Why the fuck should I lower my standards? Theres some girls in college who are interested in me, but I don't attracted to them enough to have relationship and not socially skilled to create casual sex/fwb situation. I'm not attractive enough to pull off >8,5/10 women, but I'm not attracted to anyone less than that.
It bothers me to be virgin at my age, but losing it just for the sake of it seems really bad and even if I depressed and extremely lonely I love myself too much to do that.
Do whatever you want, but just how you wouldn't sleep with someone below your standards, you must accept that these 8/10 women have their own standards, and you cant fault them for that any more than you can fault yourself.
Yea, I don't fault them. It's understandable. Anything I can fault is my genes or my personality
How old are you ? I'm in the same case, I attract quite a lot of regular girls, but I'm near 24yo virgin, and I feel like my standards are starting to auto downgrade. I caught myself masturbating to these girls I thought I would never touch before. I think the next easy girl crossing my path gonna have a taste of my D. The fact that my kind of girl is extremely rare in my country clearly didn't help. I just want a big titty white girl, no matter the face. 2/10 faced titty girls were pretty common in school but they all vanished.
They didn't vanish, they were probably just snapped up and impregnated by Jamal at 17 and ended up waitressing.
What do you look like though? Like how would you rate yourself out of 10?
I'm in the same boat, except I'm a femanon and not prepared to settle for less than Chad.
The kind of Chads I like aren't your conventionally attractive, run of the mill 6'2 blond blue eyed jock assholes, but they're still out of my league nonetheless.
I can't imagine having sex with someone I wasn't extremely attracted to. My standards aren't that high, but they're probably higher than what is realistically obtainable for me. I don't really see why anyone should have to have sex with someone they're not attracted to, but sadly most of my friends seem to be in those passionless relationships that are more like friendships with occasional sex. That just doesn't do it for me.
At the risk of sounding like a corny old boomer lady, I want someone who will rock my world. Mediocre just doesn't cut it for me.
Man, I'm taking volcel in another direction. I hate typical girls. They are unaatractive on how slutty they dress and they expect me to listen to what they have to say? Relationships are overrated. In my position, I cannot introduce someone in my life even if it was the perfect girl because I disappear for months at a time for my job. I will not give the average girl any of my time to deal with. I am completely fine with satistfying myself rather than settling down for some rachet bitch that any can fuck. Hell, it's not even about the looks. I have an ideal girl that I would want in my life but it's too far out that it's more than likely that I wouldn't ever meet them. Settling for less is pathetic and those who do are doomed to have their relationship abruptly end with lots more taken than given. Believe it or not, before you guys start loving other people, you should learn to love yourself (I know, corny as shit) but it's true. It's the only way to be happy in solitude. And I'm not talking about the 'OMG I look so fucking Chad right now' but 'wow, i can actually do these things' or 'huh, I can make some interesting points'.
I'm a socially successful, attractive (at least a 6, 8 at the best of times) man and I feel you. 24 year old virgin. Four different girls all into me at work (I know this because they're all friends and each one has gossipped that the other has a crush on me) but they're below my standards.
The biggest fucking redpill: women are fucking BORING. None of them have any hobbies. None of them know anything about anything. They can't do basic fucking tasks and they complain about everything. They step on eachother to advance in life with no shame. They don't have a concept of truth or honesty. They think watching tv and enjoying travel is a hobby. They complain about doing the most basic ass fucking job for completely too much money and they can't even do that right. They make terrible friends and they don't read and they wear these stupid outfits for attention and they constantly vie for affection of any remotely successful man. And the worst thing is some dumb fuck ends up dating them and giving them validation because they maybe have nice tits.
Fucking women, I hate them and I love them.
oh god i would wreck her
I am in the same boat myself. I am probably a 5/10 but fairly tall and with a bit of muscle, so maybe as high as 6/10. I have options; girls have flirted here and there. Since I have low self esteem, it is possible I am even more attractive than I give myself credit for. Unfortunately, I am only attracted to women far more attractive than me. Another thing that is really tough to admit is the fact that I'm just not a very interesting, engaging person. I'm introverted and unhappy; I don't attract the kind of happy, beautiful girl I would actually want to be in a relationship with because I don't appear to have anything to offer physically or otherwise. And it sucks.
I think a lot of us latch on to physical appearance because it offers us a way out: "Hey, I wasn't born a Chad, life sucks, etc." And that is definitely true. Looks absolutely matter, don't let anyone fool you. But it's harder still to admit that your personality is just kind of drab. I have to admit it, though. I am not charming, fun loving, spontaneous or otherwise fun to hang out with. I'm quiet and when I do speak, it's generally to voice an objection or disdain for something, as is the wont of many unhappy people. My only hobbies are shitposting on Jow Forums and playing vidya. Back when I was at least somewhat socially active, I played Magic: The Gathering; whoopee. I kind of hate myself for being such a fucking drag. If I were a girl, I would not want to be in a relationship with me. It's easier to tell yourself that girls don't like you because you're ugly but I know the truth: my personality is the really ugly thing.
>I can't imagine having sex with someone I wasn't extremely attracted to
Yes, that sums it up for me. There's no romance in the prospect of just fucking a warm hole.
>The biggest fucking redpill: women are fucking BORING.
I'm and I agree with this to some extent. I don't know how girls can watch the Kardashians, gossip about random bullshit, go shopping and listen to faggoty pop music. That's all so boring to me, and it suggests that they have simple minds. But at some point, I realized how incredibly boring I must be to them. I mean, what am I doing that is so great? Posting on Jow Forums with you guys?
Another thing that sucks: hot girls tend to be the boring girls. Not that it matters, since I don't think I will ever date them to begin with
Edit: I meant to say I'm
Go to a prostitute. It's better than settling for someone unattractive
Most prostitutes are VERY unattractive. In real life, they look nothing like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. If you're talking about porn stars who escort on the side for like 5k a weekend, that is one thing but most escorts are gross.
I don't care that you have standards just don't cry and whine that the women you desire don't want you because you punched too high above you're weight. A 8/10 women basically has the entire male population at her disposal so she can be extremely picky. It isn't pre-war times anymore where an ugly guy working in a coal mine can sway an attractive women because he has resources. Women don't need these kinds of men anymore, they are obsolete, and if you're one then you'll have no choice but to compromise.
Im 21
Probably 6-7? I'm tall and most of the time look good in the mirror but almost always very bad in photos so idk. The thing is i've approached by girls couple of times and 'dated' (no sex) VERY gorgeous girl when I was 14 lol. And in high school the most popular and beautiful girl of the school flirted with me, sent me photos in underwear and openly was dtf. But 16yo me blew it by being too autistic and insecure. But it was long ago and both of these girls were quirky, weird and young. On the other hand people made shady comments about my features/appearance in the past. So I'm not really sure about how I look.
Yea, I feel you. Attractive girls seems to not care that much about qualities that deemed as important by mens, qualities that teached to men since their childhood. Such as: honor, independency, agency, humbleness, stoicism, interest in nature of things etc
Yup. I grow up in really basic enviroment and honestly think I'm way more interesting/talented/smarter/whatever than 90% of people around me, but then I look at some people (even from my city, Im not even talking about just girls) who seems to be much more interesting people with much, much more interesting lives with whom I always wanted to (and ime SHOULD) be with and realize that even if I gain opportunity to talk to them I will be just so boring and unfun to them and, yes, it's really hurts the most.
>Yea, I don't fault them. It's understandable. Anything I can fault is my genes or my personality
Whenever I see a girl like that, I cant help but think that she is evil. Like she enjoys not giving sex to some people. It is not like she HAS to give the sex, but they act like it is a burden to them, like it is a chore. But in reality both men and women enjoy with sex, but SOMEHOW men have to work for it. Doesnt make any sense. Why cant those girls just do a sexual favor to friends? Noooo because they need their attention, right... stupid society our grandfathers built
>I'm not attractive enough to pull off >8,5/10 women, but I'm not attracted to anyone less than that.
You're probably just a piece of shit. Have you ever considered that? Have you ever considered your standards are just your inability to love or accept yourself?
They gain 100lbs by 30
lmao virgins with standards are still.. virgins. Food for thought
The only interesting girls are ugly girls because they had to actually form a personality in order to not be completely overlooked and ignored. Ever noticed the only funny girls are ugly? Not that I think Sarah Silverman or Lena Dunham are funny, but female comedians are universally ugly.
All men have to at least develop a personality to be attractive. Women don't unless they're ugly. Lower your standards and date an uglier chick with a good heart. They all look shit after 30 anyway
Ok roastie, not gonna argue I'm probably a shitty person. But I definitely love/accept myself, maybe too much.
extreme hamstering and coping detected
I don't think my standards are very high, I just don't want the same things from a relationship that other people do. I suppose given that I can't really afford to have any standards at all, but it really wouldn't be fair to either party to settle for someone I'm not attracted to. Or at least I know I'd feel terrible if a girl did that to me.
If you can't lower your standards to at least a 6.5 then you're an entitled fuck
post a 6.5/10 grill plz. I want to know if I'm an entitled cuck.
brother be me.
only thing i look for in a girl is a pulse.