With your big 3 please
With your big 3 please
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All you faggots who look like shit have to post in this thread so the other lads can feel better about themselves
No I wont take the faggot necklace off, every rep is for jesus.
Bad quality picture probably
Nice legs OP
Squat 405
Bench 320
Dead 465
You have mild scoliosis. Go get that checked out OP. dont ruin your back
>inb4 weird belly
>inb4 butthole belly
Stfu you fucking bafoon retard I know I have a weird belly I see it ever fucking day you don’t need to tell me that you dumbass
that necklace is based bro, don't worry about it
Those threads are literally for people who look like shit. Pretty much 99% of bodies posted in a regular cbt thread looks like fucking shit and people who actually look good post very rarely and they are on gear. When you look good you don't need to post on a faggot board to be validated because you know you look good.
How does everybody in these threads have such huge numbers and look like shit? My numbers are bad and I mog most of you at 6'4.
Bench 253
Squat 440
Dead 452
Definitely seeing progress, but I feel like I should've seen more in about 4.5 months. Am I wrong?
5'10 194
Angles, lighting, camera, people look way bigger IRL
You bulked too hard
Fuck you bitch
Weird belly button bro looks like a little baby’s ear embedded into your stomach are you sure you can’t hear things using your belly button?
Looks good for 4 months progress keep it up bro
oh wow this looks like my before body but with some gut but im almost 3 months in and im no where near ur CBT wtf?
what are ur stats and routine tell me ur secret senpai
Yeah definitely, I had no fucking clue about how to bulk so I just tried to eat 4k calories a day without looking at macros for like 2 months. Then switched to a cleaner bulk and I've been cutting really strictly for the past month or so. Lost about 8lbs so far, will probably continue cutting until the end of august.
Thanks, I'm 6'0 at 168 right now doing a slightly modified PHUL routine with very strict diet.
Ayyyy, I'm pale as fuck
what weight did u start on m8y? did you look fat when you bulked?
Started at 170 I think; bulked to 177 then cut down to 168.
Honestly I wish I didn't bulk and knew about noobie gainz before I started. I'm still able to add weights to my lifts even after cutting for over a month. Now I have slight bitch tits that are hard to get rid of.
>calling it a faggot necklace
Be proud of your religion bro
Bench 225
Squat 280
Deadlift 350
ok what this is exactly what happened to me. i was skinnyfat (still is) with high bf but i didnt know that so i bulked and gained 7lbs. i still look skinnyish on clothes so idk if i should cut already.
I’m a fat fuck starting to get back in the gym, I have no idea what my 1RM’s are.
you could perfectly be me
necklace included
Deep in the bulk atm, never been this heavy.
5'10, 103kg, natty
Plan on competing again next year in some natty bodybuilding comps.
230 squat
165 bench
260 dead
110 ohp
6'2, 213lbs. 31y/o, lifting for about 5.5 years.
Former fatty so loose skin which sucks but oh well.
Squat- about 405 1rm, dropped hard during this cut.
Bench- 275 1rm, never been a good bench presser, and it shows in my chest.
Deadlift- 545 was my last heavy single, probably had 555 but didn't try.
Was doing 5x5x
110lb barbell cleans > OHP.
>1 year
>Literally I look 10000000000% worse
I give up.
around 6-8 months, I put on about 25lb getting a lil chubby i think maybe i'll cut soon am i gonna make it?
lmao your face, never going to make it
220 lbs
I know I look fucking dyel because of my high bf% rn but I’ve been lifting less than a year and I’ve got a decent big 3 I think
Squat: 365
Bench: 240
Dead: 400
don't cycle to quickly. I mean you're just starting out so not a huge deal, but if you're cutting for a month and bulking for a month on and off you're just gonna put on and off the same 5 pounds over and over. Look up some cycle programs and modify if you need, but follow a general timeline. Nice progress so far.
you look like genova
>165 bench
what the fuck my cat can bench that
that freaky janoy cresva look
How many kcals are you eating user?
3500-3800 depending on the day
80kg 180cm, visiting Sardinia :)
fucking hell mate how far can you run/fight before dropping dead?
Looking absolutely beast mode dude big goals
would mire from a distance / 10
Retard my bodyweight is in kg do you think my lifts are in lbs?
is that a fucking skivie shirt?
I was on the fence about wearing this in drumpfs America, but you're right. I'm not compromising my religion for anyone!
MIRING the forearms.
You are somewhat proportional but stop putting focus on your bis and tris. Work your back and core more and you'll look 100%.
nice. Now start working out.
Have you tried lifting?
You can’t fool us by pressing your meatbag arms against a flat surface
Adidas compression shirt.
The "model" is more DYEL than I am.
>6' 1", size M, 30" waist
>me - 5'8", size L (mediums are too small on arms and chest), 30" waist
Its almost like strength doesnt correlate with size
How’s my summer bulk boys
Left: March, 198lbs
Right: Today, 218lbs
Took my squat from 355 to 420 and my OHP from 175 to 200. Time to cut?
183cm/6’0” 90kg/198lbs
I’m a DYEl but I could also stand to lose like 20lbs
Everybody says I’m big but I feel like a semi deflated lazy bag
If I was you, I would just keep bulking until January. You're making progress. No reason to stop now. Strike while the iron is hot.
The bulking won’t end until a 315lb bench
>255 bench
>315 ATG 3 second squat
>180 OHP
>405 Conv dead
Post an actual standing pic
train abs lanklet
76 kg
183 cm
20 yo
Watcha think boys?
Here you go bro
Not gon lie I defo push em up on preacher to make em bigger
huge, is this you now at 103kg? Lifts?
>All natty guys ;)
What is that cope lighting kek
Made me actually go "damn holy shit" out loud
post pic of finger in belly button
you're not dyel, you would look great at 10-12% bf, you're about 20% right now
keep it up, work on the pose though
Benchpress 185
Squat 225
Deadlift 315
Not bad you are getting there. If you haven’t try a hypertrophy program focusing on chest back and arms, and follow it with a brief intense cut. Then just slowly work your bf down. Also don’t forget your abs user. Bracing exercises and leg raises or something of the sort every day you are at the gym
good insertions
Genuinely natty, drug and lie detector tests for comps
Bruh I know, every Time screenshot my cropped pic it goes dark, fucking android
should i work more on my abs then cut bros? helpp mee
cringe christcuck dyel
>looking like that with those stats
Just kill me now
it literally does, only DYELS think powerlifters and other strength competitors train exclusively in a 5 rep range
sure bro
Kinda stuck here 180lbs 6’2
You look bad because you are fat dude. Give up on strength for a bit and cut like 25lbs, you’ll look like you actually lift and feel better about yourself
thanks bro
Yeah, but muh 275 bench. If i can maintain that on a cut I'll do it, but when you tell people you bench 275 they act like you're a god.
It's also a lot easier to hide under your bed and say you don't need to change anything like a faggot (me)
185lbs bodyweight
Squat:- 445
Bench:- 315
Deadlift:- 535
Currently working on general cardio and endurance conditioning while I take a couple weeks off from strength training.
Also deemphasized tricep training as they are out of proportion to rest of physique.
20-30min farmers walk on treadmill with dumbbells
Going to start biking in fall to cut...so working on stamina/strength for legs
>big 3
Construction, landscaping, and furniture refinishing
Calisthenics on the side
Squat - 105kg
Deadlift 170kg
Bench 100kg
OHP 62.5kg
184 cm 74kg
Anyone got a recommendation for a workout that focuses on this? I'm in a similar spot but an extremely dyel upper body. Going into trex mode essentially, and need to get my proportions right