Femanons, when did you have your last pap smear? Did it hurt?
Femanons, when did you have your last pap smear? Did it hurt?
Plz explain
They're taking a swab sample of a cervix. The metal is a speculum which opens the vaginal canal so that you can take the sample. The tooth brush looking thing is the swab.
You need to get them to check for cervical cancer
Inside a womens vagina, its a test to see if you have any cancers in the vagina or hpv that could lead to cancer
Why do women complain about this hurting so much when it's just a tiny swab and they shove much bigger, wierder things up there with far greater violence and vehemence?
Things don't go inside the cervix? The only thing that naturally passes through a cervix is a baby
They don't tend to fuck themselves with a toilet brush and no lube.
But dicks breach the cervix all the time in hentai.
Why don't they use lube?
What's the red thing around the toilet brush?
>in hentai
Wew laddie
a Cervix?
>The only thing that naturally passes through a cervix is a baby
And pig penises if you are a bestiality connoisseur
>in hentai
Man, what a dumb asshole you are. This is why you are jacking off to hentai and not actually sleeping with anyone.
are women really so often diseased that they have to be scrape tested for genital warts every year
If your partner changes weekly you expose yourself quite literally and figuratively
Why is it bleeding?
A doujin I once read by a woman had a comic on the extra page about her getting some uterine work done
She descibed her uterus being fucked with as being similar to the feeling you get when you have diarrhea. That made sense to me, maybe you can do with that knowledge as well
>beautiful cervix project
fucking women i swear
I've literally never even stuck anything in my vagina in my entire life. I feel like I need to have sex 50 times before I would consider this.
Can you and i have sex 49 times?
be my gf and we will never have vagina sex, just butt sex, so you remain a virgin for life
This is a great offer, femanon. You don't even have to move to Odessa, Texas.
>in hentai
your "sarcasm" isn't even funny retard
Fucc I should have mine soon. Whatever I'll take it later this year
I haven't had sex and I'm not showing anyone my crotch so they can stuff things up it.
What's yr age?
it doesnt hurt but feels rly weird like a cramp for only a sec while they do that. not painful tho just weird feeling. not something id want all the time but not painful
I want to know who in the hell learns about sex from hentai
They swab up all of chad's dried cum to make sure you don't develop a stinky pussy.
I am 19 but even if I was older, I won't let anyone stick things in my body.
was a little funny to em
Yes, only gay men are more diseased thanks in part due to how buttsex works.
The majority of humans have some variety of HPV, women with multiple partners will inevitably have Herpes at some point in their lives.
I never had a slut smear because I am not sexually active.
No normies will admit sex causes cancer and yet they get tested for cancer as soon as they start having sex, coincidence?
i gotta say i really like this femanon
Never did, far as i know you just gotta do it after 30, then its this hell once a year. My gyno makes do with x-rays, which is also annoying since the nurses think im pregnant when i pull up to them with the request
HPV causes cancer, protected sex in a monogamous relationship with someone who's clean does not.
80% of sexually active people are infected with HPV. Google it. HPV causes cancer. Ergo, being sexually active increases your risk of cancer.
Get vaccinated then you retard.
vaccination causes autism
the best form of contraception and disease prevention is abstinence.
How would that make a difference to you? Are you gonna get double autism?
no, when you add autism+autism you get aids