The human finale

>Climate crisis
Overwhelming scientific evidence for rapid climate change. Global temperature rises, warming oceans, shrinking ice sheets, rising sea levels, melting ice caps, extreme weather events.
>Collapse and degeneration of Western civilization
Toxic modern feminism; social justice culture; hyper-sexualized society and rapant hypergamy; the 'incel' phenomenon, the war on men and masculinity; record high rates of depression and suicide; increase in cases of gender dysphoria and transgenderism. If we're being honest: the abandonment of core Judeo-Christian values that have been the backbone of the West.
>Political polarity, uncertainty, and extremism
Far-right and far-left ideologies slowly seeping into the mainstream; cancerous identity politics; a dangerously divided and unstable America; a crumbling European Union; the rising superpower of the authoritarian communist China; Pakistan and India tensions; an unstable Middle East
>Mass uncontrolled immigration into Europe
And the inevitable growth of Islam.
>Alarming human overpopulation - particularly of the impoverished Africa
By 2100, the population of Africa is expected to rise to ~4.5 BILLION.
>Wealth inequality
The 26 richest people on Earth have the same net worth as the poorest 50% of the population (~3.8 billion). 26 people = 3,800,000,000 people.
>Rapid technological growth and its unpredictable implications
Genetic engineering and the emergence of 'designer babies'; artificial intelligence, robotics and the countless jobs they will displace; cyber warfare; internet surveillance; the singularity (?).

How long do we have left?

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I hope it ends soon. I can't live like this for another 80 years. I just want it all to be over.

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If the climate bois are right, we're already fucked and there's nothing we could ever possibly do about it as we passed the point where it's a infinite feedback loop of higher temps causing ice to melt releasing trapped methane causing higher temps which causes more ice to melt, etc, etc.

So I dunno, 100 maybe 200 years? The rest won't kill the world. Maybe 90% of humanity, but not the world. There will always be stragglers left. Unless, that is, the world itself becomes inhospitable to all forms of life.

Burn it down

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Human: 1
Earth: 0
Earth: 1
Humans: Ded

>The 26 richest people on Earth have the same net worth as the poorest 50% of the population (~3.8 billion). 26 people = 3,800,000,000 people.

You're just jealous because they earned all that money with their hard work by pulling themselves up by their bootstraps, walking in the front door, and handing in a resume. If you work hard and save carefully, champ, you too can have the power to decide if half the sentient beings in the world live or die on a daily basis.

It won't. These issues already created tensions and is inevitably cannot be stop. It will only cease if your spirit stops dwelling on your body, so probably,rope.

heh, you sure showed these youngsters pal

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I'm actually fine with these issues, as long as it brings everything crashing down and I can die soon. I don't want to have to kill myself.

Superintelligent AI is far more dangerous than climate change.

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The Age of Malthusian Industrialism is near.

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No, super-intelligent AI is what will survive climate change.

Unironically communism is our only hope. That said, you guys are gonna have to get over your fetishization of "Western Civilization."

Your only hope is self-actualization friend

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>Climate crisis
We will run out of fossil fuels in this century, and humanity will have to find new sustainable and efficient (windmills are not any solution) way to harvest energy. I personally can't wait for controlled nuclear fusion. The ones to capitalize on this new form of energy will become new financial elites, and until then we will have to deal with wars for resources (so Middle East will be continuously fucked), strong denialism via oil & coal industry, and possibly climate migration. Extreme weather will continue to cause deaths and financial losses but we will adapt somehow. Still biggest threat though, changing climate brought many empires to an end (Bronze Age collapse anyone?), only now we are prepared to combat it's effects in some way.

>Toxic modern feminism
feminism is really past it's heyday now, it's core ideas were put to action in 60s and 70s and
there is nothing much to fight for really, at least in terms of massive societal changes. Contemporary feminism have to be realistic and focus on minor issues (pay gap, women's representation in pop culture) or overblown non-issues (think Buzzfeed and Tumblr style crap), and since it has become marketable and media friendly topic, you tend to be spammed with the most extreme, caustic and bizzare faces of it but it is not an ideology to be reckoned with in any way.

>social justice culture
as above. non issues, ideological hair-splitting, annoying but harmless in a long run. also nail in the coffin for political left, if they went back to the roots and focused on workers' rights left would be massive in times of crisis but they are too stupid to do that

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>hyper-sexualized society and rapant hypergamy
Not really, even if there is a decline in marriages most people still tend to form monogamous couples and end up in long term relationships as they grow older and need to settle down. almost like it is a natural thing humans do. and if people enter few long-term relationships in their life its good, at least you won't fuck up your life by marrying the wrong person when you were 20

>the 'incel' phenomenon
jaded outcasts that hate women always existed, only now they got more vocal and visible thanks to internet

> the war on men and masculinity
didn't notice such thing, you give too much power to irrelevant Buzzfeed pseudofeminism

>record high rates of depression and suicide
maybe it's nature's way of population control, since people no longer die in great masses from wars and plagues? sad jokes aside, it shows some deep rooted problems with modern society. no wonder people loose the drive to survive when all your life you are taught you need to meet certain definition of success and then realize most of the people will never achieve it, when modern corporate and mass media culture make you believe your self worth is measured by your financial status and we are becoming more and more isolated, technologically and spiritually. it's an inherent problem of an industrial and post-industrial society, as relevant today as it was at the turn of 20th century. and I'm afraid it's up to guys like you and me to figure it out. my advice to all of you is to make your own meanings, my dudes.

> increase in cases of gender dysphoria and transgenderism
same as incels

> If we're being honest: the abandonment of core Judeo-Christian values
top fucking kek

>that have been the backbone of the West.
don't be ridiculous. Rome was christianized in 392, and that's hardly all of "the west", and you have roughly a thousand years of history before that. Concept of Christendom dates to late reconquista, which is 700s. Our culture is far more rooted in ancient Greeks and Romans than Christianity (itself middle-eastern in origin). and christianity changed drastically over the centuries. and all of modern ideologies you may point to as harbingers of doom, from liberalism to fascism to communism are product of this western civilization. "judeo-christan values" are bullshit and sooner you stop believing in this concept, the better for you.

>Political polarity, uncertainty, and extremism
>Far-right and far-left ideologies slowly seeping into the mainstream;
I still wait for far left to enter main discourse, and people will unironically start to call for executing our capitalist overlords. seriously though, extreme ideologies tend to become popular in times of political and economical instability, that's to be expected. what you can do is to not fuel the conflict by choosing the side. use our situation to be forward thinking, to bring new ideas to the table. people are disillusioned, they don't trust status quo anymore, and so they are much more willing to change the system than in times of stability. treat is as an opportunity. be a visionary, a leader.

>cancerous identity politics
non-issue and much fuss as few times before

I share the same sentiment, though without a hint of insincerity.

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>a dangerously divided and unstable America
not so divided as when Civil War broke out, amirite? but I'm with you Ameribros, times are
shitty for you now. Just carry on through. Learn to take from all ends of the spectrum and

talk to all kinds of people. Don't shut away from anyone. Divide and rule is the oldest trick,

make folks understand the more we fight each other, the more power we give to people that are

responsible for all that shit we are in now.

> a crumbling European Union
same as with US, really. I'm not a fan of EU in it's current shape, but I'm afraid of the rise of nationalism, because fragmented EU + strong nationalist tendencies = bad times. If Europe want's to be relevant and keep up with superstates in the likes of USA, Russia and China it must be united, or it will become another south America

>the rising superpower of the authoritarian communist China
yeah right
Actually I kinda look foward for China to becoming dominant super power, it would just be exciting to see it take place of the US and i think it will happen. Don't know what to make of it yet, though.

>Pakistan and India tensions
Don't care. Sure, huge populations are at stake, but it still a local struggle, not gonna have effect on global scale.

>an unstable Middle East
and it will keep being that way due to it's BIGGEST OIL DEPOSITS for decades, as I mentioned already

>Mass uncontrolled immigration into Europe
Direct consequence of the above, and will also keep being that way. So you can't really look away or believe someone will build a wall and problem will disappear. We will need to deal with it, and we can keep marginalizing them until they build their own alternate sharia-based society, or use lot of our money and resources to teach those goat-fucking towelheads that our way of life is supreme and they will integrate into society so nicely in couple generations. that's how I see it.

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>inevitable growth of Islam.
I have an utopian dream, where weteach Muslims how not to build a society that is a medieval shithole, and in turn Europe is saved from a spiritual death via moderate islam influence. Stupid I know. Truth is Islam haven't really grown, it just turn much more expansive and extremist. It can fizzle out after couple decades, and I really fear open conflict between civilizations, as it will push both far back.

>By 2100, the population of Africa is expected to rise to OVER 9000 FUCKTILLION
I don't care. Really, I will be long dead by then. In seriousness though, Africa will see massive changes in the next century. There is a reason why Chinese are investing huge amounts of money on the continent, invest in industry, build naval bases etc. It's new frontier of our times. Africa is a massive continent and it can't stay this mess of local warlords and tribal infighting forever. Some power structure is bound to crystallize sooner or later, and since the west is undergoing crisis and we have bad aftertaste after colonialism, I believe it will be other powers to have this economic conquest

>Wealth inequality
That's SURPRISINGLY seem to be cause of so many of our societal problems if you think about it. That's the reality of late capitalism. My fear is, when mass population realize that, they will be drawn to outdated, already failed but good sounding for disgruntled average Joe radical ideas. Remember, capitalism is old news. It doesn't fit our modern, changing world. Our burden is to invent new system that work better in it's time, as we were doing since beginning of history.

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>Genetic engineering

>the emergence of 'designer babies'
ashamed to admit it but I'm kinda attracted to the idea of eugenics. Why have inborn illnesses? Why let people randomly suffer from birth? Realistically though, I know it will just deepen the divide between rich and the poor to never seen before, physiological level. Think separate races from Welles' Time Machine. But that's more of a problem of wealth distribution than it is of future science.

>robotics and the countless jobs they will displace;
Same was told about steam engine. And every other technological revolution. Things keep changing and you cant stop the progress. There will be lay offs, troubles, but hardly end of the workforce as we know it. Such things have been prophetized many times before and never turned to be true, I don't believe them to turn different now.

>the singularity
please. google still can't figure how to make a decent self driving car. wise bois of futurism told me the Singularity will arrive in 2020s and I was so hyped back when I was psychedelic-ingesting young adult, and this is what we have now? Sure AI and machine learning will keep improving over time, but we are still making baby steps. Strong AI, computer consciousness and things like that will belong in SF for decades, if not centuries from now.

Join the Yang Gang preserve America for at least another 20 years

>genetic engineering
hopefully they make a "bleached" virus that turns all black men into beautiful white waifus with high IQ and loyalty

China is a Marxist-Leninist state working towards building socialism. Read Deng. They have a market economy and a capitalist mode of production, but the political sphere is in control of the proletariat, and have been laying the groundwork for a socialist mode of production. All land is owned by the state, and the state exerts control over the commanding heights of the economy. They are predicting achieving the primary stage of socialism by 2035.

But yeah, China is going to overtake the US soon, and I, for one, am fucking excited.

>But yeah, China is going to overtake the US soon, and I, for one, am fucking excited.

What is there to be excited about? When has socialism ever been a success?

is it even possible for a human revolution at this point? Why do people have to be so mean to each other. Why can we just band together and crush our problems together. T_T

>26 richest people on earth have the same net worth as the poorest 50% of the population

American spotted. No it's actually six people have 99% of all wealth in world. This world got enough money but these assholes decide to keep it and watch world burn and larp real life as some type of anime character.

You understand that almost all of their money is reinvested back into the economy, right? They're fabulously rich, but the amount they keep on hand is very limited. It's still more than they could ever spend though.

The idea that there's enough trapped methane to cause a total, ecologically obliterating cascade is silly and has no basis in science.

If any candidate in the US were to suggest implementing just *some* of China's current system, they'd be called far more socialist than Bernie or OC have ever been. And China's doing pretty fucking well so by the burger definition, 'socialism' is working.
China isn't yet socialist, but is using state capitalism to accumulate enough productive forces to make the transition, according to their govt. at least.

I really really you all die in my lifetime

How the fuck would communism be our only hope

I'm just going to get a minimum wage job and spend as much time as I can either working or hanging out with my parents and just watch as shit slowly unfolds. There will probably be some really cool shit like immortality and truly immersive VR to look forward to.

The profit motive inherent in capitalism is killing the environment, and the falling rate of profit necessitates increased exploitation for the bourgeoisie to maintain economic dominance.

>Grandparents getting older
>Moms drinking herself to death
>Little bro ODd on heroin a couple years back
I have very little left to live for. Bring it on lads. I hope they have cigarettes in hell.

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It is not though. They keep it and use what they got to buy gold, so once value of dollar inflates due to baseless loans and bails. They still retain currency that dollar was based on and all the rest will be fucked. It's quite amazing.