I'm scared of women. How do i fix myself?

I'm scared of women. How do i fix myself?

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remember you can always rape one if you really need to. think of it like a security policy

stop jerking off, you will realise that if you don't get a woman, your life will be hell, so youll have motivation to become someone that someone else wants to date and fuck

I'm afraid of women because I can't outwit them. I'm respectful, and I let others finish before speaking. I hold myself to a greater standard than anybody else. I can't blab to people in anger. I try not to waste other people's time. I don't swear, and I always try to articulate my problems... I always give the benefit of the doubt... This is why I fear women. They are none of these things. They do not know what it's like to hold back.

Being so critical of myself, I end up being slow... but only because I am slow... This is why I fear women.

Nope, just leads to more misery - some of us can't just become "mr. confident" because that's just not who we are.
> tfw no gentle femdom gf to cuddle me and call me a good boy ;_;

have you ever tried no fap?

>you will realise that if you don't get a woman, your life will be hell,
Is this what insecure manlets really think? God why can you people be satisfied with yourself and enjoy hobbies or something instead of basing your entire life around pussy?

What aspect? Do they seem alien to you? Are afraid of them getting closer to you?

its not around basing my entire life off of pussy.
I want a family, a wife some kids a house in the suburbs, that's what people have been doing for thousands of years (or an equivalent of that, niggas in the middle ages weren't living in the burbs) you wont have a happy fulfilled life if you work in mcdonalds jerk off and play video games and then die in an old peoples home depressed that you have no legacy

Maybe you won't, but I'm perfectly happy making peanuts and doing cool shit in the woods until I die alone. Just because you don't have a woman doesn't mean your life needs to be hell. How you feel about life is a result of your perception of it, no less, no more. If you feel like shit and feel that its impossible to change your life then change your perception instead.

no better way to put it

people who accomplish nothing are always depressed when they get old cuz their on their own with nothing to show for it, you can still have hobbies and do cool shit but youll have a family that will actually give a shit about you, if you work hard enough and find a woman to marry and have kids with then youll be fulfilled when you die rather than sad and lonely

that's the reply to

>Nothing to show for it
>Paths developed, forests maintained and turned healthy which will leave its mark for 500 years
>Books written, tools made that will outlast me and woodworking fine furniture that will go out to family friends who will use it for generations.
Yeah sure. Family isn't everything. Just because you don't have kids doesn't mean you accomplished nothing and left no mark.

you can do all those things with a family, but who the fuck remembers the guy who made a few paths and wooden furniture, the mark you are leaving is tiny without kids, if you had kids and they had kids an so forth imagine all the the good you could do for forests, I like nature and woodworking too (im a carpenter) and I cant wait to pass down my skills, knowledge, and passion to my kids.
just think about all the wars, crusades, diesases, animals that had to be killed, toget to where you are and your just saying "fuck a family id rather play video games and go for a hike"

>Needing to be remembered.
Leaving a mark doesn't require that you're remembered user. If you want to leave a mark, you don't need to have kids. It doesn't matter if having kids leaves a larger mark or not because the point isn't to make the largest mark possible, it's leave a positive mark at all. And who cares about the past? I didn't ask any of them to do that, it's not my job to care. You value a family, far, far too much.

ok, it looks like we aren't going to get anywhere I want a family and you want other shit, having a good family makes people happy, f you've found something that makes you happy then im glad, so lets just agree to disagree on this one

People get lonely and need to feel intimacy aswell.

Its instinctual to desire sex.

>you will realise that if you don't get a woman, your life will be hell
even after one month of not jerking off, this realization has not come to me

pic reminded me of this:

Because you cope or have low sex drive. When i no fap i want to fugg every girl i see

Instinct doesn't need to rule your life, especially when instincts cause you emotional distress. I instinctively want to chow down on mcdonalds or whatever every day because the brain loves fat and sugars, but I won't.

fuck a hooker, seriously it helped me so much.
Make sure it's not one of those where you have to fuck off the moment you cum though. Get one you can cuddle for an hour.

face your fear and become one

You dont. Most men today are women with penises

Just don't be scared

its not about having a legacy and leaving something when i die
I'm really scared of women, they are completely alien to me and i always see them as bringing harm, burden and time killers. they will be nice to you only if they get something in return.

I'm definitely not strong enough to rape anyone.

you must become your enemy to understand and face them

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same desu
I can't even make eye contact to a member of the opposite sex

spoken like a true wamen