You don't let your wife go out late at night with her guy friends? What the fuck is wrong with you bro?

>You don't let your wife go out late at night with her guy friends? What the fuck is wrong with you bro?

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guy in the back looks like hes phoning it in

While the guys in the pic would agree with that statement they would never be that aggressive in person, instead they'd shit talk you behind your back

Sounds fuckin lame homie

I never got the numale hate, most of them have jobs, wives or gfs and fulfilling hobbies and are much more likely TP passen their genes compared to Jow Forumstards

Reminder you probably do that because you know you aren't pleasing her right

They also seem to have really nice teeth too

>getting married
no, really, why on earth would you do this

rich people do it to preserve wealth and build networks, it's actually a good strategy. too bad every other socioeconomic status is busy eating itself

>Another reddit thread

Go back to r/dankmemes or kys fag

The richer you are the bigger your alimony bill will be when she leaves you. Marriage is a very good strategy for women, it's all downside for men.

Jokes on you, I'm not even married.

Mainly because they the signs of a decaying society when men have become feminised pussies and must forfeit their masculinity. In a way the nu-male is the successful adaption of men in this now female dominated world where as the incel is the loser with an obsolete caveman mindset who couldn't adapt and will die out. It's yet to be seen whether the loss of masculinity will have any major impact on the survival of the human race in the long run.

>female dominated world
Wut. The world is ruled by men, always has been, always will be.

Women are far more involved in politics than ever before. A future when males become subservient really isn't that far fetched anymore with whats going on around the world; the roles are reversing. The "stay in the kitchen" males are dying out and being replaced by the betas.

>late at night
Late at night is the time for wives to spend with their husbands.

Insulting Brad Muir is not cool guys

>wagecuck and literal cuck working 60 hours a week to support his fat post-wall roastie wife( who'll divorce him and take everything in a few years ) and Tyrone's two kids, whose only escapism during his precious few hours of free time is watching propaganda about how evil white men like himself are
Wow what a fulfilling and great life

theory: do braces during early stages of development fuck with your skull and your brain?

>why, yes, I let my wife fuck guys at our place, how did you know

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all americans have nice teeth

t. american

they fuck with it by making it better bro. braces is literally what mewing is supposed to accomplish, but it actually does it

The seem pretty happy opposed to Jow Forumsturds whore constantly assmad about everything

>at least I pretend to be happy about my shitty life on social media so I can get tons of uplikes on Normiegram
Yikes, look at the cope on this guy

My wife goes to a d&d evening once a week and it's mostly guys. I don't care about it so I stay at home with vidya.

What's wrong with them? Literally no one does that? Did we just catch the reptilians?

Chads will never go nu-male so no. Itll just be 75% feminized males and 25% chads that fuck all the women. Because women arent attracted to weak males.

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where the fuck you think you are?

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stop worrying about "muh feminists". No one takes them seriously and no one ever will, whites being replaced in their own countries is what you should worry about

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just asking

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Men are doing all the work while women get to relax and live like social royalty. Men are just worker bugs

>he STILL doesn't realize that feminists are the ones voting for the left wing parties that he hates so much
Embarrassing effort tradcuck