>Climate crisis
Overwhelming scientific evidence for rapid climate change. Global temperature rises, warming oceans, shrinking ice sheets, rising sea levels, melting ice caps, extreme weather events.
>Collapse and degeneration of Western civilization
Toxic modern feminism; social justice culture; hyper-sexualized society and rapant hypergamy; the 'incel' phenomenon, the war on men and masculinity; record high rates of depression and suicide; increase in cases of gender dysphoria and transgenderism. If we're being honest: the abandonment of core Judeo-Christian values that have been the backbone of the West.
>Political polarity, uncertainty, and extremism
Far-right and far-left ideologies slowly seeping into the mainstream; cancerous identity politics; a dangerously divided and unstable America; a crumbling European Union; the rising superpower of the authoritarian communist China; Pakistan and India tensions; an unstable Middle East
>Mass uncontrolled immigration into Europe
And the inevitable growth of Islam.
>Alarming human overpopulation - particularly of the impoverished Africa
By 2100, the population of Africa is expected to rise to ~4.5 BILLION.
>Wealth inequality
The 26 richest people on Earth have the same net worth as the poorest 50% of the population (~3.8 billion). 26 people = 3,800,000,000 people.
>Rapid technological growth and its unpredictable implications
Genetic engineering and the emergence of 'designer babies'; artificial intelligence, robotics and the countless jobs they will displace; cyber warfare; internet surveillance; the singularity (?).
How long do we have left?