Tfw no matter how Jow Forums you get and how many thots you fuck you will never be as happy as you once were as a...

>tfw no matter how Jow Forums you get and how many thots you fuck you will never be as happy as you once were as a chubby 12 year old playing your PS2 all day on the weekends.

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God damn this killed me and I don’t even play video games

What do you do with your vacation time? I get 4 weeks off per year, and use 2 for international travel, 1 for Christmas, and another for a staycation where I sit in my living room doing nothing


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I dont recall being happy in my childhood. Only time I was happy was when I was in the navy. Guess that's why I work out so much nowadays.

I work in homecare and hate my life

Man this reminds me of like 2007 when my entire fucking life revolved around Runescape. Glad that's over with.

i had over 450 days in-game time. Literally over a year of my life logged in staring at a fucking 640x480 browser game.

you consider your time in the Navy to be your childhood m8?

Spending hours playing halo, teabagging and shit talking other kids while you LARPed as an older teen

Sucks bro

what do you mean by homecare

Pic fucking related.

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>playing jenga, fat kid, and smear the queer with your buds every day after school in 2008

I'm really considering throwing away my gainz and blowing my bulk money on drugs, alcohol and a gun. We're all gonna make it. but no one said how we're gonna make it.

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No I was 20. Childhood sucked.

ugh... damnit got me. Back when I didn't even give a fuck about sex it was awesome

I'm having the time of my fucking life. I jump over fences for the fuck of it because I never got to do that when I was little. That and skateboarding since I was too heavy to balance correctly.

Probably a faggot Home Health Aid. Hardly a job

i didn't have a great childhood, but damn i never expected to miss it as much as people tell you you will

Idk man, having my own truck, boat, house, and gf I fuck in the ass on a regular basis is pretty dope


>never be as happy as you were as a chubby 12 year old playing your PS2 all day on the weekends.
god damnit user
this hits hard

That is why you have kids and you let your kid enjoy that time period again

why did you have to remind me

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it's really funny to me how we all larp around the concept of alpha male, evropa and etc but deep down we're just sad because there's almost nothing we can do to change this existential dread that the western civilization is rollercoasting into it's doom and our hands are tied.
we lift, we try to be upstanding and yet soon enough we will all be sent to the fucking grave, like everybody else.
can we even live a legacy? having buried our parents, will anybody else remember us?
i'm not feeling so good today

>tfw remember the days when it was summer and I'd ride my bike around with my friends and we would hit sweet dirt jumps and luge down hills on our skateboards

I'm sad it's over but I'm glad it happened or however that stupid quote goes

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Don't exactly miss these times. No doubt they were good, but the feeling of getting in a better shape for the last 5 years and especially the last 3 overshadows everything.

you need to delete this thread right now

You misinterpreted that post, user.

NO FUCK MY CHILDHOOD, also garbage man and trying to get recon

im seething

>Want to start skating again, but old and don't want to be seen doing it and failing.

>Dads on the skateboard!

user I was going to try and refute this, but you’re 100% right, that really hit the feels man.

bro fucking delete this