As an orthopedic resident, you people are destroying your bodies

As an orthopedic resident, you people are destroying your bodies.

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I don't know what orthopedic resident means :D

Wrong. Joints of resistance trainers tend to be worse however the more powerful muscles provide support to the joints which results in less pain reports

mentally ill

As a resident of this board, you's a bitch

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its not like we are lifting our bodyweight from the get go while wearing flip flops here, chillax

>not lifting so much that everything from your traps to your calves is snapped up and all your joints snap crackle and pop

As a resident of your mother's pussy, gtfo.

disprove what I said

let me know when you graduate from those little boy pants you're wearing and then maybe I'll finally give a shit about your opinion.


No orthopedic or sports med resident would actually say that. There are very safe ways to train long-term

Ground down the cartilage in my knees atg squatting 455 and now I have noisy joints and had to take my front squats down to 225 to reduce knee pain, I know Deca Durabolin boosts collagen production by a crazy amount and rebuilds tendons and cartilage but I was planning on staying natty for a few more years. Am I fucked unless I go with /fraud/ give it to me straight doc

As a valued member of the fucking your mom(TM), suck my fat one.

Only 18yo btw

What, are you saying I shouldn't bounce out of the hole on my ass-to-grass low bar squatz?

holy fucking based

He's disproving your literary skills; fag.

If this wasn't a meme post how do you reduce wear on your body? One of my knees is already fucked and I honestly feel no need to go over 225lbs for a squat. I'm not entirely sure why Jow Forums and bodybuilders generally are so obsessed with having legs so huge they have to waddle everywhere in fat pants.

Running has done more damage to my knees than weightlifting ever has and I've dropped that shit down to once a week.

>WRONG. We are destroying our joinrs BUT

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Barbell medicine, Dr baraki and Dr fegghenbaum would disagree

I probably butchered his name

Did you miss the other part I read? If the overall effect is a huge net positive does it matter? Strong muscles is better than strong joints. Your joints are going to calcify as you get old anyway

This is the ultimate case of 'anything you do will eventually destroy you'.
The extremes destroy your body, by strain or obesity, the middle road has minimal wear and tear while keeping you skinnyfat, probably the best for longevity, but it's a shit life that will sap your will.


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not anything. if you do nothing, that won't destroy you. because nothing is not a thing, it doesn't exist so it cannot act upon a physical body.

What's her max bench


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Knee meniscus cartilage essentially doesn't heal because it's basically avascular. No way to get the growth signals or nutrients to it in sufficient quantities as of yet. People are working on it though

What is prp
What are stem cells

>Strong muscles is better than strong joints

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I'm right, you know. When you get old your joints will be shit anyway, but your muscles can still be strong

no im not

Here for a good time not a long time

ur kinda retarded for squatting 455 if lifting isn't your job not gunna lie dude. you max need 2.5 pl8s for full athletic benefits