What do think are the common causes of inceldom?

What do think are the common causes of inceldom?

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Women being dumb vapid animals.

Missing father figure.

This, plus a mother who lets you do whatever you want.

>modern hookup culture
>women becoming sluttier
>men not going out due to the internet
Basically those three

Being lazy and retarded

>if you're white and still a virgin

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I had a great father and I'm still a 28 y/o KV. Makes me feel even more ashamed of myself.

In most cases, it's growing up shunned and as a result becoming socially stunted. As you age it becomes more and more difficult to learn social skills and thus you turn to escapism more and more, which exacerbates the problem in turn

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>What do think are the common causes of inceldom?


Man shes so pure

this is nothing new, throughout our history not all men have been able to reproduce, I find it amusing how people think this is somehow something recent, it just that with the internet it's actually become more noticeable.
but anyways, the lack of actual purpose in life is hindering many so called incels.

current cultural climate

Neetbux, they let people become useless and lazy.

>"It wasn't a brown guy he was a based black christian trump supporter!"
White women were a mistake

Women being too selective and wanting attention all the time

Incels being dumb vapid animals.

Increase of genetical trash males due to lack of selection factors like war and conflict weeding them out

I fucking love Southern even more for this statement and white girls in general. White incels are too jealous. Look up the dating statistics, every race of girls still prefers you, why so bitter?

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being ugly
originalID 2915618934891245

Women being the sole gatekeepers of sex. They dont deserve to have as much power as they do now.

I'm not white and I don't like caucasoid women

I'm just pointing out that your women are trashy hypocrites, bruv. This is like how southern dads told their daughters not to fuck black slaves because they had huge dongs, and then were surprised when their daughters ended up pregnant with mocha babies

white people are retarded

It's not new but it's becoming a bigger problem, I'm pretty sure their numbers are growing. I'd say it's mostly socially awkward men who don't realise what society expects of them. You can see that when meeting incels, most of them are attractive enough to get poon(branding themselves mentalcels) but don't take care of themselves because they don't know how to.

post her sister

Imagine being so dumb as to believe this. Women are powerless weak creatures. They exist only to please men.

Why the fuck can't Lauren just pose nude already? She'll be hitting the wall in a few years

She just should marry an arabic or black dude, i would worship her forever.

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You dont understand. Women have uncle sam on their side. It doesnt matter how bad ass you are,the goverment can and will tear you a new one if you do anything wrong. People dont just get away with doing things anymore.

Yea, that's why Trump didn't get away with his constant infidelity. Oh wait...

>bigger problem
for who?

Will do fren


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Thats called being rich. There are different rules for rich people. Thats why jessy smollet got away with faking a hate crime.

For society as a whole and for themselves.

aspergers syndrome and social anxiety. it is natural selection culling off the mentally deficient.

>ywn date Lauren and turn her into a cuckqueen by forcing her to watch you fuck her sister

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Idk she is still pretty young, she has some time left.

Bad parenting. Parents letting their son become a shut-in loser instead of kicking his ass and forcing him to go outside and get a job and make friends and talk to girls.

>Parents letting their son become a shut-in loser instead of kicking his ass and forcing him to go outside and get a job and make friends and talk to girls.
You can throw him off make him to get a job but never to make friends and talk to girls.

Having a job is already a big step in the right direction, it will make it easier to eventually get friends.

That's just wishful thinking. I know plenty of friendless wagies.

This honestly. Suicide rates for men are already 3x higher and now it's expected for them to skyrocket.

incels are the ugly weird kids that get hardcore bullied in school. it's not surprising that their parents don't pressure them into anything

>it's expected for them to skyrocket.
Expected by who?

The realisation women are actually incapable of love and all you'd ever be to her is a human dildo, and even then you arent even worthy of being that, youre lower than an object, youre nothing

the notion females can feel love is blasphemous

Biggest reasons:
1. Giving women rights and freedom (especially sexual freedom) and allowing them to gain power by injecting them all over schools, the workplace, media, etc.
2. Lack of masculine role models and masculinity, as a result of 1
3. Breakdown of cultural norms which now no longer shame or discourage promiscuity, hypergamy, and other degenerate female sexual imperatives, also as a result of 1

Really, it all goes back to female nature and the fact that it's completely unhinged now. Women are naturally inclined towards hypergamy and will ignore the vast majority of men if their ridiculously high standards are not met. If you allow them to behave like this with no punishment or repercussions, just like modern western culture does, the end result of course will be an increasing amount of incels and left over men. Female nature is literally designed to be anti-civilization. That's why taking away women's rights is probably the smartest and most righteous course of action to take. Women with freedom is extremely dangerous.

>le everything was better in the old days meme again
People lose their virginity later, have less sexual partners, and in general are less degenerate now than they have been in over a hundred years, maybe less than ever in the history of the western world.

Social isolation during adolescence.


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>shitskin eye color
Nothing was lost

Because it's all concentrated towards the top 20% of males now. What you said actually proved my point right. There are people losing their virginities later and having less sex because there's more incels who aren't participating in all that.

Statistics. Nothing more. Occam's razor all the way.

Take 100 million guys with roughly similar traits. Take 100 million females with roughly similar traits. Drop them all in a soup of different cultures, economic backgrounds, ethnicities, etc. Watch what happens. Their mating can every single time, be described as a bell curve. Most mate an average number of times for an average duration, a few will mate an extraordinary number of times, and a few will not mate at all. And as with everything else, add a little time to the mixture and see that things usually become a cycle. Those who just happened to luckily fall on the high performing scale get an extreme amount of experience, reputation, motivation and self esteem, forever making sure they stay beyond the reach of the average. And those who fall on the low end and get nothing, will become stuck there because they will quickly find themselves lacking even the basic minimum requirements of experience and skill to even enter the game. With time, they lose the motivation and stop trying altogether.

Although from a subjective viewpoint it's a highly destructive, emotional experience... from a statistical standpoint it's completely normal. You just drew a bad hand, that's it. It's nobody's fault, and there's nothing you can do about it. Kinda like some people are born cripple, stupid, or with a horrible disease.

Plain dumb luck, nothing more.

It's not, you're just stupid and wrong. It's easier than ever to get laid today with internet and transport options that weren't available before. And still people are being less degenerate.

THIS. And a lot more.

>having a job=/=being popular

>He wasnt born an autist
Absolute fucking pussies you guys come on.

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Everlasting hiccups.

Small dick. Oregon.

A lack of motivation/experience with dating and relationships in early life that compounded more and more severely as time went on, and the availability of escapism through the internet and entertainment like video games created a vicious cycle where you lose yourself in something to forget how lonely you are, and your social skills degrade that much more, ensuring your loneliness


that's mostly it

That wouldnt really matter if you'd have the right mindset.

having no confidence and unrealistic standards.
you have to get used to rejection bucko. you keep trying and you can find someone that is worth your time.


here you go, fellers

read the first few comments and didn't see anyone try to blame the internet so, the internet.

women are insanely powerful because the internet has enabled to hypersocialized.

I may have to disagree with you and agree with It is not easy to get laid today. Maybe in Brazil it is, or in Las Vegas, or in Thailand. But certainly not in Europe. Transport? Yeah a plain out of Europe, come on man.
I dont think people are less degenerate. Pornography wouldnt be a major issue if there was a religion in place, which is made by men. Gays will always be there, but in the shadows, not parading. The internet doesnt provide any platform to be able to get have sex. You have 1 thousand chats and apps and webpages, but noone of them combined beats going out to a bar, like 20 years ago, and talking to a woman.
It is easier to get laid for the highly attractive men and for all women. Not for the 80% of men, or even 90%

it's so sad. can you imagine being an average okay looking white girl, except your sister is hotter. so you start slipping into insanity and justifying it like telling yourself stuff like "but im white, im still so hot and desirable" and having to get treated like a cum dumpster by an assortment of men and hoping you can settle with a white guy that's like 4x as old as you eventually so you can be his beard and you get along and relate because he's secretly a fag and also doing that but I'm white thing.

No woman has ever thought this and if you think they do you are fooling yourself.

>The internet doesnt provide any platform to be able to get have sex.
Escort sites

>requires socializing
lol fuck off

Lauren's belly

Isn't she legally a man tho?

feminism and the government replacing the role of the man. the average guy can't compete against the government because the government offers more to women.

>make tinder as average guy
>swipe on everyone, get 3 matches a week
>1 isn't real
>strike out with one
>other date doesn't go anywhere
>repeat for months
>kill yourself

>make tinder as blank square and profile that is female
>swipe on everyone
>wanna smash
>saw we matched up
>all in less than an hour

Yes but we are talking sex without paying, even 90 year old women can have sex with a chad if they have enough money.
And Tinder doesnt allow most men to have sex, only to women and the small minority of highly attractive males (yes I didnt write that sorry)

But you still proved no point

You always pay for sex in one form or another. All women are whores. Once you realize this simple truth you will be able to get laid easily.

I hear you. But I want to have sex with a girl without knowing for certain that I will get it. It is only infuriating when many years go by and you are maxing in every other facet of life.

feminism and the welfare state. women don't need men anymore to raise their kids due to government aid. therefore they can (and would rather) get knocked up by chad and raise his kid alone than have and raise a child with an incel since the government can now provide the financial support that men and incels had a monopoly on in the past.

basically in the past monogomy turned incels into husbands, but now with the advent of feminism and the welfare state women no longer need incels to support them. therefore hypergamy and the 80/20 rule have gone on steroids. this is why 30% of young men are now not having sex, while women are having the same amount of sex as before. instead they just have sex with chad twice now instead of chad once and an incel once.

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>That wouldnt really matter if you'd have the right mindset.
i agree. if your mindset is "no girl should be attracted to me" it does not matter that no girl is attracted to you

How about giving it a try then? You will get rejected lots but so does Chad. He just doesn't give a fuck and moves on to the next girl until he succeeds. Do the same.

Insecurity, honestly

it's not just one thing, unless you are absurdly hideous. it's a bunch of things mixed together that caused it. shitty looks, shitty parents, shitty values, shitty friends, shitty experiences with women, shitty hookup culture, shitty jobs.

You will die a virgin

Thats my problem

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>What do think are the common causes of inceldom?

the biggest cause was the baby boomers thinking every resource was infinite and depleting all of it so gen x, millennials and gen z cannot find a job after college so they have to live at home paying off all the debt from college and are too embarrassed to date and have sex because they don't have a place to take them back to

that and social media

>Internet "dating"
>Social media
>Divorce rates

You're welcome

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>allowing them to gain power by injecting them all over schools, the workplace, media, etc.
this is implying that women always had a drive to become powerful and successful. women always had this ability to become successful, but the truth is, women are not as ambitious as men. when it is made so easy for them to get any position of power over others, they feel the need to take advantage of that and abuse their power.
women may not be as ambitious, but they are even more scheming, petty, and cruel than most men could ever dream to be. they're meant to be kept under control by men, otherwise they get out of control, and then we end up here.

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for me, i missed the boat on developing normally. i dont mean physically, i just never got the drive for a career and wasnt pushed by outside cuircumstances or my parents to do so. i never had the luck to form romantic relationships in MS, HS, or college. these factors made me into a weirdo. i make friends just fine though rarely. at 34 it's too late to play catch up, i live with my mother who enables a spartan NEET lifestyle, which i will maintain until she cant support me, and i will commit suicide. prob 10 years of waiting to go

because it is unproportionately promoted, and now it feels like it is being forced on us to be a new norm that every household has to be mixed

wrong, pretending women are anything other than dumb vapid animals is what causes it

>not developing proper skills in your childhood
>failing socially in school and stimulating yourself with video games rather than attempting to make friends
>once video games bore you go on Jow Forums were social ineptitude is not only seen as the norm but praised
>see posts demonizing females, not having known females through your life aside from popular/slutty girls in high school and take them for face value
>not going to college and providing yourself a second chance
>eventually digging yourself in a hole

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Nah my dad and I get along fine

social isolation origonolly

legitimately believing these ideologies fueled from racial and sexual bias will do it to you pretty much. unless you are both extremely hot and very popular and/or a phenomenal conversationalist, no female would wanna step within a mile of you. and plus your doing it to yourself if you take these ideas and biases to heart, and i wouldn't wanna talk to females if any of this was actually true or if i had those biases.
A woman will naturally become more attracted to you the more time she spends with you, even if your a 3/10 they'll still develop an emotional connection. Also everyone finds different kinds of features attractive just because you aren't the hottest girl in classes cup of tea doesn't mean there's a girl dreaming of someone like you.
free yourself from these toxic mindsets

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Too much affection.

If women are sluttier than why are you still an incel?

> it is being forced on us to be a new norm
More so trying to make it less stigmatized.

Not an incel here, but from what I know of incel-types I'm well aquainted with IRL these tend to be the top reasons:

-Autism or Aspergers
-Mommy issues
-Warped perception of reality due to heavy social media usage and porn-watching

Lack of physical attractiveness and NEETdom often play a major role too, but I've seen a surprising number of incels who were average and above in looks and even some who were fairly financially successful.

>modern hookup culture
>women becoming sluttier


>men not going out due to the internet


ya espacially that last 1
can i ask you though , were have you seen a "surprising number of incels" curious.

Fucking owned lmao.

The internet. it's a shaky theory but I think it has something to do with making you unlikable.

if they are dumb vapid animals than why can't you get one to rub up on your penis?

late capitalist schizoid hyperisolation