Should I, an heterosexual white male, buy a victorian dress to wear?

Should I, an heterosexual white male, buy a victorian dress to wear?

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How tall are you?
What's your Weight?
For what purpose is your purchase

yes, i want to do that too.

>contemplating buying a dress
Hows the closet bro?

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>its humilliating and aesthetic, also very immersive because of how large and enveloping they are

Hon detected
Buy something cheap that's okay to ruin. Starter maid uniform or school girl uniform will work

If you can fit it and have a vaguely androgynous face, go for it!

>he doesn't engage in purely heterosexual crossdressing
Imagine being that insecure about your masculinity

but i already have a schoolgirl uniform, a maid one is too cliche

yeah ok leftist

You need one to clean in proper attire.
Once I started wearing a maid uniform to clean, my home started sparkling!

Maids are not cliche
Most cuteboys never leave the socks phase, maid is way past that

No, you should get one from Queensland.

>It's humiliating
It would be even more humiliating if you got your bussy fucked while wearing it.

what if i roleplayed as a snobby aristocrat woman with a powdered wig?

Sounds like fun, but I prefer being the maid.

Plebeian trannies and gays will never understand the pleasure of wearing dress as masculine and heterosexual male purely for aesthetic reasons

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user, the kind of leftists you are likening me to refuse to accept that there is no reason you could possibly want to crossdress, unless you are transsexual.
I say the exact opposite, that you can wear girly clothes or appear feminine, even if you're a straight heterosexual man.

based thugger

faggote detected

That's pretty /fa/ actually

You know strap-ons exist right?

yes, and I think those are fun!

blacks are so /fa/, it's ridiculous

That's fucking Young Thug in Alessandro Trincone dress

Still effay

I wish I could wear Alessandro Trincone dresses like Thugger.
He looks like an anime character

Based and Redpilled.

Here in England it's a rite of passage to crossdress as a heterosexual male. Even Churchill did it. It's among the most British of pastimes.

and I thought wanting to buy dresses for the girls i like was kinda pathetic
what the fuck

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yeah everyone should have a victorian dress to wear.
>its humilliating
on second thought, don't buy it.

dont b mean pls

why does dressing up have to become a sex thing for men. Just wear it cuz it shreds, don't wear it cuz it makes you pop a boner.

you know there's a huge social taboo to crossdressing or even wearing/doing anything feminine for men, right?
you literally can't even put a clear base coat on your toenails without amassing huge puzzlement, shock, and disgust.

then make it normal. it used to elicit a strong reaction when women wore pants but they kept doing it and now it's normal.

>LOL girls can do anythin carefree and with no consequence, why cant guys????
kill yourself, dumb bitch.

Because you are an independent woman who ain't need no man

It wasn't exactly "carefree and with no concequence".

I didn't say that you retarded sont. I said it used to be super taboo for women to wear pants but they persisted despite the opposition. There WAS a lot of opposition.