing that?
>I've already used up all the ones available in my country.
Oh shit
Maybe you can get a Polish or Latvian card delivered to your place?
GTFO degenerate discord trap avatarfags this is supposed to be an anonymous board
I admire him, but I doubt I can ever measure up to him. He was on another level. I remember one moment from my early years that really stuck with me. It was fourth grade. My dad was driving me and my teacher from some math competition. They were of course ciclejerking about how smart I was. I wasn't really listening. But then my teacher mentioned how common it is for smart kids to fall off after 4th grade (the start of high school by American standards I think). I brushed it off at the time, but it came true for me sooooo hard. I never thought it was possible to hit the wall with such force.
I'll take them most likely. They'll destroy my grey matter for good.
All my IP ranges are banned.
Unironically ultra based.
pretty bad, as usual
what anime user, pls lemme know
fuck you all he wanted was love, nothing degenerate about that
Well that's too bad. I enjoyed reading your avatarfagging posts. Wish you well Aiste.
I wish you well too.
In the end, it's was a childish impossible dream.
>in school cafeteria
>listening usual sad music
>crush with her chad bf is making up
i just want to be happy once again. tired of feeling like shit.
Man you sound really down, just a few days ago you looked fine. Whatever it is I hope it passes soon. Good luck and don't forget user will be there for you if you need him.
>Whatever it is I hope it passes soon
I don't want to play the constant victim here, since there are robots who have it way worse than me, but this shit just doesn't get better. They'll only intensify their efforts against me as time goes on. I'm not smart enough to fake my own death and disappear or anything like that. I'll be found anywhere. I was already threatened with the whole "you're a danger to yourself" shtick. Just a matter of time until I'm locked up.
just take your fucking meds, at whatever the prescribed dose is, and they won't lock you up
Haha. But if I do, how will I play the victim then?
Best you can do is pretend taking your meds at lower than specified doses so they leave you alone. Are you allowed to fly? If yes would you consider moving to a cheap and lax country like Philippines or somewhere in Latin America?
>Best you can do is pretend taking your meds at lower than specified doses so they leave you alone
I can actually pretend and not take them at all. The issue is that they also track my behavior. Last time it was because I almost "committed suicide" as they put it. I'll say or do something that will make them conclude that I'm not "improving". And I'm not sure, but I think I can still fly. I was planning on going to Norway. Not sure how I feel about Philippines or Latin America. Aren't those places pretty dangerous? Especially for a retard like myself.
easy, just start posting about how the doctors are evil and the meds are destroying your brain
Hilarious, isn't it? Those damn crazies.
Well you're clearly going through rough times, it's perfectly normal that you feel scared, alert and tense all day. You could use some alcohol to relax a bit and fool them into thinking you're "getting better" and buy time to plan your escape. The way I see it the thing with Norway is it's more expensive than the countries I mentioned so you'd be in a rush to find employment and perform as needed whereas with cheap countries you can afford to take it easy for longer. Plus Norway being a first world country is a double edged sword, no danger there but if you "act up" you'll have psych services on your back quickly, I doubt third world countries can afford to keep an eye on a "crazy" guy but they're more dangerous indeed. Though I've seen latino bots around Jow Forums, I doubt they're street thugs they probably have more things in common with robots than their neighbors so I think you could make it. Idk but yeah I think out of all Western countries Norway is your best bet, Breivik was treated like a king compared to most other countries prisons
Thank you for everything, user. I wish I could hug you and everyone else who put up with me.
>Hey lads, how are you holding up?
my future is rapidly shifting from the realm of dreams and goals, to actual reality, but I feel like I'm not ready, like my brain is not functioning at its optimum, and I needed it to be if I want to continue on this journey, I guess a time of introspection is in order.