Why do women react to cocks this way? why does it shock them so much?

why do women react to cocks this way? why does it shock them so much?

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Only because it's not a BBC. Their facial expression would be one of complete lust

This is plenty and the acting is terrible. I did Deadpool better in the French Quarter.

It's for the amusement of the male. It doesn't actually shock them, it just makes men feel good about themselves.

>why do porn actresses act

Attached: thinking apustaja.png (741x568, 29K)

Porn i mean. Fuming autocorrect.

>that bitch on the left

Because you are watching porn

why the fuck do you post a picture without the video sauce you literal piece of worthless shit, is because of people like you the world is going to hell.

Why would you want the sauce for that?

Why does porn try to appeal to a comon fantasy?

Oh my god a penis, i've never seen one before as a woman in 2019.

I am a BOT and i work for a company that makes porn algorithm and i need this sauce for my database.

to jerk off you stupid fuck.

porn is all fantasy shit made by nymphos.

Because it's pornography and you want to feel better about your tiny dick by imagining it being so big it's shocking.

they are qt as fuck ballerinas I def want to see the source

How do girls actually react to big dicks? Like I know porn is completely unrealistic, but I've been told a lot of conflicting things.
Asking for a friend.

in the moment it's something like lust, but i've found out after the fact that it was "intimidating" and that felt good desu

>Only because it's not a BBC. Their facial expression would be one of complete lust
hello tyrone

Attached: tyrone.png (341x576, 320K)

Stupid piece of shit learn to fucking image search, literally the first result

Source please, I demand

Attached: 1553975447844.png (264x342, 33K)

Listen wanker, dick head, retard, bitch, cock, queer, slut, faggot, boob An Ass hat, ball sack, spanner back, an anorak, You Shit face, dumbass, prick, pussy, cum, twat, cunt, vaginal belch Bugger, tit, bastard, Git, piss off you slag, Vanessa feltz
You're a dipshit, scrotum, ho, skank, scumbag, fucknut, ass wipe, ringpiece you're a grilled dick sandwich, peeled off plaster puss filled sputum ball of grease A shrivelled foreskin, mouldy clit, a smutty, nutty, gritty little cluster fuck A stanky ass child rapist, smegma pile of rotting guts How you like getting insulted for no reason you faggot? Call me a piece of shit again you turd

>his dick isn't even that big
every damn time.

>what is clickbait
you got baited son

Poopoo head!dingdongdiddly!

>in the moment it's something like lust, but i've found out after the fact that it was "intimidating" and that felt good desu
Could you elaborate?