I’m starting to think this board isn’t good for my mental health... I feel inferior comparing myself to you all

I’m starting to think this board isn’t good for my mental health... I feel inferior comparing myself to you all

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Don't compare yourself to who you were yesterday. Compare yourself to God and find yourself wanting

That’s the point retard the next step is working harder so you’ll be the one the next fag is feeling insecure about

the point is to work on yourself until you're way better than you are now.

or you can just leave and remain a sack of shit forever. that works too.

Seeing as everyone here is able to 1/2/3/4 after 3 months, you're basically comparing yourself to a population of people with top tier genetics. It's not healthy.

Do not worry brother, this is the internet and people lie and exaggerate all the time. It takes most of the population at least a year and a bit to reach 300 wilks with consistent heavy lifting and intensity. Some people have bad genetics and it will take longer. Just train hard and keep making progress

Nah you never want to be the best man in the room. You’re much better off here than somewhere negative like Jow Forums or Jow Forums.

Only like 5% of the people here have hit 1/2/3/4 at all, never mind in 3 months

This board is the right motivation. Seeing body transformations from 120lb to 200lb, health and life advise, sometimes even good advise, supportive mogging, emotional support and entertainment. What's wrong?

Most people either have no life, are roiding, are lying out their arse or some combination of the three. Lift to mog yourself daily and no one else

You can make it too user

Faggot detected

1. Everyone here is lying.
2. Wouldn’t you rather be an inferior man in a room of the top tier human beings or an above average fish in a bowl of dyels?

Top tier physically, the males of Jow Forums are bottom of the barrel socially and mentally lol

based and checkpilled

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You should feel motivated to become superior to whoever you are comparing yourself to.

What is this, Sweden? Where everyone must be equally miserable so you can feel better about yourself?

Nothing on Jow Forums is good for your mental health. No autistic Laotian needlepoint imageboard is going to positively enhance your life. Come for the memes and laughs. But don't forget...

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Just do your thing and ignore the assholes and spergs on this board.

It use to be called "Health and Fitness"

Let that sink in.

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Stop being inferior

The board is doing its magic. Be glad you were chosen


uh oh poopty doopty haha

You compare yourself to ONE MAN, and that is your former self. Fucking newfag.

don't you mean Zyzz you brainlet lol get rekt never come back EXPLODEDDD hahaha.

you got ruined like a virgin on her wedding day with an ultra CHAD hahah.

do you have a prolapse now cause u got ass blasted hahah.

outer space destroyeDDDDD rEsT iN pIeCeS hahah

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Do what is best for you. We all have to depart from others expectations for that purpose.

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