we need to start being hostile to normalfags again I saw shit tons of "my gf" posts.
what the fuck guys? why arent you telling them to fuck off? I have to do it by myself now.
We need to start being hostile to normalfags again I saw shit tons of "my gf" posts
That only works when they arent a majority and demographic shifts rarely reverse.
sounds like you're just jealous lmao
this is a place for social outcasts and spergs that arent able to aquire girlfriends and if you are able to get one you really shouldnt be on Jow Forums.
>demographic shifts rarely reverse
we can get them to fuck off by posting about subjects that they hate such as mlp and teletubbies. then theyll be embarrassed to browse the board in front of their friends
the old way to gatekeep effectively was spamming gore. normalfag shitfucks couldn't stomach it because they hadn't been desensitized to it as a result of lurking.
it really wouldn't take much to expel females. all robots either 1) ignore the thot or 2) inform them bluntly that they are not welcome here
the harder thing is the problem within our own ranks - contactfagging whiteknight niggers. these people, no different than those who donate thousands of dollars to twitch thots, are the greatest danger to the board. in my opinion it is more important to shame these people than thots.
Was. It also serves as a great example for the inevitably of cultural shifts from demographic change. Maybe if the barrier to entry was conceptually more rigorous or if commiseration was more niche as boards like out and po have remained quite stable.
i hate these fags too but there is nothing we can do about it unfortunately
Go mobilize and see what comes of it. Most interactions they have will not be rejection or opposition and that is what would be necessary.
Those tactics rely on a majority which adheres to similar rules.
Normalniggers are the majority here now and they have become slightly desensitized to gore. I hate saying this but there is nothing we can do about it