Cut or bulk?
Cut or bulk?
I'm 175lbs, 6ft
You're basically me right now
Bulk to 200 then cut
That's my goal
Damn really? Would you mind posting your body, nohomo desu.
You need to lift
Cut, you are fat.
Clean bulk for like 2-3 more months and you'll get to full ottermode. Don't give up now.
Carnivore cut.
Nice gyno
Now you see, the idea here is that you should triple the quantity of your nipples.
The effect is twofold.
Primarily, the nipples achieve a more balanced look to your body. Human psychology dictates that the most striking part of your torso would be your muscles or lack thereof, followed by your nipples. Since you fall in the latter category, it is advisable that you direct the movement of the eyes in an aesthetically pleasing manner. Multiplying your available udders by three achieves this. The addition of four nipples also creates a streamlined appearance, with them proceeding in an inward fashion as looks are provided downward on your chest.
Secondly, the addition of 4 nipples allows you to emulate the great guru Xavier, whom which has his teachings widely propagated by the documentary known as “Xavier Renegade Angel”. Allowing for this physical alteration provides philosophical insight on an extremely complex level. Comprehension of concepts like “fate”, “destiny” or “fatestinatey” becomes mere child’s play. Should you value your spiritual growth, this would make an indispensable enhancement to your physical form
I cannot emphasise the paramount importance of this enrichment to your being. I wish you all the best in your exploits,
>oh young one who does not use CBT or QTDDTOT.
cut wrists
>0 muscle mass
>should I cut xD
He's too fat to bulk. Prob 25% bf easily
Cutting is a waste of time when he can just bulk on a 300 surplus
Then he'll end up like your lardass, with no definition. He should cut to 15% and do a slow, clean bulk.
>gain muscle and bulk then cut and maintain
>cut, dont gain anything then bulk immediately after
>b-b-but he will look like shit
He will look a lot better with a higher bf and some muscle then low bf, but really who gives a shit it's just fat you can lose it anytime
He is already fat as fuck you fucking delusional retard. Caloric surplus will only put more fat on him and create even more fat cells. When you cut your fat cells only shrink, they never dissapear and this is the reason why so many fat fucks always rebound super fast.
False. Can't be bothered to find a source but the body doesn't produce new fat cells after adolescence. It's easier to cut when you already have muscle. Like the other user said he should bulk to 200 and then go on a cut.
You may think that you are funny.
You aren't. Stop trying so hard.
Fuck off. I'm op and I think it's pretty fuckin great
>body doesn't produce new fat cells after adolescence
>You may think that you are funny.
implying I'm trying to entertain you
u wot m8
Barring he doesn't put on 30lbs of pure fat like a retard, he should have an easy time getting lean. Without any loose skin.
>guy is at least 25% bf
>tell him he should bulk
>"he should have an easy time getting lean"
he needs at least 4 months worth of cut as of right now and you're telling him to bulk. I can guarantee you're a fucking fat shit yourself and this is your coping mechanism.
I someday hope to get nippled.
So which one of these 2 retards is right Jow Forums ?
Should he really cut or bulk, let settle this
Roid, but don't tell Harry
You should ALWAYS cut first and then bulk. You can't put on muscle without putting on fat. If you're fat you can't see progress and look and feel worse and worse. Only people who should start away with bulking are skinnyfat faggots who are high in bf percentage ON PAPER due to extremely low muscle mass. OP doesn't look like a totally frail skeleton.
Neither. He should actually be doing a body recomp.
There doesn't seem to a consensus. I guess I'll just keep eating at maintenance while doing progressive overload.
What about me? Cutting right now.
Bulk. Height and weight?
200g protein per day, non negotiable.
Cut to 15% at least then clean bulk.
He has no muscle. There's nothing to cut down to.
how long have you been training to begin with ? if you get any fatter youll just lose motivation to workout.
you probably need at least 1.5 more years before you feel like a cut really paid off and youre proud of how youll look ripped.
all the more reason to cut, literally nothing to lose but fat
Been lifting for three months. I just want my delts to get bigger and more defined before I start a serious cut.
I still think you should cut, tubby.
Already on 200 grams, any routines you recommend?
Don't listen to that other guy. I would cut to 15%. That would probably take 2-3 months. Then start a big boy bulk, no cutting corners.
How hard a bulk we talking about? I'm trying to get big.
No roids though