how does a female go about getting a boyfriend? I have 0 experience. Help appreicated.
How does a female go about getting a boyfriend? I have 0 experience. Help appreicated
have you tried just existing
yes, i'm sure that multiple guys would like to date me, because i'm a girl and i have more chances of attracting a mate. its evolution.
i don't know how to advance beyond this realization, is my question.
Either attention whore on r9k or just make a profile on okcupid or something.
I'll be your bf if you meet my requirements.
Talk to a guy who likes you until he asks? idk man women don't usually do anything to get mens attention besides looking pretty and pretending his jokes are funny
>be female
That's all
so if i go on and make a profile on r9k or okcupid, then what do i do next? sorry i'm confused here
what are your requirements?
how do i know that a guy likes me? and is that all i have to do, look pretty and laugh?
I mean you just put yourself out there and be decent looking and guys should initiate contact.
My requirements to sum them up are that you be in the US, not fat, very introverted and have bad social skills.
I assume you at least meet that last one.
>I mean you just put yourself out there and be decent looking and guys should initiate contact.
then what is expected of if the initiate contact?
i meet everything expect not in the US, i'm sorry.
I mean "justbeyourselfbro" basically. Do you not know how to talk to people?
Just of of curiosity where are you?
Guys will ptetend to think you are a genuinely interesting person
>T. have an orbiter
Unless you're not some 2/10 landwhale just exist. The guys will come to you.
The problem with love is that literally nobody is honest about it. People are insecure it won't measure up to their delusions. Which it won't. Long lasting love is hard work. It requires picking up a serious interest in your SO's hobbies. When the actual relationship doesn't measure up to delusions you weren't honest about, it fails.
>Do you not know how to talk to people?
what constitutes as a good talk? i'm no where near you.
if i do what exactly? by laughing and looking good?
The most important thing is to make it clear to the guy that you put out on the first date.
>put out
put out what?
Meaning that you give access to your pussy on the first date and will jump into bed with him and have sex.
I think it depends on many factors like your age, looks, interests, personality, ideal bf etc. You need to give us a little more information about that stuff.
>a female
yeah okay
why shuold i have sex on the first date? isn't that bad?
i'm young, i look slightly bellow average, i like geek things and video gaming, i'm introverted and spontaneous, my ideal boyfriend should not abusive, rude, lazy, i want to have a boyfriend.
Maybe not on the first date but you definitely mustn't wait too long either. If you go too long without sex the guy will get tired of waiting and leave you.
If there is a guy you like irl and he's single you should initiate conversation with him and if he's interested in you he will ask you out. Basically you need to let him know that you're interested and if he's too he will make another move. If you want online bf just post a prove that you're a female on here on other site like this and you will immediately get many bf candidates just because you're a female using Jow Forums.
btw where are you from?
really? what if i want to have sex after marriage? are all guys like this?
where can i find single guys and how do i know if they are single? should i verbally express my interest, like 'are you interested in me?' what moves is he going to make and how do i respond to them?
prove that i'm a female, i don't feel comfortable with posting my tits.
Very few men would be okay waiting until marriage to have sex. Certainly not the good ones. You have to understand that sex is an important part of a relationship and strengthens it. So if you enter a committed relationship then you better do it.
yes i will have sex, but only with a partner i trust.
Imagine if there were a board dedicated to advising people about topics such as this. Oh wait, silly me, there is that exactly!
Nobody asks you to post your tits. If you don't want to pots a picture of yourself you can make vocarro or something.
I don't think you should be so direct with question like that. You should just laugh at jokes he tells, have a conversation with him and that's pretty much it.
>where can i find single guys and how do i know if they are single
You're on r9k. At least 90% of guys here are single.
> what if i want to have sex after marriage?
I'm sure that many guys especially from here wouldn't mind that at all.
>where can i find single guys and how do i know if they are single?
This is a tough one. Maybe someone should set up an internet site where single people can find each other. Imagine if only such things would exist!
be my gf
and live in my area of course
Literally just go sit at a bar on a Friday or Saturday. You'll guarantee meet handfuls of guys who want to date you.
It's literally that easy.
I wonder if this thread died because it was a troll or she found a boyfriend.
drop your discord contact and you'll have one
Yeah im sure it wasn't faggot
think it's hard? you could literally do this now imagine being a male with your personality. They say Ishinn is hard but it's nothing compared to this